Debate on Computer Advantages and Disadvantages | Computer Advantages and Disadvantages Debate in English

Debate on Computer Advantages and Disadvantages: Good morning, my respected jury members, respected teachers, my worthy opponents, and fellow friends.

I _____ is here to express my views in favor of the motion “Computers have brought advantages to our life”. I feel honored to be here to speak in front of this worthy audience and try to establish my points on the said topic with proper justifications.

The invention of the computer is one of the greatest inventions of all time. The computer now has become an integral part of our daily life and we can’t even imagine our lives without a computer. Today’s life is inseparable from the activities accomplished by computers. So there’s a need for debate on computer advantages and disadvantages. With the advancement of time and technologies, the computer has become more and more user-friendly and now at every point of life we require the computer to suffice our needs. In recent times, the computer is playing a huge role in every sphere of our life-be it commercial, educational, business, or personal.

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In this debate on computer advantages and disadvantages, let me give a clear picture of the benefits derived from the use of computers. Computers enable us with the power of knowledge received through the internet. All important information for educational and research purposes can be available from any part of the world. The world has become small in terms of information accessibility. Especially for students and academicians, it provides huge support for completing their assignments, projects, and online learning. That’s the reason for the computer curriculum becoming an integral part of the present-day education system.

The debate on computer advantages and disadvantages highlights the fact that the commercial field has made enormous progress in recent times with the application of computers. The success of the E-commerce business is dependent on computers. All transactions and logistics are planned and implemented with the help of computers in online platforms.

All organizations use computers to store and handle huge amounts of data and records. It not only makes access to information more convenient but also avoids the usage of pen-paper work. This has reduced a lot of manual efforts and saved time while handling huge data.

The medical infrastructure is also using the benefits of computer-based systems to provide fast treatment and accurate diagnosis. The important information and records are updated in real-time using computers. This also helps to retrieve the relevant information quickly as and when required. The modern-day sophisticated equipment is supported by computers for fast and accurate functioning.

The computer has become indispensable in our modern life as it is a great source to provide useful services to a large number of people. As the debate on computer advantages and disadvantages continues, people all over the world are trying to upgrade themselves with the latest computer applications to get the maximum benefit out of it. It also generates work opportunities and sources of earnings for professionals related to computer manufacturing, maintenance, and operations.

The computer has made its presence felt everywhere-from home to space, by bringing some of the biggest technological advancements to our doorstep.

Computer Advantages and Disadvantages Debate

Computer Advantages and Disadvantages Debate

Good morning, my respected jury members, respected teachers, my worthy opponents, and fellow friends.

I _____ is grateful for allowing me to speak in front of this worthy audience on this relevant and important debate on computer advantages and disadvantages. My worthy opponent has put some valid points in favor of the advantages of computers. But just like two sides of a coin, there are also many disadvantages of computers. Now I am going to present my views against the motion “Computers have brought advantages to our life” and try to establish my points on the said topic with proper justifications.

In the debate on computer advantages and disadvantages, we have discussed that computers have made our lives very convenient and comfortable, in terms of speed, accuracy, communication and knowledge sharing. But on the other hand, it makes us too dependent on computers and affects our innovativeness and critical thinking. The worst part is when we don’t have access to computers for some technical reasons we get puzzled or disturbed. Many of us are not confident enough to handle simple problems without using computers.

Taking advantage of storing and handling a large amount of data, every organization uses computers as an integral part of their day-to-day activities. But in case of technical glitches like a virus or system crash, this large volume of digital data may be lost which is a huge disadvantage. It becomes more crucial to retrieve data as hardly any physical backups are maintained nowadays. Many businesses which heavily rely on computerized systems have to suffer long term effect due to such failures. The debate on computer advantages and disadvantages gives another problem of the failure of the network when a host of computers connected to the internet stops working leading to production loss.

Internet access on the computer has brought a massive change in our lives, especially for young generations. There is access to a huge amount of information within a short period. But it has negative effects too. Too much information becomes difficult to assimilate and creates stress on our thinking and decision-making. Sometimes too much information creates confusion and doesn’t help in knowledge enhancement.

The debate on computer advantages and disadvantages must focus on the health aspect of users which is very crucial in the present scenario. The mental setup is gradually changing with more and more use of computers and social networks. People have become more result-oriented and expect quick results. There is a tendency to handle many tasks in a short period which is a negative effect of multitasking. People become frustrated when desired results are not timely or something doesn’t work speedily.

Apart from mental health, using computers for a long time leads to physical distress due to continuous sitting posture. As per health experts, sitting is as harmful as smoking. But some job profiles require people to work for prolonged hours on computers sitting in a particular position and posture. This results in different health hazards.

In the computerized environment, there is a need to upgrade software and hardware regularly to keep pace with the technology change. This involves additional time and money.

So, in the debate on computer advantages and disadvantages, we must keep in mind the disadvantages associated with computers as it becomes a part and parcel of our daily life.

FAQ’s on Debate on Computer Advantages and Disadvantages

Question 1.
What types of crimes are associated with computer activities?

The problem of hacking and cybercrime is on increase with the involvement of unauthorized or anonymous persons in the online platform who have the intention of stealing secret information and personal details through the internet.

Question 2.
In which way prolonged use of computers is harmful to young students?

Prolonged exposure to a computer screen may cause eye problems and strain in the hand and fingers due to repetitive movements for typing and mouse movement.

Question 3.
Do computer applications in organizations create job crunch?

Computers replace manual work so there is a loss of jobs for the unskilled manual workforce.

Question 4.
What benefits can be derived from personal computers?

Some of the benefits include work online from home or other places, storing and accessing useful information quickly, communicating, and building networks.

Question 5.
How medical practitioners acquire benefits from computers in their field?

Medical practitioners get regular updates about the advancement of medical procedures around the world which guide treatment procedures.

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