10 Lines on Aeroplane for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Aeroplane: One of the greatest inventions of mankind is undoubtedly the aeroplane. In today’s 21st century, we might not feel that an aeroplane is a miracle or an invention that is revered by one and all since it has become normal and a basic necessity for today’s generation. However, when the aeroplane was invented in the early 19th century, it was one of the greatest miracles of mankind because this is one such invention that goes against the laws of nature (earth’s gravity) and brings people closer. Imagine a big piece of man-made tool flying in the air. It is indeed a miracle!

While a lot of us might travel in an aeroplane on a regular basis, not many of his knowledge the history of aeroplanes and various interesting facts and anecdotes about them. In this particular article on 10 lines on aeroplane in English for school children and college students, we have tried to inform our target audience about the history of the aeroplane, how it was invented, who invented it and how it has revolutionized the world as we know it.

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We have divided the entire article into three sets of 10 lines on aeroplane in English with each set having different facts, history and anecdotes for different target audiences. Set 1 mainly targets primary and secondary school children with basic and rudimentary information about aeroplanes. Set 2 contains a little bit more advanced information that can be used by college students while set 3 contains highly advanced information and facts about aeroplanes that can be used by graduate and postgraduate.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Aeroplane for Kids

Set 1 is helpful to the students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Kids.

  1. Aeroplanes are man-made aircraft with wings that can fly around the globe against gravity.
  2. Aeroplanes were invented by the Wright brothers in the year 1903, on the 17th of December.
  3. There are different types of aeroplanes such as passenger aeroplanes, cargo flights, private jets, fighter jets, etc.
  4. Aeroplanes are parked, when not flying, in a designated area called hangars.
  5. Two of the most popular and biggest companies in the world that manufacture aeroplanes are Boeing and Airbus.
  6. Aeroplanes have bought the world closer and improved our efficiencies of work. The time taken to travel from India to the United States of America is reduced from almost a month (through waterways) to less than a day, thanks to the invention of aeroplanes.
  7. Before the era of aeroplanes, people use to travel by trains or ships or by walk. And in such times, they used to take days together to reach from one place to another.
  8. Aircraft are used for internal security purposes to protect the country and fight our enemies.
  9. The place where we can board and deboard to and from aeroplanes is called the airport.
  10. Businesses use cargo flights to transport their goods from one place to another.

10 Lines on Aeroplane for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Aeroplane for School Children

Set 2 is helpful to students of classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. The first aircraft was invented by Wright Brothers in the year 1903.
  2. The invention of aeroplane has given a boost to businesses across the world by the transportation of goods which are made easier and reduced the lead time and waiting time significantly.
  3. Some of the largest transportation companies in the world that have their own fleet of aeroplanes for transportation of goods are United parcel services FedEx Amazon, DHL, etc.
  4. The largest manufacturers of aeroplanes are Airbus and Boeing. These two companies have a Monopoly or an oligopoly in the aircraft manufacturing industry.
  5. Antonov An-225 is a Russian-built aircraft that is considered the biggest aircraft in the world.
  6. Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird is considered the fastest aircraft in the world with a speed of 3500 kilometre per hour which is almost four times as much as an average commercial airliner.
  7. Lockheed Martin is one of the biggest manufacturers of military aircraft in the world.
  8. Accidents on aircraft are caused due to various reasons such as weather conditions, human errors, fuel problems, engine problems and wing problems. A black box in an aircraft is a data recorder that records all the movements and various data during the flight journey. The data recorded by the black box is extremely used to investigate accidents and other anomalies caused during the flight.
  9. The fastest way to get from one place to another is through an aeroplane and the slowest way is through waterways. In olden times, not only goods, even people use to travel through waters on boats and small ships to reach places.
  10. India has a robust network of airways and has almost 486 airports available across the length and breadth of the country. Although we have a good airway network, shipways and railways are still widely used across the world.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Aeroplane for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful to students of classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and for Competitive Exams.

  1. Aeroplanes are propelled by different types of propellers like screw propellers, controllable pitch propellers, feathering propellers, ground adjustable propellers, fixed pitch propellers etc.
  2. The four types of forces acting on an Aircrafts in motion are lift, thrust, drag and gravity.
  3. A lift is an upward acting force, drag is a resistance to lift with a regarding force, a downward force is a gravity while the forward acting force is called the thrust.
  4. The pair of forces of drag and thrust and lift and gravity obey all three of newton’s laws of motion.
  5. The shape of the wing is the most important aspect of an aeroplane and the lift, drag and stall are all affected by the type and number of wings built in an aeroplane.
  6. A person who flys an aeroplane is called a pilot.
  7. Drag is the most significant force that acts on an aeroplane and to keep the effect of drag minimum designers tend to reduce the area of wings while enhancing the lift force.
  8. The first-ever aircraft was invented in the year 1903.
  9. In the early 19th century, when passenger aircrafts was invented, hardly 30 to 35 people could be accommodated in an aeroplane compared to the big aircraft that we have now which can accommodate as many as a thousand passengers in one go.
  10. The inventions of the aeroplane is truly a revolutionary step in making our society better and bringing the whole.

10 Lines on Aeroplane for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Aeroplane

Question 1.
Who invented the aeroplane?

The Wright Brothers invented the aeroplane in the year 1903.

Question 2.
Who are the biggest manufacturers of aeroplanes in the world?

Boeing and Airbus are considered the largest manufacturers of commercial airlines in the world.

Question 3.
Which is the largest airport in the World?

Beijing Daxing International Airport is considered as the biggest airport in the world.

Question 4.
What is the name of the first aircraft in the world?

The first aircraft in the world is called a Maiden flight.

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