ITI Admit Card 2021 | How to Download ITI Admit Card? Documents Required

ITI Admit Card 2020-2021: ITI Admit Card (आईटीआई एडमिट कार्ड 2021) releases online on the official website of ITIs. It will be issued to candidates only after the completion of the successful registration process. Candidates should have the registration number and date of birth to download the hall ticket. Candidates from different states can download their ITI 2021 admit cards from the respective state ITI official websites. Candidates should keep their ITI ka Admit Card safely till the completion of the admission process.

Admit card is an important document for the candidates who have applied for admission in ITI. Candidates must carry their admit card along with the identity card to appear for the NCVT MIS ITI exam. Otherwise, they will not be permitted for appearing in the ITI examination. Read the article below to know more information about ITI Admit Card.

Get to know more about ITI Admission from here.


ITI Admit Card 2021 Details

Candidates have to show their ITI Admit Card during the exam. The candidate’s age must be at least 14 years as of 1st August 2019 to apply for ITI admission. Also, no upper age limit required to apply for ITI Admission. So, candidates who have cleared their 12th board exam can apply for admission to various Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) courses. The courses provide good employment opportunities and skilled manpower to industries. It enables candidates to get jobs in many sectors. ITIs offer training in both engineering and non-engineering fields. These are constituted under the Ministry of Labour, Government of India.

Candidates can choose to get admission to ITIs that is Government Funded Training Institutes. Otherwise, in ITCs that is Private Self Finance Technical Training Institutes. This govt. or private institutions offer courses that vary from certificate courses to one or two-year diploma courses. It depends on the candidates where they want to enroll themselves either in technical or non-technical courses. The duration of training is from six months to two years in over 130 specialties.

Candidates should have passed the 8th, 10th, or 12th class examination from any recognized board or university to get enroll in these courses. Admission to various trades is conducted every year in the month of August. The syllabus of various trades changes occasionally to be updated with the technologies. ITI Result 2021 has been released.

The duration of the training of various trades varies from 1 to 2 years based on the admission requirements. After completion of the training, the trainees are required to appear in the All India Trade Test (AITT). The qualified trainees receive the National Trade Certificate (NTC). ITIs ensuring broad training and placement opportunities to many students in various streams each year.

State-Wise ITI Admit Cards List

ITI Admit Card 2021

Name of the Board National Council of Vocational Training
Exam Name ITI Exam (Various Trades)
Exam Date January- February 2021
Admit Card Released on 27th January 2021
Mode of Admit Card Online
Status Admit Card Released

ITI Admit Card 2021 Download Process

ITI admit card releases online on the official website. Candidates who have applied for the exam can easily download the admit card before the last date. The steps to ITI Admit Card Download (आईटीआई एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड) are given below:

  • Candidates should go to the official website to download the admit card ITI.
  • Click on the “ITI Admit Card” link that appears on the screen to download it.
  • The candidate’s registration number and date of birth must be entered to get the admit card
  • Then, Click on “submit” to view the admit card on the screen.
  • Now download the ITI admit card and take a printed copy of it.

Candidates should verify all the details mentioned on the admit card before taking a printout. The admit card is the most important document which needs to be carried into the examination hall. Without carrying admit card candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.

ITI Admit Card – Details Mentioned on ITI Admit Card

The Admit Card/ Hall Ticket contains many important details of candidates. The following details of candidates mentioned in the admit card.

  • Candidates Registration number
  • Name of candidate
  • Roll number
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Name of examination center
  • Venue of examination
  • Date and time of the examination
  • Duration of the examination
  • Important instructions/rules for the examination

The candidate’s exact information should be printed on the admit card which has furnished during registration.

ITI Admit Card – Necessary Documents Required with Admit Card

Candidates must bring a printed copy of the ITI admit card along with some of the necessary documents. Candidates must also bring one of the following necessary documents to authenticate their identity:

  • Voter ID Card
  • Passport
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Driving License
  • PAN Card

The candidate’s name appearing on the admit card must match the name written on the identity card.

NCVT ITI Admit Card 2021

ITI Admit Card – Exam Day Instructions

The exam day instructions of ITI are printed on the backside of the admit card. Candidates must keep in mind that their ITI admit card will not be sent to them by post. That is why they need to download it online as soon as it is available on the official website. Candidates must follow all the exam day instructions while appearing in the ITI exam. So that they can avoid facing problems in the exam center. The following list contains some of the exam day instructions:

  • Candidates must reach the examination center at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the exam.
  • Make sure to carry the ITI admit card along with the identity card on the examination day.
  • Candidates must write the answers only on the given OMR sheet.
  • Candidates are not allowed to carry any electronic instruments into the examination hall. Electronic instruments such as mobile phones, calculators, and so forth cannot enter the examination hall.

ITI Admit Card – Disagreement in ITI Admit Card

  • After downloading the ITI Hall Ticket, candidates must check their details thoroughly.
  • If you found any discrepancy in your ITI admit card, then you must get it corrected immediately. Otherwise, you may face problems on the day of the examination.
  • If any error found in the admit card, then candidates need to go to the board office within 2-3 days of issuing the admit card. Then, make the required corrections in the office and get the correct admit card.
  • If candidates are unable to download their admit cards from the official website, then they must report their problems to the board office.
  • Candidates can get the admit cards corrected in a certain period of time. Otherwise, the board office will not take their problems into consideration.
  • Candidates must pay the application fee along with the form to avoid problems in issuing the admit card.

FAQ’s on ITI Admit Card

Question 1.
Why should ITIs?

Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) offer training in both engineering and non-engineering fields. These are constituted under the Ministry of Labour, Government of India.

Question 2.
How will I get the ITI Admit Card?

ITI Admit Card releases online on the official website of ITIs. Candidates from different states can download their ITI admit cards from the respective state ITI official websites. It will be issued to candidates only after the completion of the successful registration process.

Question 3.
How can I download the ITI Admit Card online?

Candidates should go to the official website of ITIs and enter the registration number and date of birth to download the admit card.

Question 4.
Can I get my admit card at the home address?

No, candidates must keep in mind that their ITI admit card will not be sent to them by post. They have to download it from the ITI official website.

Question 5.
What is the age limit to apply for admission to ITI?

The candidate’s age must be at least 14 years as of 1st August 2021 to apply for ITI admission.

I hope this article will help you to get information about ITI Admit Card. For any queries in ITI Admit Card, leave it in the comment box to get in touch with us.

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