Ownership Certificate | Format and Application Process of Ownership Certificate

Ownership Certificate: Ownership certificate is given to the individual who owns a property such as a house, a land or commercial space. The ownership certificate is issued by the state government in India where the individual is residing. This certificate proves that the person is the sole owner of the property with all legal rights and there is no dispute regarding its ownership.

A person who has the ownership certificate has the right to take all the decisions related to the property. He/she can sell the property or give it for rent or lease (in case of house or commercial space) as per government norms. No other person has the right to raise any dispute against it. Usually the certificate is issued by the Revenue officer or Tehsildar of the district.

Individuals have to reach the nearby Tehsil office or Divisional Revenue office to apply for the ownership certificate. Whoever individual is having a property should compulsorily have the certificate of ownership. The validity of the certificate is different for different states.

The land ownership certificate is provided by the state government whether the citizen is of Kerala state or Telangana state or any other state. It’s the responsibility of the local government to issue the certificate of ownership. The certificate could be in regional languages such as Hindi, Gujarati, Malayalam, Telugu, Bengali, etc. or in English as well.

Citizens belonging to village or rural areas can reach to their nearby district revenue officer to get the certificate. Let us discuss the application procedure, documents required, validity and other related details.

Students can find more about Certificates, explore the types used for academic purposes, professional purposes and more.

Ownership Certificate Application Form

Individuals who want to get their ownership certificate for the property they own, have to apply for it. They need to get the form from the nearby Tehsil office or revenue office and fill in the required details such as:

  • Name (Who own the property)
  • Address
  • Contact details
  • Details of property such as registration number, token number, etc.

Attach the documents required with the application form and submit the form to the officer there. After the verification of documents has been done by officials, you will receive a message on your phone number as provided in the application form. It can take up to 30 days to get a reply regarding their application, so individuals have to keep patience till then.

Once verification is done and the application is approved, the ownership certificate will be issued by the area revenue officer. The applicant has to go to the revenue office and get the certificate. The certificate will have the signature of the revenue officer and an official stamp.

Documents Required for Ownership Certificate

  • ID proof (PAN card, Voter ID, etc.)
  • Aadhaar card
  • Copy of Registration of property
  • Proof of Identity or Ration card
  • A copy of the encumbrance Certificate

Ownership Certificate Application Fees

The ownership certificate is issued with a nominal application fee, the individual has to pay along with the application form.

Ownership Certificate Format

A format of Possession certificate includes the following details:

  • Name of owner
  • Name of Father/Husband
  • City of residence of the owner
  • Plot number
  • Total area in square yards
  • Place of property
  • Name of property
  • Signature of the owner
  • Signature of a revenue officer
  • Name of a revenue officer
  • Official stamp

Land Ownership Certificate
Government of India
Office of Revenue Officer


This is to certify that Sri/Smt/Kum…………………………………………………………………………..
S/o, D/o, W/o, …………………………………………………………………………………………… Aged…………………………………………years is the Owner of land/house in S.No…………………………………………extent………………………………… acres located in…………………………………………………………..village.

He/She is the sole owner of the above land and it is in his/her possession and enjoyment. There is no dispute regarding its ownership. This land is not Government land or assigned land belonging to the Government.

This is to further certify that the above-mentioned land and its owner Sri/Smt./Kum……………………………………………………………………………………… is not hit by J&K Tenancy Act, J&K Land Ceiling Act, Inam Abolition Act and the land is free from any proceedings under the said Acts.

Station Seal:

Land Ownership Certificate

FAQ’s on Ownership Certificate

Question 1.
What is an ownership certificate?

Ownership certificate is given to the individual who owns a property such as a house, a land or commercial space. This certificate proves that the person is the sole owner of the property with all legal rights and there is no dispute regarding its ownership.

Question 2. 
Who issues certificate of ownership?

The ownership certificate is issued by the state government in India where the individual is residing. It is issued by the district Tehsil office or revenue officer.

Question 3. 
How to get an ownership certificate?

Applicant has to reach the nearby Divisional Revenue Office and get the application form. Fill the required details and attach the copy of documents as per mentioned. Submit the form to the revenue officer. After the verification process is done, the applicant will receive the message on his/her mobile number.

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