Essay on Patriotism | Patriotism Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Patriotism in English: What is Patriotism EssayPatriotism is best defined by stating that it refers to the quality of a person supporting his country and ready to defend his country. A patriot never thinks twice before devoting his life to the liberation of the country. Patriotism is the secret behind a flourishing country. The sacrifices that a man makes for Patriotism are commendable, and that makes a patriot immortalWe have compiled some long and short essay about patriotism for the use of the readers.

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Long and Short Essays on Patriotism in English for Students and Kids in English

Given below is an extended essay on Patriotism 400-500 words and is suitable for the students of standards 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of nearly 100-150 words for the students of standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long Essay on Patriotism in English 500 Words

The immense passionate love and affection one has for his country are known as patriotism. It is a virtue that pushes the citizens of the country to work for their country devotedly and selflessly. A country cannot be called a developed nation only if it succeeds in the field of economy and literacy; true patriots are the backbone of the country. True patriotism is only when one thinks about his country before he thinks about himself. It is tested in crucial times like war, pandemic, natural disasters and national emergencies.

The citizens of the country claim their country as their motherland and therefore have the same love and affection for their countries as they have for their mother.

Moreover, with the real sense of patriotism, comes the sense of responsibility. It helps one work for the country to build a better future for the country and the countrymen. It promotes fraternity and helps the citizens to stay in harmony with one another. Patriotism even helps in removing corruption and selfishness amongst the countrymen.

India had glorious patriots that helped in bringing independence to the country. The Patriots made a lot of sacrifices for their motherland and helped the country prosper and flourish. Some of the greatest Indian patriots are Maulana Azad, Bhagat Singh, Rani Lakshmi Bai and many other notable personalities.

The patriots have no fear of losing their lives on the battlefield for their country for doing some good to the country. Also, patriotism does not necessarily mean fighting for the country and shedding blood. True love for the country and thinking about the progress of the country is patriotism.

Not all who show or try to explain are patriots. Many pseudo-patriots like to take undue advantage of the situation. They neither do have any discipline or character nor do they have any sense of morality and sacrifice. They live in their fictitious world created by them. They are instead the enemies of the country.

A true patriot is respected even after his death. The soul of the patriot is immortal and deserves immense respect. A famous quote by Shakespeare is very relatable to this context, it says, “Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death once.”

Patriots like Shivaji, Subhash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi, and Jawaharlal Nehru are even remembered for their deeds today. They were the face of the fearless, and they fought for their motherland and contributed to her independence.

Essay for Patriotism

Short Essay on Patriotism in 150 Words English

Patriotism is a beautiful feeling and is a virtue. It is the act of loving and defending one’s country. A true patriot will never think about his life before acting any action that will do his country some good.

Being a patriot does not mean that one has to be violent in his actions, one can protest silently, and that protest is more effective.

The future of the country depends on the young. If young citizens are enthusiastic about their country and are real patriots, the progress of the country is guaranteed.

Not everyone who tries to claim themselves is a patriot; some false patriots like to take advantage of the situations and be selfish enough to look for the profit they will derive by speaking for or against the case.

We must keep in mind that because of true patriotic leaders like Netaji, Nehru, Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhai Patel, Bhagat Singh and many other eminent personalities, our country is free today.

10 Lines on Patriotism Essay in Engish

  1. An act of being courageous and being ready to sacrifice for one’s own country is called Patriotism.
  2. Patriotism does not necessarily mean being violent or outrageous, and protests can be done silently.
  3. Showcasing love for the country on occasions like Republic Day, Independence Day, etc. is not true Patriotism.
  4. Being proud of the country and thinking about the country’s welfare is what a true patriot does.
  5. Patriotism can neither be spoon-fed nor can be taught, and it is one of the purest feelings that a man develops on his own.
  6. Patriotism helps to build up bonds with fellow countrymen and also helps in promoting the idea of fraternity.
  7. The slightest sense of responsibility and love for the country amongst the kids must be respected and guided by the teachers and the elders to make them a dependable and admirable patriot of the nation.
  8. The pride that one takes while expressing love about their motherland is also an essay sign of Patriotism.
  9. We should always keep notice of false patriots who live in their shell and only know how to take undue advantage of the situation.
  10. The citizens must imbibe in them the virtue of Patriotism to help the country prosper.

Essay about Patriotism

FAQ’s on Patriotism Essay

Question 1.
How to define Patriotism?

One’s love for the country without blindly following all the cultural and ceremonial believes is called Patriotism.

Question 2.
Why is Patriotism important?

Patriotism helps in the development of the country and helps the country prosper. It also helps in preserving the country’s image and make it a better place to live in.

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