Essay on Technology Addiction | Technology Addiction Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Technology Addiction: Technology is something that is all around us in the digital era. Almost every device that is around us is an example of technology. Technology helps the person to work efficiently and effectively and also saves a lot of time. As technology makes work much easier and getting advanced, people are getting addicted to it. They have started trusting and relying on technologies for their professional and personal matters. In this essay, we will talk about how people are getting addicted to technology.

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Long and Short Essays on Technology Addiction for Students and Kids in English

A long essay of 450-500 words has been provided it is useful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. For the reference of students in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, a short essay of 100-150 words has been provided.

Long Essay on Technology addiction 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Essay on Technology is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Technology is everywhere and around us. The thing that you put in your pocket while travelling, your mobile phone is the most prime example of technology. GPS navigation, computer, internet, fan, A/C, and every other device we use in our daily lives are also prime examples of technology. Without technology, life would be dull and hard. Nowadays, countries that have more advanced technologies are developing day by day.

It is observed in a survey that people can’t live without technology even a single day as they survive on cell phones. People get so addicted to technological devices that they are not able to work without them. Many companies and industries are dependent on these technologies to operate their functions and manufacture goods.

People are so addicted that they prefer to use their mobile phones to communicate rather than communicating face to face. This affects their mental health and also their relationship with friends and family. People spend lots of money on buying new technology as they have advanced and better features.

The Internet is the prime cause of addiction to mobile phones and computers. It was introduced as a medium to help people for searching for information and data but people started misusing the internet which results in addiction. People started spending hours and hours on mobile phones surfing the internet and watching online videos. Nowadays even children have to wear glasses because of weak eyesight due to continuously using mobile phones and computers.

If you sit in front of a computer for hours and hours then it will lead to many problems like weak eyesight, weight gain which increases the chance of cardiovascular diseases. If you talk too much on cell phones then because of their radiation, your eardrums can be damaged and there are also chances of brain tumours. The radiations that are released from mobile towers are very harmful to the body as they can increase the chances of cancer and other deadly diseases.

People are so dependent on technology that sometimes it becomes the reason for illness or stress in relationships. Some people misuse technology and steal data or money from people through social networking sites and other platforms. Thus, it is advised to stay connected to nature and other outdoor activities to keep yourself away from the adverse effects caused due to overuse of technological devices.

It should be kept in mind that video games, social media sites and the web are designed in such a way that they promote dependency on the internet and technology causing negative side effects to the adults and the youth. However, technology addiction can be cured by replacing the time spent online with healthy stress management, productive activities, building healthy relationships, practising creative skills and learning more through books.

Technology addiction is equivalent to addiction to drugs and it is advised to seek professional help for curing the situation. Or else the addiction could lead to dullness of the brain, anti-social behaviour, stressful relationships, effect on career and behavioural changes.

Long Essay on Technology Addiction

Short Essay on Technology Addiction 150 words in English

Short Essay on Technology Addiction is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

The technology was invented by human beings so that they can save time and money and also save energy for all the efforts they make but as time passed, it becomes an addiction for human beings, especially teenagers. Even small children can operate the phone and watch cartoons by themselves. Yes, it is rightly said that without technology, the world wouldn’t be developed but technology has a darker side too.

One of the most popular technological devices that is used by every person in the world is the mobile phones. People are so addicted to it that they won’t be able to spend even a single day without their mobile phones. With the introduction of applications like WhatsApp, Facebook, and other social networking and messaging apps, people started using mobiles quite frequently. People need to understand that addiction to technology is not good for their health and they should work on themselves or seek professional help.

10 Lines on Technology Addiction Essay in English

  1. People are getting dependent and addicted to technology.
  2. Technology plays an important role in the development of a country.
  3. Without technology, survival would be very difficult.
  4. One of the most common technologies used by everyone is mobile phones.
  5. The web allows people to interact, play video games and search for information.
  6. People spend most of the time watching movies and communicating via mobile phones.
  7. Overuse of mobile phones leads to many problems like damage to the eardrum, headache, and many more.
  8. People are now so addicted to these technological devices that they trust machines more than humans.
  9. It is very important to protect yourself and your loved ones from this addiction.
  10. Live a healthy life and use technology only for general purposes rather than overuse it.

Short Essay on Technology Addiction


FAQ’s on Technology Addiction Essay

Question 1.
Why is technology important?

Technology is responsible for operating online effectively and efficiently. It saves time and money.

Question 2.
What problems can occur because of technology addiction?

Technology addiction can lead to problems like weak eyesight, a decrease in mental capability, and many other problems.

Question 3.
Why is the prevention of technology addiction important?

It is important to prevent this situation so that people can live a healthy life and socialize with others.


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