Notarial Certificate | Format, Sample, Example and Elements of Notarial Certificate

Notarial Certificate: The notarial certificate is a composed assertion, marked and fixed by the legal official public, confirming the current realities of a notarial demonstration. The two most regular notarial acts a legal official will be approached to perform are overseeing vows and taking affirmations. Pledges and affirmations are two diverse notarial acts, accordingly, each will require its own endorsement phrasing. Continuously check with your state’s dispatching position to ensure you utilize satisfactory notarial language.

Students can find more about Certificates, explore the types used for academic purposes, professional purposes and more.

Notarial Certificate Meaning

Notarial declaration implies the piece of, or connection to, a legally approved record that is finished by the legal official public, bears the legal official public’s mark, title, bonus termination date, public accountant enlistment number, and other required data concerning the date and spot of the authentication and states the realities bore witness to or affirmed by the public accountant public in a specific authorization.

Types of Notarial Certificate

There are 2 types of Notarial Certificate which are as follows:

  1. Jurat Certificate
  2. Acknowledgment Certificate

Jurat Certificate

A jurat is a public accountant’s accreditation that the person in question controlled a vow or attestation to the underwriter, whose mark was made in the legal official’s essence. The motivation behind a jurat is for an underwriter to pledge to or attest the honesty of a record’s substance. All together for a jurat to be accurately executed, the underwriter must sign the record before the legal official. Reports that regularly require promises or attestations are applications, oaths, or any sworn assertion wherein the underwriter presents certain realities recorded as a hard copy.

Acknowledgment Certificate

An affirmation is a revelation that the underwriter comprehends the substance of the archive, has marked the report and agrees to the terms and conditions expressed in the record. The affirmation declaration is the Notary’s accreditation of the subtleties of this notarial demonstration. The endorser may either sign the report preceding showing up before a public accountant or in the legal official’s essence. In one of the other examples, the underwriter must recognize marking the record for its proposed reason. Affirmations are ordinarily needed for contracts, forces of a lawyer, or any kind of archive where an individual needs to consent to some specific terms of the record.

Notarial Certificate in India

Notarial certificate in India is the official misrepresentation obstacle strategy to check that a report is genuine. Practically all nations have a legal official or public accountant public that observes the marking of imperative endorsements. He confirms the personality of the signatory and his mindfulness about the substance while marking the record.

Basically, the public accountant can authenticate a marriage declaration or degree before the MEA confirmation on the degree endorsement. The legally approved record is viewed as a seal of confirmation from India in numerous nations.

Section 14 of the Notaries Act states, “If the Central Government is fulfilled that by the law or practice of any nation or spot outside India, the notarial demonstrations done by Notaries inside India are perceived for all or any restricted reasons for that nation or spot, the Central Government may, by warning in the official periodical, proclaim that the notarial demonstrations legitimately done by public accountants inside such nation or spot will be perceived inside India for all reasons or, by and large, for such restricted purposes as might be determined in the notice.”

Four Elements of Notarial Certificate

Before we discuss the format, let us discuss the basic four parts of notarial certificate. They are:

  • Venue
  • The Body
  • Notary’s signature
  • Notary’s seal

Venue: The venue alludes to where the authentication happens. The setting sets up the capabilities and authority of the Notary or authenticating official playing out the notarial demonstration.

The Body: The body incorporates the principal data about the notarial demonstration, including the name of the endorser, the date of legal approbation, and significant insights regarding the notarial demonstration itself.

Notary’s Signature: There is consistently space for a notary’s signature. You should sign your name precisely as it shows up on your Notary bonus.

Notary’s Seal: Putting the seal on a notarial endorsement “verifies” or builds up the validity of the notarial demonstration. Regularly, you will append your seal close to your mark. Make sure it is understood and decipherable.

Notarial Certificate Format

A notarial certificate must be proven by an endorsement. This implies that, when authorizing reports, the legal official public must incorporate an assertion demonstrating the kind of notarial act performed, indicating when, where, and before whom the notarial demonstration was finished. It is never worthy to put just a single mark and seal on an archive, with no notarial language.
The notarial certificate must:

  • be executed contemporaneously with the presentation of the notarial demonstration
  • be dated and endorsed by the legal official with the legal official public’s name precisely and just as it shows up on the public accountant’s bonus
  • recognize the region and state where the notarial demonstration is performed
  • contain the legal official’s legitimate stamp, which must be put on the authentication close to the public accountant public’s mark in a structure fit for photographic multiplication.

Samples of Notarial Certificate

Notarial certificates are available for the following notarial acts:

  • Affirmation
  • Acknowledgment
  • Witnessing or attesting a signature
  • Attesting a copy

Life Certificate

Consular Section                                                                            Consulate General of India
Fax:                                                                                                   Address:
Email:S.No.:                                                                                                Date:

Life Certificate

This is to certify that Mr./Mrs./Miss.____________________________
A citizen of India holding passort number_______________________
Issued on____________at __________________________________
Appeared before me or local notary in person on _________________
And has affixed his/her signature here below in my or local notary’s presence.

[Signature of pensioner]


Life Certificate

FAQ’s on Notarial Certificate

Question 1.
What is a notarial certificate?

The notarial certificate is a composed assertion, marked and fixed by the legal official public, confirming the current realities of a notarial demonstration.

Question 2. 
What should a notarial certificate have?

The signature of individual and notary, a statement that document was signed before a notary, the seal of the notary.

Question 3. 
What are the types of notarial certificates?

Jurat Certificate and Authorization Certificate

Question 4.
What are the parts of a notarial certificate?


  • Venue
  • The Body
  • Notary’s signature
  • Notary’s seal

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