Strength And Weakness Essays | Essay on My Strength and Weakness for Students and Children

Strength And Weakness Essays: Everyone has their own qualities and shortcomings. As far as I might be concerned, life is a learning experience, so distinguishing and knowing our qualities and shortcomings can help us learn, improve and develop. It doesn’t make any difference on the off chance that they are positive or negative capacities. Realizing our positive capacities can help us in achieving our objectives, and realizing our negative capacities can help us improve. It is critical to know yourself and your capacities since it can help you express and utilize your qualities, and assist you with conquering your shortcomings.

My Strength and Weakness Essay Sample

No individual on Earth is great. On the off chance that this was valid, the world would be an exhausting spot. Everybody has their qualities and shortcomings. Few people know how to deal with their weaknesses in the correct manner and get benefitted from it. But some people hide their weak points. I am such a person, who has been keeping my weak points inside and concealing constantly. I understood that I need to change by finding support and that I should defeat my dread of doing so in light of the fact that my shortcomings have been irritating me and are getting me far from progress.

Qualities are frequently the abilities and side interests that individuals appreciate to do and never get exhausted of. A few groups utilize their gifts to help other people with their shortcomings. I have been concealing my shortcomings and qualities from others since I am humiliated to tell individuals what they are. To be effective, I need to defeat my dread of sharing this data and offer my ability to everybody.

My Weaknesses

I have found a few shortcomings of mine which chiefly include instruction. I understand that my works are as bad or amazing as others. Each time I attempt to compose an exposition, I need to re-read and re-compose a few times, however, I actually get terrible evaluations on my tasks. English is my subsequent language; along these lines, I am genuinely reluctant to compose or peruse because of a paranoid fear of getting an awful evaluation. I attempt to abstain from composing however much I can in light of the fact that language and sentence structures are the flimsy spots of my composition. I have taken a few classes to improve my composition yet so far I don’t perceive any improvement. Now and again I feel that posing an inquiry in regards to my paper is off-kilter and humiliating. I keep silent and turn my job in with no guarantees.

Correspondence with others is another shortcoming that I never appear to acquire any enhancements in. At whatever point I address an outsider or to a senior, I typically get apprehensive and falter. Once in a while I even shudder as though I am cold. I recall one time when the CFO of my organization was requesting my assistance with utilizing the PC and I was feeling frightened and anxious. I could feel my heart vacillating in my chest and musings hustling through my brain. Numerous individuals have thought I was a bashful individual however truly I am reluctant to address anybody due to my apprehension.

My Strengths

Nonetheless, one of my qualities incorporates my adoration for dealing with kids. I have been working at a preschool for quite a long while at this point, assisting with the children. I assist with keeping the study hall coordinated and ensuring that the room and the children are perfect. At the point when the children see me in class, they are truly cheerful. This is the thing that rouses me to turn into a preschool instructor since I realize it will fulfill me to realize that I was the person who assisted those children with getting a decent beginning in their schooling. I need to fill in as a decent good example for them and be an individual that they can turn upward to.

Association is another of my qualities, in numerous angles.I usually know where my things are. In the event that something or a spot is coordinated, like my room, it makes it so much simpler for me to discover where I put something. This is one of my greatest strengths that has kept me strong and willpower. At the point when my school supplies are coordinated and I have all I require to learn and tackle a job, it shows that I am spurred to learn and prompts higher evaluations. This quality is profoundly searched out in a vocation since it shows one’s ability to work and work really hard.

The quality to merge with people is another strength of mine. In the event that one of my companions is having a terrible day or simply needs a shoulder to incline toward, I am there for the person in question. In spite of the fact that I can’t generally make their issues disappear, just by me being there for them assists them with feeling more good and elevated.


My strengths and weaknesses are a piece of who I am and will lead me down the way to achievement in future. In spite of the fact that my shortcomings lie in the perusing and composing part of schooling and in the correspondence with others, my qualities have more effect on who I am and how I introduce myself. My qualities incorporate the affection for dealing with children and association, two vital character characteristics that go connected at the hip. In the event that I didn’t adore children and dealing with them, I wouldn’t have discovered a vocation that I needed to go into, a preschool instructor. To turn into a magnificent instructor, one should be coordinated and ready to tune in to other people and help them with issues, which are significant characteristics that I have.

Strength And Weakness

FAQ’s on Strength And Weakness Essays

Question 1.
What are examples of strengths and weaknesses?

Basic strengths incorporate administration, correspondence, leadership, quick learner, or composing abilities. The weaknesses usually incorporate a dread of public talking, absence of involvement in programming or a program, or trouble with taking analysis.

Question 2.
How to talk about our strengths?

Here are a few ways to discuss your strengths in an essay.

  • Show the big initiative you’ve taken.
  • Give instances of qualities and abilities.
  • Offer applicable, convincing subtleties at whatever point conceivable.
  • Recount a story that uncovers your qualities.

Question 3.
How to write about the weaknesses in an essay?

Below are the points to write about your weaknesses:

  • Be straightforward.
  • Remain by and by centered and assume liability.
  • Expound on attributes that are pertinent to the executives.
  • At long last, examine how you’ve tended to your shortcomings.
  • Attempt to pick a shortcoming from a couple of years prior and from a field of your life not examined in different expositions.

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