Viklang Certificate | Online and Offline Application Form, Application Status, Verification, How to Get Viklang certificate

Viklang Certificate: Viklang Certificate is the Identity verification of an individual with a specific handicap so he/she can profit from the advantages saved under the PwD portion. This certificate is issued by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, GOI. A UDID card is issued by the government of India to individuals, who fall under the PwD category.

There are numerous reservations and concessions given by the Indian government to individuals with physical disabilities. Contingent upon the inability rate large numbers of the advantages have been characterized, however typically, over 40% incapacity is thought of. This declaration isn’t compulsory to get confirmations in schools or universities or any instructive organization to seek after any course.

Students can find more about certificates, explore the types used for academic purposes, professional purposes and more.

To make a public data set for people with handicaps (PwD), GOI carried out a “Unique ID for Persons with Disabilities” project. Under this task, a Unique Disability Identity Card will be given to every individual with an inability. This will energize straightforwardness, adequacy and simplicity of passing the public authority advantages to the individual with incapacities alongside guaranteeing consistency. It will likewise assist the public authority with monitoring an individual’s physical and monetary development at all degrees of progression.

Viklang Certificate Categories

According to the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 – An individual with inability can be characterized as one with at least one of handicaps falling under any of the underneath referenced classifications :

Visual impairment:- “Visual deficiency” alludes to a condition where an individual experiences any of the accompanying conditions specifically:-

  • All out shortfall of sight; or
  • Visual sharpness not surpassing 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with adjusting focal points; or
  • Restriction of the field of vision subtending a point of 20 degrees or more regrettable;

Low vision:- ” Low vision” signifies an individual with a disability of visual working even after treatment of standard refractive rectification yet who utilizes or is possibly equipped for utilizing vision for the arranging or execution of an errand with the proper assistive gadget;

Cerebral Palsy:- This signifies a gathering of non-reformist states of an individual described by unusual engine control act coming about because of cerebrum affront or wounds happening in the pre-natal, peri-natal or baby time of advancement;

Infection Restored:- “Disease relieved individual” signifies an individual who has been relieved of uncleanliness however is experiencing:

  • Loss of sensation in hands or feet just as the loss of sensation and paresis in the eye and eye-top however with no show distortion;
  • Show disfigurement and paresis however having adequate portability in their grasp and feet to empower them to participate in typical monetary action;
  • Outrageous actual distortion just as cutting edge age which keeps him from undertaking ang profitable occupation, and the articulation ‘Sickness Cured” will be understood as needs be.

Locomotor handicap:- “Locomotor incapacity” signifies inability of the bones, joints or muscles prompting generous limitation of the development of the appendages or nay type of cerebral paralysis;

Mental hindrance:- “Mental impediment” signifies a state of captured or fragmented improvement of brain of an individual which is uniquely portrayed by sub ordinariness of insight;

Psychological sickness:- “Dysfunctional behavior” signifies any psychological issue other than Mental impediment

Hearing Impairment:- “Hearing Impairment” signifies deficiency of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational scope of frequencies.

Viklang Certificate Online Application Process

The viklang certificate is nothing but the UDID (Unique Identification for Persons with Disabilities) card issued by the government of India. To get a physically handicapped certificate or any other disability certificate, follow the below steps.

  • Go to UDID web portal
  • Enter your details and register yourself
  • Now login with credentials and click on “Apply online for Disability Certificate”
  • Go through the complete instructions and fill in your personal details such as:
    • Name (First, Middle, Last)
    • Father’s Name
    • Mother’s Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Mobile Number
    • Email Id
    • Mark of identification
    • Category
    • Blood group
    • Marital status
    • Relation with PWD (if applying for another person)
    • Guardian Name and Contact details
    • Photo, Signature, Thumb Impression
    • Correspondance address
    • Permanent Address
    • Education details
  • Now the individual has to enter his/her disability details such as:
    • Disability percentage
    • Medical certificate issued by the hospital
    • Details of issuing authority
    • Type of disability
    • And more
  • Give your employment details (if you are working)
  • Now give your ID proof details such as Aadhar card, Voter ID, PAN card, etc.

Documents Required for Viklang Certificate

  • Copy of the Disability Certificate
  • Two passports sized photos
  • ID proof with disability
  • Residential proof
  • Medical and psychological reports
  • Aadhaar Card

Viklang Certificate Offline Registration

If you want to register offline, then you need to download the form from the UDID website and fill the application form. Send the filled form with attested documents to the CMO of your location. After the verification is done the Viklang certificate will be issued and delivered to your doorstep.

Viklang Certificate Verification Process

  • The application structure is submitted to the CMO Office/Medical Authority, where the subtleties in the structure are confirmed.
  • A concerned expert is allotted by CMO Office/Medical Authority to lead an evaluation of incapacity of PWD and offer their assessment
  • In view of this evaluation, the clinical board will allocate the incapacity rate and the CMO office will set up the handicap declaration alongside producing UDID
  • The UDID card is then dispatched to PWD at the gave address

Viklang Certificate Application Status

Candidates who have applied for PWD based handicap testament can check the situation with their application by following the underneath steps:

  • Go to the respective site
  • At the correct side corner, you will get the alternative of “Track your Application Status”, click on it. It will divert to a new page
  • Enter your Enrolment/UDID/Request Number/Mobile Number/Aadhar Number and Click GO button
  • The situation with your application will show up on the screen.

Validity of Viklang Certificate

After the age of 18 years, the disability testament doesn’t have any termination date. PWD competitors who are under 18 years, need to restore their declarations at regular intervals. If there should be an occurrence of perpetual incapacity, no new clinical assessment is required.

Typically the endorsement is substantial for a very long time for transitory incapacity and for perpetual inability the testament is set apart with lasting.

Viklang Certificate Format

Name and Address of the Institute/Hospital____________

Certificate Number________


Disability Certificate

This is to certify that Shri/Smt/Kum________son/wife/daughter of Shri_______age______sex______identification mark(s)_____is suffering from permanent disbaility of follwonfin category:

  1. He/She is a case of:
    1. Locomotive Disability
    2. Blindness (Please tick as applicable)
  2. The diagnosis in his/her case is _______
    1. He/she has ___% (in figure) ______ percent (in words) permanent physical impairment/blindness in relation to his/her _________(parts of body) as per guidelines (to be specified)
    2. The candidate has submitted the proof of residence as:
Nature of Document Date of Issue Details of authority issuing certificate

Signature/Thumb impression                                                                 (Signature and Seal of Issuing Medical Authority)

of the person in whose favour

disability certificate is issued

FAQ’s on Viklang Certificate

Question 1.
What is Viklang Certificate?

Viklang Certificate is the Identity verification of an individual with a specific handicap so he/she can profit from the advantages saved under the PwD (Person with disability) category.

Question 2.
How to get Viklang certificate?

With the help of credentials PwD login and click on “Apply online for Disability Certificate”. Understands directions and tops off online applications. Transfer shading visa photograph and other essential records like Income Proof, Identity Proof and SC/ST/OBC evidence as required. Submits information to CMO Office/Medical Authority.

Question 3.
Who issues the Viklang certificate?

The separate Medical sheets established at a State or locale level are the affirming position to give handicap endorsement. The board comprises a CMO (Chief Medical Officer)l/sub divisional medical officer in the District and another master in the predetermined field.

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