My Mother Essay | Essay on My Mother for Students and Children in English

My Mother Essay: A mother is a term given to a person who sacrifices and prioritises for her children’s well-being, growth, development, and welfare throughout life. A mother not just gives birth to a child or children but holds lifelong commitment to love him/her, care towards the child or children and show dedication and devotion without any prerequisites or conditions.

Mothers play a significant role in each person’s life as she plays the role of a protector, a friend, as well as a disciplinarian. A mother is a selfless, loving human whose warmth, sacrifice, and endearment knows no bounds. In this essay on my Mother, I am going to talk about my Mother and the reasons why she holds a special place in my heart.  Besides the article on my Mother, we have broken the essay in paragraphs to help you prepare a speech on the topic my Mother.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on My Mother for Students and Kids in English

We provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Right To Privacy” for reference. As Princess Diana once said ‘A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’, I vouch for the saying through thick and thin. My Mother is a perfect example of a selfless, devoted, and loving human being. She is the strongest and would undertake any amount of penance to protect my family and me.

My Mother has been a constant source of support, standing by me through the ups and downs in life. She often spends sleepless nights taking care of me during sickness and other bad days. My mother was my first teacher who taught me every step of life and understood my responsibilities towards the family, society, and the country. My Mother’s contributions to the family always motivate me to keep going towards the right path. My Mother is a living goddess who miraculously takes away all the pains from me and my family and showers with abundant love and care.

Short Essay on My Mother 150 Words in English

Short Essay on My Mother is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Mother is the most significant person in my life. She has always nurtured me, taken care of me at every moment, and is the biggest blessing in my life. The role of a mother is different and the most precious moment of our life. My Mother is a simple, humble, and down to earth person who always shows a keen interest in our activities and talks.

She has an epitome of selfless love, desired sincerity, much-needed truthfulness, abounding care, and a teacher who teaches me to face the toughest challenges of life. My mother is my greatest inspiration who introduced me to achieve my goals, stay healthy and be brave by overcoming all the hardships of life.

My Mother is both my teacher, my superhero, and my best friend. She is the keystone of my education and helped me groom my skills and abilities. I can never compare my Mother’s genuine love and care all through my life. Her selfless thoughts are the most valuable possession I cling onto. My Mother’s constant prayers and blessings have helped me become successful in every walk of life. The saying ‘A mother knows is the best and loves us the most’ is apt as none can take her place of solidarity in my life.


A mother is an epitome of selfless, caring, giving, and a loving being who is the most significant source of happiness and joy. There exists no parallel of a mother and all other next to kin remain inferior to motherhood. A mother is the source of our existence and happiness. She stands by and remains our constant support system through all the roller coaster rides we experience in life. No better person can be a valuable source of inspiration than a mother herself.

The Existing Bond

A special bond between a mother and child is a bond so trustworthy and genuine to reach an end. The bond I share with my mother is something that I will cherish throughout my life. Her love and constant prayers towards my family and me is the intense willpower that keeps us going. She understands the wrongdoings and remains patient and calm, forgives, and helps me solve all problems. She is my protector on earth who shields me from all hatred and bad vibes around me.


My Mother prepares the most delicious meal and bakes the yummiest cookies. Her efforts to take care of us, finish the chores, and maintain the house is truly immense. My Mother has always been my teacher, who helps me with my everyday homework and the person who teaches me the practical skills to overcome difficulties in life. My Mother is the brightest star in the galaxy and the only proper solution to all my problems.

Essay on My Mother

My Mother Essay 400 Words in English


A mother is a symbol of unconditional love, compassion, honesty, fearlessness, and hard work. She plays the role of a parent, guide, mentor, and a teacher for her child and illuminates the atmosphere with her acts of kindness and smile. The words’ Mother’ sums a lot of emotion to every child and emotionally attaches us and brings us closer to her. A mother’s love and affection know no bounds and surprisingly, even animals display a strong sense of protective motherhood. A mother is not necessarily biologically related to the children but is a person who feeds and nurtures them in every aspect of their growth.

My Mother’s Love

My Mother is an essence of love, sincerity, and truthfulness. She is the sole reason for the abundance of love and blessings in the family. Her selfless and myriad of love and care is directional with no demand for anything in return. My Mother cares for everyone in the family and inspires me to be a devoted, sincere, hardworking, and fearless person in the near future. A mother’s love is not constrained and restricted for the family and shares her passion and act of kindness towards animals and others in need. Due to these actions, she is always sensitive to animals and the environment.

