Debate on Globalisation | The Debate Over Globalisation, Arguments and Against Globalisation

Debate on Globalisation: Good morning, respected jury members, my respected teachers, opponents, and my dear friends.

Today, I _______feel privileged to be standing here as one of the speakers, and thanks to my teachers for giving me this opportunity to express my views on this topic “Globalisation”. I will speak in favor of this motion and highlight the advantages of Globalisation.

My dear friends, I hope most of you are already acquainted with the term ‘Globalisation’. To express the term in simple words, Globalisation means a more connected world through greater international trade and foreign investments. It is the integration of products and people across different countries arising from the interchange of views, cultures, and ideas. I think I have made it more or less clear through this simple explanation.

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Now an obvious question arises whether Globalisation is good or bad for a country and its people. The positive effects of Globalisation are quite prominent as compared to negative effects. Globalisation enhances healthy competition among multinational companies for their products and services and customers are benefited from better quality products with competitive prices.

Let us now focus on the benefits derived from Globalisation. The list can be huge but here are some of the most important and relevant points that I want to mention here.

  • Access to new cultures
  • Spread of technology and innovation
  • Competitive price of products
  • Access to new markets
  • Higher standards of living
  • Access to new talents
  • International recruiting and job opportunities

Now an important point that needs to be discussed is the background for Globalisation. There are three major guiding factors or components for Globalisation namely, international market integration, multinational production and trade, and international finance. These are the extremely important aspects of the development of the economy and infrastructure in a country.

I want to highlight how Globalisation is impacting our lives in various ways. We find that due to Globalisation, standard quality products are available at a much cheaper price. We have a lot more options when selecting a product and service. We get access to the most advanced technology and features which suit our requirements more conveniently. Eventually, it has improved the standard of living. We can see a lot of foreign products in areas like automobiles, telecom, electronics, etc. Commercial transactions at the international level have become more effective and reliable.

Globalisation has a positive impact on society as well. Due to Globalisation, there is a rapid and significant human change. Migration has increased, people in large numbers have moved from rural to urban areas and the growth of cities happened very fast. The integration of technology has transformed the job profile and brought opportunities for skill development and applications. Until the middle of the twentieth century, production was mainly concentrated within countries. But more and more MNCs were looking for locations around the world that would be cost-effective for their business in terms of manufacturing and trade. Globalisation brings this opportunity for integration or connecting markets across countries.

Another positive effect of Globalisation is that nations can freely and wisely use their resources more efficiently by selling their products to the most profitable market. They can procure the best raw materials according to global standards and improve their product quality to gain a competitive advantage. In absence of major restrictions, Globalisation offers a market-friendly approach, hence making the economy more open and competitive. Globalisation promotes trade across borders and acts as a pillar for liberalization. It improves productivity and efficiency which control the economic growth of a country. It opens the door for the inflow of foreign capital as investment and also through export earnings. The various sectors are now exposed to international competition and as a result, the economy gets a boost.

Consumers are also getting benefitted from the effect of Globalisation. They get good quality goods at the right price while choosing from a variety of options. As a consequence, there is improvement in quality for all goods and services to remain competitive in the marketplace. Consumers get access to the latest technological advancements and remain updated with know-how and information. The demand-supply logistics become more balanced leading to efficient production activities ensuring quality and quantity.

Through foreign ventures in industry, various economic sectors around the world become better connected. This enhances other connectivity as well, like in the fields of culture, politics, technology, and finance. The exchange of cultures is a common aspect of Globalisation. Cultural Globalisation refers to the transmission of ideas and values around various corners of the world. In this process, a country gets enriched by the culture, values, and traditions of other countries. The connection through the internet, popular culture media, and international platforms bring the countries close to each other. To intensify my point I will give you an example. The Globalisation of food is one of the most common benefits of cultural Globalisation. Today’s younger generations try to build an identity that gives them a sense of belonging to a worldwide culture. They have developed an awareness of events, practices, and information as a part of the global culture.

Political Globalisation refers to the growth of the worldwide political forum involving different countries. The best example is the creation and functioning of the United Nations. Political Globalisation helps us in various ways. A country can easily connect to the leaders of other states in case of any crisis or can take opinions to handle critical issues. This results in easy and amicable solutions.

The world has moved beyond sociological restrictions as an aftereffect of Globalisation. It covers a vast area involving governments, business, industry, and infrastructure. All these sectors are getting benefited out of Globalisation and in turn pass the benefit to the common people. The international trade opportunities have created a single world market which all countries can access to their advantage. Globalisation helps in forming new types of groups and develops social relationships. It impacts the generative process for new sociological changes.

Globalisation is increasing at a faster pace and we can experience it so profoundly. The influence of advanced technology, diverse culture, and new economic structures has created a major shift in the socio-economic profile of societies in a positive direction.

The Globalisation Debate

FAQ’s on Globalisation Debate

Question 1.
What is the role of WTO in Globalisation?

The formation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1994 led to the reduction of trade barriers across the world and an increase in the free trade agreements among various countries.

Question 2.
How India is impacted by Globalisation in terms of MNC operations?

MNCs are considering India for making major investments in the fields like IT, business processing, and R&D investments.

Question 3.
What is the effect of Globalisation in the education sector?

Globalisation has given more access to information across the world that has helped in greater awareness among students. This has also led to a greater need for specialization and promotion of higher education.

Question 4.
How Globalisation impacts the standard of living?

People prefer to live in urban settlements rather than rural areas because of job opportunities. The increased purchasing power also improves their lifestyle.

Question 5.
How does a country gain economic advantage from Globalisation?

Globalisation involves a huge exchange of capital, goods, and services across countries which have a great impact on the economy.

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