Essay on Save Environment | Save Environment Esssay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Saving the Environment: Our environment is our surrounding area and something that sustains us. It is the natural condition in which an organism, plant, or animal grows and prospers. Our environment shields us and helps us grow into individual beings. Saving our environment is vital for sustaining humanity because, without a clean environment, none of us will survive.

In this article, we have provided an Essay on Save Environment and a short essay, along with ten lines on the topic, to help students write this essay in examinations.

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Long and Short Essays on Save Environment for Students and Kids in English

Given below is an Essay on Save Environment composed of about 500 words and a short piece comprising 100-150 words on Save Environment in English.

Long Essay on Save Environment 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Save Environment is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The environment is our natural foundation, and we have to take care of it. Our environment plays a massive role in the kind of person we grow up to be. There are a lot of valid reasons for which we need to save our environment. Our environment has suffered significant threats in the last few decades. The ever increasing vehicles and pollution have transformed our environment into a mass of smoky mess. Enormous corruption has almost stripped it of fresh air.

A healthy environment has fresh and bacteria-free air and is not the breeding ground for diseases. To protect our environment, we need to know what we should defend. Humankind has advanced in many ways, but in our race, we have compromised our natural environment and become the most intelligent and technologically superior species on earth. Large areas of the forest have been cut down to provide residential places to humans. We have cut down trees at our will to make paper and furniture. Valuable timber and trees with medicinal properties have fallen prey to the slash and burn farming culture.

Nomadic tribes have practiced shifting ax cultivation that has cost us the valuable fertility of the soil. Due to the rapid growth of factories and industrial sectors, chemicals and smoke are regularly released in water and air. This causes water and air pollution. Humans have also neglected their responsibilities and have dumped garbage anywhere they could. This leads to land pollution and diseases as insects like flies carry the filth to our bodies and spread harmful viruses.

There are a lot of ways to protect the environment. We must save our environment because of the lack of fresh air, and oxygen will be toxic for us. If we don’t take care of our planet, soon, humankind will be in grave danger. To start with, we must carry out simple measures to protect and replenish our environment. Change begins when we step up and volunteer to work towards it. We can plant small saplings at our homes and balconies to make up for the enormous loss of trees. Conducting tree plantation campaigns in schools also helps as the school lawns are used for planting a variety of trees.

Every year, innumerable birds and sea animals die from the pollution at sea. Marine life is in grave danger as we have allegedly deposited trash and filth on seashores and into the ocean itself. Marine animals have died due to consuming plastic. An excellent way to protect the environment would be to minimize or, rather, completely stop using plastic. Using cloth or paper bags to carry or dispose of things would be an excellent remedy. Disposing garbage properly, in garbage cans, and separating the biodegradable waste from the non-biodegradable wastes is an excellent way to decrease pollution levels. Worn-out substances must be recycled so that they can be reused.

Short Essay on Save Environment 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Save Environment is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Our environment needs to be protected and conserved. Conservation of our natural energy is significant as it sustains us. There are multiple ways of protecting our environment, the first being to decrease the levels of pollution. Since the smoke emitted by vehicles causes a lot of pollution, using Natural Gas as a fuel for cars will reduce the emission of smoke. Battery-driven automobiles are also eco-friendly. We can also use solar energy to protect our natural resources. Solar energy is renewable and causes no pollution.

We must refrain from duping waste and factory remnants into the waters. A program like Namami Gange aims to clean rivers and is a step forward towards a healthier environment. It is essential to be responsible and do our parts in protecting our environment.

10 Lines on Essay on Save Environment in English

  1. Our environment must be protected at all costs because it is a life-sustaining force for us.
  2. We must save our mother nature from pollution toxicity and contamination. Living in a toxic environment can harm our health and permanently cripple us.
  3. Fuels producing poisonous gases and smoke causes pollution and smog.
  4. Chemicals released into the water by industrial sectors causes water pollution.
  5. Drinking contaminated water can severely affect our health and cause diseases like typhoid, jaundice, etc.
  6. We can save our planet by using eco-friendly cars and vehicles like battery-driven cars. Cycling or walking is also beneficial.
  7. We must abide by the laws created by the government regarding our environment. The Swatch Bharat Abhiyaan is an example of one such mission.
  8. To protect our environment, we must discard plastic and use jute, paper, or cloth in its place.
  9. Afforestation is another essential way to save our trees and forests.
  10. A clean environment is essential for us to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

FAQ’s on Save Environment Essay

Question 1.
What is a clean environment?

A clean environment is characterized by fresh and clean air, water, and land. It refers to less pollution and diseases.

Question 2.
How can we prevent air pollution?

Using battery-driven cars and natural gas as fuels in automobiles is the right way of controlling air pollution. We should stop the combustion of waste, which exerts a lot of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere.

Question 3.
What is the use of jute?

Jute bags and carriers are handy as they do no cause pollution like plastic and are eco-friendly.

Question 4.
What is solar energy?

Solar energy is the energy given out by the sun. We can harness solar power by using solar panels and use it for cooking food, heat water, etc.

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