Story Writing | How To Start Story Writing? Story Writing Parts and Topics

Story Writing: Story writing is the art of presenting your imagination or feelings or any real cover in words. The stories should be written in such a way that the reader does not break his/her flow of reading. It should be written in an understandable way, that readers with good vocabulary and language grip can easily get the emotions and feelings attached to the story.

Stories could be short or long, but it should be made sure that the story does justice with the “title” of the story. The reader should read the stories in a single sitting without losing his/her interest. There should not be any grammatical errors while you write any story. The story could be written in any language, a writer is comfortable with, like in English or Hindi.

Story Writing Parts

One should keep in mind, these key elements, while writing stories.

  • Title of the story
  • Characters
  • Beginning of the story
  • Setting
  • Plotting
  • Conflict
  • Theme

Title of the Story: The title of the story should be very strong and should define the storyline. The reader should conclude the story at the end with the title.

Characters: Each part has its own importance. A character is the one that plays a role in the story such as a girl, boy, dead person, any animal, etc. The lesser the characters are, the better the story is. Introducing more characters into your stories can lead to confusion for readers. Use proper adjectives for each character. The dialogues of the characters should be double-quoted.

Beginning: The start or the presentation of a story is of fundamental significance. This is the part where you can snare the peruser and catch their consideration. You probably run over some regularly utilized beginnings to stories like, “Sometime in the distant past” or “quite a while past”. In any case, you can get more imaginative and start your story with interest.

Setting: Time period and spot comprise the setting of story composing. The setting is frequently finished with portrayals of scenes, for example, general store, room, metro station or restaurant. These depictions are vital to cause peruser to immerse in the plot.

Unit of the time period may fluctuate from hours to days to weeks to years. Story composing that has a set of not many hours may commonly be more clear and more compelling than with a setting of not many months or years. Strikingly portray environmental factors, should be totally clear and critically be hitting home with five feelings of your perusers. Be graceful, utilize appropriate descriptive words, content exchanges, or even send side characters… do whatever you need to guarantee that the peruser lives your story while perusing.

Plotting: The plot is the backbone and muscles of story composing. It involves occasions and characters’ activities. All the more imaginatively you portray and intelligently interface the occasions and activities, the more grounded the plot would be; and the more grounded the plot you make, the better revenue would it produce among perusers. A plot has a start, body and end that are connected consecutively by occasions and character activities.

Conflict: You should so pick a beginning that your peruser gets snared to the story. make disarray or question in perusers’ psyche by the first line of your story. Your peruser should attempt to get an answer from the most amazing aspect of her capacity and experience, however, she ought to at long last wind up diving into ensuing lines of your accounts to extinguish her briefly stimulated curiosity.

Theme: Focal thought or fundamental conviction introduced by a story composing is called the subject. It is the skeleton or casing of your short story that is embellished by plot, setting, strife and characters.

How to Start Story Writing?

Each author or short story essayist has heard the inquiry ordinarily: “Where do you get your thoughts?” The appropriate response is consistently the equivalent: from all over. Many hopeful authors accept they need to sit tight for an unexpected blaze of motivation, yet creating thoughts is, even more, an interaction than a revelation.

Focus on what’s happening around you. Those scraps of discussion you caught at supper, the vehicle you saw going the incorrect path down the road during heavy traffic, the older man walking down a dull rear entryway calling the name Maryanne consistently, all could start a story. Albeit a portion of the occasions you portray might be unprecedented, they don’t need to be. They simply must be fascinating.

Make a propensity for seeing what’s happening around you, from the energizing to the every day, by recording things as they grab your eye. Utilize your telephone’s note-taking application to catch minutes. In case you’re old fashioned, keep a little scratch pad or some list cards. The demonstration of recording things will remind you to center and be at the time. The best scholars are sharp spectators.

Occasions aren’t stories. In any case, occasions can develop stories when the essayist plants the seeds by posing inquiries. One of the essential inquiries to kick a story off is “consider the possibility that?” What if the vehicle you saw heading the incorrect path down the expressway at a busy time was driven by a pregnant lady in labor who required the quickest course to the clinic. Imagine a scenario in which the man calling out in obscurity back street was a single man whose perished spouse was named Maryanne.

Story Writing Topics

There are numerous amount of topics for which you can narrate stories. Many stories are roaming around you. You have to pay attention to them. Ask people about their stories and listen to them. There could be a lot of ideas based on which you can write stories. Such as Love, Comedy, Thriller, Suspense, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or mix up of all the theme.

Some of the best and hot topics are:

  • Story of a girl in a city
  • The laughing women
  • A haunted house/villa
  • A growing child and his mysterious friend
  • Sunshine of the women’s life
  • The emergence of a Psychopath
  • Lost in the jungle of strange animals

Story Writing for Class 9 and 10

Example: Write a story in 150-200 words as per the given below situation:

Situation: The illiterate boy……… caught for pickpocketing…….sent to juvenile prison………forced to do lessons………becomes sullen rebellious …… French comic film on T.V. during recreation hour……..fascinated with the language……….requested coaching classes………a French tourist guide today.

Story Title: Building own Destiny

Raju was a young man who was brought into the world in a helpless family. He needed to get training however his monetary condition didn’t permit him to do as such. He stayed unskilled thus didn’t have any methods for procuring. He took to pickpocketing and little robbery. At some point, he was found in the act for pick-stashing. Since he was just thirteen, he was shipped off adolescent jail where he had to do exercises. He had no interest in them and the convincing conduct of the jail individuals made him morose and insubordinate. It was distinctly during the entertainment hour that he was by all accounts his typical self.

One day Raju watched a French comic movie on T.V. He was captivated with the French language and needed to learn it. He mentioned the jail experts for training classes in French. They consented to his proposition as they were themselves intrigued to cause him to learn something in order to act naturally reliant. Raju demonstrated an unmistakable fascination for learning the language and in a brief period, had procured an authority over the language.

Raju was liberated following two years. He had just chosen to utilize the French language as his method for acquiring. He turned into a French local area expert and began having a good existence. He disregarded his past and is cheerful these days for the unexpected however certain turn in his life. He has set a model for other people, that man is an expert predetermination.

Story Writing 200 Words

FAQ’s on Story Writing

Question 1.
How to write a story?

The title of the story should be eye-catching, the beginning of the letter should reflect your idea of the story, the content should clearly make the reader feel and express the emotions, language used should be clear and descriptive, keep the count of characters low.

Question 2.
How to write short stories?

Short stories can be similarly pretty much as ground-breaking and moving as longer works of fiction; surely, some contend that this structure can be considerably more significant on the grounds that short stories convey their focal message in a solitary, thunderous hit. On the off chance that a novel resembles illuminating a room utilizing all the house lights, at that point, a short story resembles utilizing a spotlight to enlighten a shrouded corner.

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