Debate on Corruption in Favour and Against | Stand in Favour of Corruption Debate in English
Debate on Corruption in Favour and Against Good Morning, honorable judges, respected teachers, my worthy fellow opponents and friends.
Today, I ________standing in front of you to oppose my worthy opponent on his/her views on the negative sides of corruption. Like everything, there is also some positive impact of corruption and I am going to highlight this.
In some research made by economic experts, it is pointed out that corruption can help in economic growth but largely depends on the political settings and policies of governance. Mainly countries with authoritarian leadership can see some benefits of corruption as business firms come into deals with ruling power to support their business. It’s a sort of mutual understanding and commitment that favors investment and growth.
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Good Morning, honorable judges, respected teachers, my worthy fellow opponents and friends.
Today, I ________feel greatly honored to be chosen to speak on the topic ‘corruption’ which is very relevant in the current scenario. I am here to express my views in favor of the motion that ‘corruption has a negative impact on our life and society.
We often come across the term ‘corruption’ in newspapers, digital media and through various discussions. What do we actually mean by this frequently used term? Technically corruption is dishonest conduct or fraudulent act by a person or group of people having the power or authority to achieve personal gain. This can start from simple bribery to a planned way of action for money-making by misuse of power and authority.
The debate on corruption must agree to the fact that it’s an offense in the eye of law. Generally, corruption is more prominent to that section of people who think that they can handle the criminal charges by using their power or money.
The debate on corruption reveals a strange fact that people involved in corruption often belong to the creamy layers of society like business tycoons and high-ranked officials.
While the debate on corruption tries to bring out both positive and negative sides, there are ample points to support the negative aspects but we rarely notice any positive aspects to this practice of corruption.
In the debate on corruption, we will discuss the demerits of corruption which affects citizens as individuals and the society or economy on a larger scale. Corruption is prevalent in various parts of the world in different forms. Whenever some big business deals are made, political game plans come into play and the seed of corruption is sown. In our daily life, we come across various news of fraudulent cases. But these are only the tips of the icebergs. Maximum cases remain unsolved and piled under the debris of power, be it political or corporate.
The debate on corruption can’t be complete without mentioning the fact that the development of a country can be affected severely if corruption is not controlled. It’s like cancer in society which is spreading very fast. It is really hampering the economy especially in developing countries like India. But only watching this evil practice without taking any forward step is more dangerous.
We are quite aware of the fact that various elements are necessary for the growth of a country and economic development is the most important parameter for growth. If we focus on our own country, we will find that India faces the problem of corruption at different levels and at every step. We can see that the majority of political authorities, highly placed government bodies and administrative departments are involved in corruption in some way or other. India has already faced a lot of challenges to establish its identity in the world forum but with this level of corruption, it becomes really hard for a country to progress.
In the debate of corruption, if we look back to historical times or pre-independence periods in India, we can see some forms of corruption. But it was limited to the extent of bribery to safeguard personal interest. The British people followed a process of corruption and bribery to create hindrance in the freedom movement by taking some corrupt Indians in their favor.
But the process of corruption is raised to a great extent after the establishment of democracy. People joining politics are greedy for power and more interested in their personal benefit rather than the development of the country. Debate on corruption exposes the actual picture of political parties who only focus on grabbing the ruling power for a five years term. During this period they are involved in various corruption to increase their wealth and secure their future for generations. For this, they don’t hesitate to join hands with national as well as international firms by taking the country’s economic growth at stake. This is the current scenario of democratic India.
The debate on corruption highlights the fact that there is a major problem that lies in our democratic system of governance-where due to lack of proper punishment this act of corruption finds an easier way of the escapement. If the government would have taken serious measures to tackle the problem in a judicious manner the problem could have been handled and controlled to a certain extent.
In the process of debate on corruption, if we look into various fields of corruption, we observe the highest degree of corruption at the political level. When we surf through various data of scams and scandals, we become surprised to know the involvement of political leaders holding the helm of power. This corruption often results in political pressures which hampers the smooth functionality of government departments. This in other ways affects the service structure which common citizens expect to get from the government.
The debate on corruption puts ample light on the nature of corruption in various parts of society. Exposing corruption and making the concerned authority accountable is the conscious step towards control of corruption. The police, judiciary and media should play an important role in it. But to fight corruption there has to be a good amount of transparency prevailing in the system. Often corruption at a higher level builds such a big network that they easily influence and enable to hide out facts and figures from the public eye. Transparency not only reduces the chances of corruption, but it also builds trust in public organizations and decision-making authorities.
Corruption can lead to far-reaching consequences at political, social and economic levels. It can also pose a threat to the safety and security of people also. Corruption can also encourage criminal activities as they involve corrupt officials to escape the law and order.
FAQ’s on Debate on Corruption in Favour and Against
Question 1.
What are the human factors influencing the act of corruption?
The habits, tradition, family environment, ethics and morality are some of the human factors responsible for involvement in acts of corruption.
Question 2.
What are the effects of corruption on society in the long run?
Corruption enables inequality, poverty, social injustice, class division and even criminal activities.
Question 3.
What are the reasons that prevent people from taking steps against corruption?
The vast size of the population, lack of proper education, complex laws and procedures are some of the reasons that discourage people from taking steps against corruption.
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