10 Lines on Best Friend for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Best Friend: We often go through many contacts of people in our life. Some of them do not influence us; at the same time, some become our close friends. Among those friends, a rare comes to be our best friend. That best friend will have some qualities that can impress you.

There is a famous saying that ‘ a friend in need is a friend indeed’, means a person who helps you in your difficult situations is known as a friend. When we have a good time, then many people come and try to be our friends. In such a case, when we have a terrible time, those people will start ignoring us.

It is the time when we get such a person who helps us to come out from trouble and bad situations. That person is known as a best friend. Everyone will have a best friend, and he is one in millions. He will be exceptional and spends quality time with them. He doesn’t let their friends bored. Now, in this article, check out the set of ten lines on best friend.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on Best Friend for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Good friends have become very rare and unique in this world.
  2. The famous saying about a friend that ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed’
  3. A best friend is the only friend whom you value more than your remaining friends.
  4. You may have lots of friends, but you give more preference and importance to your best friend.
  5. It is believed that life becomes incomplete without a best friend.
  6. A best friend is the person you trust and believe that they will never let you down.
  7. A best friend is more than just being a best friend.
  8. He will be the person who will never you fall in anything or habits which are harmful to you or your family.
  9. Sometimes you hide some matters from your best friend, but they can understand what is going in your mind and heart by seeing your eyes.
  10. A best friend is the only person you make fun of, visiting tours, partying, and many more.

10 Lines on Best Friend for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Best Friend for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. There is good chemistry between you and your best friend. It is because he reads your mind and heart. Even, he understands your thoughts and ideas.
  2. When you are with your best friend, he will have a good sense of humor.
  3. One of the crucial points, your best friend will offer you a right and real opinion. He will be an honest person and gives you the right advice.
  4. When your parents scold you, it is the best friend who makes happy and fun.
  5. Your best friend will be the real sympathizer to you when you are going through a tough time. Also, he will be with you whenever no one supports you.
  6. A best friend will always supports and boosts up your morale and shows that no one can defeat you.
  7. You will always have the backing of your best friend, no matter the situation.
  8. A best friend is the only person with whom you share every matter, either sorrow or happiness.
  9. A day is celebrated on the 30th of July every year as the ‘International Day of Friendship’.
  10. When the bond’s strength gets more robust enough. It gives rise to the best friendship.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Best Friend for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. My best friend is like a brother or sister. He stays with you in happiness and sadness.
  2. Time flies like anything when you are with your best friend.
  3. You and your best friend can spend more time together by cracking jokes, playing sports, games, and many more.
  4. A best friend will help each other in academics attend the lectures, raise questions in class and groups.
  5. A best friend is always trusting you in any situation.
  6. A best friend knows all your secrets but never reveals it to anyone.
  7. A best friend lifts your morale whenever you are feeling low.
  8. Your best friends will stay on your side throughout your life.
  9. Your best friend makes you laugh irrespective of their mood.
  10. A best friend always understands your silence or sorrows by seeing your eyes.

10 Lines on Best Friend for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Best Friend

Question 1.
What is the meaning of friendship in simple terms?

Friendship is a familiar word. People who are friends spend time together and talk with each other. Friends always trust each other and help every time when they are hurt.

Question 2.
Who is a true friend?

A true friend is a friend who will be loyal to you at any time. True friends will be honest and sincere. Some friends who will tell what you won’t don’t come under the best friend category.

Question 3.
What are the qualities of a true friend or best friend?


  • True friends and best friends accept you who you are
  • A best friend will make the time to see you.
  • A real friend will tell you the truth no matter what happens.
  • A best friend supports you to reach your dreams
  • True friends will take the time to see you.

Question 4.
What makes a close friend?

Close friends are the persons who will not interact very often. However, you can feel the close friend’s presence, integrity, character, and motives. Thus, when you haven’t been in touch, you feel confident speaking up.

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