My Mother’s Strengths

Although my Mother is not physically a strong-willed person, she still faces every hurdle of her life and her family. She is a constant source of motivation who teaches me to never submit during difficult times. Above all, my Mother is my significant source of encouragement which helps me improve my overall skills, studies, and talents. She motivates me to try again and never give up and also strive till I achieve success.

A Companion During Trouble

My Mother is my life saviour during troubled times. Even though she scolds me and corrects me, she is the only person strong enough to solve the problem, whether school-related or life-related. She is my guide and mentor, who lights the path and directs during the darkest times. Above all, she never leaves my side even in the hardest and darkest of times. She is the best teacher, a strict parent, a true friend, and a lovely companion. Not just my Mother but every Mother is an incarnation of God who lives her life entirely for her family and deserves much credit and praiseworthy applause.

Long Essay on My Mother 500 Words in English

Long Essay on My Mother is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.


The well-known English writer Rudyard Kipling once said ‘God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers’. The statement highlights the importance and role of a mother as to not less than that of God. A mother is a symbolisation of unimaginable care and love. A family would never be perfect without the presence of a mother. She bridges the vacant gaps in our lives and is the idol of selfless love and kindness.

My Mother is the one person I rely entirely upon. She works tirelessly and is the sole reason for my growth and development. She never shows any differentiation within the family and showers equal and undivided affection and love to all our family. Her love for the family is unconditional and wholehearted. She sacrifices all her needs and wishes for the welfare of her family. My Mother has been my most significant source of encouragement and played a vital role in my holistic, physical, and mental growth and development.

Definition of a Mother 

A mother can genuinely never be defined with little words. However, in simple terms, a mother is an unconditional lover, a caregiver, a warrior, a cooker, a baker, a best friend, a psychologist, and a discipliner. A mother bears every excellent and evil burden as the days grow and are often left behind. Mothers never get much appreciation and credit for their hard work and relentless works.

A mother possesses many qualities which makes her the idol of love and hard work. She is the statue of forgiveness and forgives and accepts us after every mistake we commit. She corrects our errors with strict measures and ensures that we realise our faults and understand our responsibility. A mother works relentlessly to fulfil all our wishes from morning to night and day in and day out.

A mother is a person who comforts you during distress, who makes sacrifices and puts in every effort to give her child a comfortable life. A mother is a selfless human being; she is like the sun that chases out all darkness and bestows the light of happiness and love upon her family.

Role of My Mother

My Mother plays an instrumental role in the development and welfare of my family. She is the adhesive that holds the family together through unconditional love, care, and support. She provides the ideal environment for my family and educates us appropriately by being the best role model.

I often quote my Mother as the reader of non-verbal cues that she has created a better bond with the family, making her the lifesaver during any emotional, physical, or behavioural changes without much difficulty. She instils the teachings of trust, confidence, and emotional stability. She has been a crucial part of the behavioural development of my siblings and me. She serves as the emotional backbone and contributes immensely to the positive effect of my family.

The Importance of My Mother

The importance of a mother can be easily understood from the total dependency developed by her children. My Mother is the source of life, and her very existence is a blessing in disguise. She teaches us to hold and walk with confidence and have belief in ourselves.

A mother plays a huge role in moulding and determining her child’s attitude and behaviour. She inculcates moral values and plays a huge role in teaching good and bad things in a child’s life.

She is the first teacher who introduces the child to the world and is thus responsible for society’s well-being. Mothers are the backbones of every family and unite every individual into a powerful and holistic group. My Mother plays the sculptor’s role as she moulds and directs the path that has given me a bright and respected future.

Qualities of My Mother

A mother possesses absolute natural and acquired valuable qualities that describes her role as a mother. Motherhood comes with responsibility, and this is the essential quality as a mother. My Mother shows selfless love and affection irrespective of the age and consequences.

My Mother is my biggest strength and support system and stays strong and motivates us during all our ups and downs. Mothers can understand and remain empathetic towards her family. My Mother’s most bold quality is high tolerance and patience levels. She remains calm and patient while dealing with multiple problems.

Essay about My Mother

My Mother Essay Conclusion

My Mother is a sacred statue of forgiveness, selfless love, kindness, boldness, fearlessness, and patience. My Mother’s selfless love towards our family can never be replaced by anything or anyone in this world. In my opinion, the mother figure plays the most instrumental and pivotal role in a child’s life and upbringing because she is the most significant role model for the child. It is our responsibility to bestow her with the sam love and affection during her golden days.

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