Principle of Pollution Essay | Essay on Principle of Pollution for Students and Children in English

Principle of Pollution Essay: With the expansion of industries and technologies, the developments are increasing. But it is saddening to find that with development, the pollution of the environment has also come up, posing threats to the lives on earth. All these pollution result in deadly diseases like cancer, bronchitis etc. In human beings.

People play music in high volumes and do construction works by using machines that produce many sounds. This leads to noise pollution. Moreover, the ice glaciers are melting due to the extreme rise in the temperature. This will also lead to floods and landslides at various place. These are paving ways to the natural calamities, leading to the destruction of lives and property.

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Long and Short Essays on Principle of Pollution for Students and Kids in English

We are providing the students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic of pollution.

Long Essay on Principle of Pollution 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Principle of Pollution is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The term “pollution” can be defined as the contamination or mixing of the natural resources by the pollutants or the contaminants. Pollution always results in depletion of quality of the natural resources. Many kinds of pollutions are occurring around us in the environment. Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Noise Pollution, Land Pollution or Soil Pollution and Radioactive elements pollution are prominently discussed and widespread. The entire environment of the world is so interdependent. Hence, if there occurs pollution of anything, subsequently, the rest of the environment will be affected directly and indirectly.

Water Pollution occurs when the various pollutants mix with the waters in the different water bodies including ocean, sea, rivers, lakes, underwater etc. The reckless and ignorant activities of human beings are resulting in mammoth level pollution of water. The people dump their domestic wastes into rivers and canals. Many people also immerse idols, ashes of dead bodies and other flowers of religious ceremonies in the water bodies due to which water pollution occurs. Also, the giant companion, mills and factories dump their factory wastes, which are generally toxic into the water bodies without even treating the chemicals in them. Not to forget that the farmers, nowadays are using a lot of chemical pesticides and fertilisers in cultivating crops. These harmful chemicals seep into the soil and also affect the water table or underground water.

The water pollution has degraded the quality of water and not to forget that this is also resulting in scarcity of freshwater. Many people are dying by getting affected by diseases like jaundice, cholera, diarrhoea, typhoid etc. By consuming the polluted waters. The aquatic animals are also significantly getting affected by water pollution and subsequently dying by consuming those water.

In the case of soil pollution, the pollutants mix with the soil or land. The main reason for this is the massive wastes that humans produce. Humans and animals excrete in the open for which the soil gets polluted. Also, harmful pesticides and fertilisers used to affect soil quality. The pollution of soil simultaneously affects the plants and the fruits they bear. Moreover, whoever consumes it gets affected by severe health issues.

In the case of air pollution, the air is polluted by the pollutants. The harmful gases that are released by factories and the smokes released by the vehicles pollute the air. All these affect the respiratory system of human beings. The atmosphere is becoming a difficult place to dwell in. In the case of noise pollution, the high volume sounds are produced by speakers. This may lead to permanent deafness.

People should focus more on the plantation and stop deforestation. They should also start rainwater harvesting to save water. To combat all these pollutions, all we need is awareness. Moreover, the Government should take all the necessary steps to regulate such careless activities of the people. If the necessary actions are not taken in time, it is not too late to face a catastrophe.

Essay on Principle of Pollution

Short Essay on Principle of Pollution 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Principle of Pollution is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Nowadays, pollution is a significant threat to human beings and all other organisms on earth. The pollution is a result of negligent and injudicious actions of human beings. There are many kinds of pollution, like soil pollution, water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution. When the factories and mills throw out their waste materials into the water bodies, it pollutes the water. This adversely affects aquatic organisms.

Those who will consume this water, they will also put their lives at risk. The toxic pesticides and fertilisers that are used during farming pollute the soil. The human and animal faeces, dead bodies of animals left in open all pollutes the environment. The burning of plastics and other forms of it pollutes the air. Thus, it is high time we become aware of the surroundings and take care of our action. We should not exploit the natural resources but rather save the environment, thereby save ourselves.

10 Lines on Principle of Pollution in English

1. Pollution is the contamination of the natural resources by the pollutants.
2. The ozone layer is depleting as a result of the pollution everywhere.
3.The smokes released by the motor vehicles on the road also, to a great extent pollute the air.
4.Unusual and scanty rainfall is rampant in such scenarios.
5. Industrialisation and urbanisation play a significant role in pollution.
6. The pollution is a slow but effective weapon to destroy the lives on earth
7. The developed countries are insensitive to the needs of the environment and future generations.
8. More abs and more trees should be planted to neutralise the effects of pollution.
9. People should cut off the use of chemicals and plastics.
10. People should change their habits and mane a step to save the environment.

Essay about Principle of Pollution

FAQ’s on Principle of Pollution Essay

Question 1.
What is the primary reason for pollution?

Urbanisation and industrialisation is the primary reason for pollution.

Question 2.
How can pollution be stopped or reduced?

People should practise afforestation; they should not dump waste in the open and water bodies and use the most miniature motor vehicles on roads. These are some of the steps that can be taken.

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