Debate on Mobile Phones Advantages and Disadvantages | Using of Mobile Phones Debate in English
Debate on Mobile Phones-Advantages and Disadvantages: “As long as you have a mobile phone you are never alone” rightly said by someone isn’t it? Yes, mobile phones have become an integral part of our life. Even a day cannot be imagined without a mobile phone. Today, Sumit Sharma standing in front of you wanted to express my views on how mobile is an important technology in today’s world through my Debate on Mobile phones-Advantages and Disadvantages.
Guys, have you ever thought about the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones? I don’t think so, because we do not pay attention to the pros and cons of the technology which proved to be very useful to the world. We just keep on fetching the best from it. I am sure my debate on mobile phones-advantages and disadvantages will make you think about buying a mobile phone for yourself if you don’t own any.
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The basic aim of this debate on mobile phones-advantages and disadvantages is to highlight all the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Mobile Phones for upcoming Youth in Society.
Before going to have a debate on mobile phones-advantages and disadvantages I would like to share what is mobile? Mobile is exactly what the name implies – technology that is portable means which can be moved easily. Mobile devices include laptops, tablets, netbooks, computers, smartphones, global positioning system (GPS) devices also wireless debit/credit card payment terminals
- In my research for debate on mobile phones-advantages and disadvantages, I have found that mobile phones are the best source of communication nowadays. Communication was very hard and costly for people in the olden days. But today communication has become very easy, people can communicate with their relatives and friends within seconds using mobile phones. Before the invention of mobile phones the landline telephone and letters were used for communication then, we used mobile phones only for communication, phone calls and text messaging, etc. But today mobile phones act as portable computers, a lot of activities can be done by using mobile phones easily.
- Mobile phones are a great source of information for students. With the help of mobile phones, students can easily access different kinds of educational websites through the internet from anywhere, anytime. Also, a lot of educational apps like language dictionaries, translators, music and dance learning applications and many other learning apps are available in the play store of mobile phones. By which students can learn anything.
- Today, people can order different kinds of things either it may be any food item or any other product, through mobile phones from home instead of going outside. That saves them time and money needed for travelling.
- Nowadays, mobile phones are the most popular source of entertainment. People can watch movies, songs and play games on mobile phones. People of any age, the old one or the teens use mobile phones for their entertainment.
- In the case of an emergency, people can use a mobile phone for contacting their relatives and save a life in an emergency.
- Mobile phones have the best resolution cameras. Due to mobile phones, capturing memorable moments through mobile phones is very easy and can be sent to any other person also they can share it on social media platforms.
- One of the best benefits of mobile phones is the GPS features. It gives you information about your current location and destination. You can select the destination on a GPS map and it gives you the direction of the ways to reach your destination.
- New mobile phones can easily access the high-speed internet through their mobile phones from anywhere. The DSL or broadband internet connection is becoming old nowadays, people tend to use 3G, 4G, and upcoming 5G internet speed.
- Mobile phones are also referred to as digital personal assistants. You can even set alarms and reminders on your mobile phones. You can add a to-do list for an all-day schedule on your mobile phones.
- Earlier people had to keep the torch to see in darkness or to search for something in the darkness. But now mobile phones have the feature flashlights which work as a torchlight.
- Mobile phones are next to libraries, they are the most beneficial digital device used for learning and research. You can search for any type of recipes, magazines, newspapers, research papers, or any kind of journal, etc. easily.
- Those who have a mobile don’t need to keep a calculator with themselves. All kinds of calculations can be done on mobile phones using the calculator feature.
- Before mobile phones, people used to keep phone number diaries for saving the contact numbers of people. But today because of mobile phones people can save many contact numbers easily. And can easily retrieve it anytime from anywhere
- Through mobile phones, you can easily do online banking, access your bank accounts, check your account status, and transfer money to other accounts. There is no need to go to the bank branches for any kind of financial transaction you can do it through your mobile phone online.
Through this debate on mobile phones-advantages and disadvantages, we are trying to make you people aware of the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones. But again, it all depends on the users how they use their mobile phones. Its use should be limited keeping in mind the ill effects too. So that only
If used wisely, a mobile phone can be one of the best gadgets and one can fetch its benefits. Don’t let the dark sides of mobile phones discourage you, it’s a matter of choosing how best it can benefit you.
So, had this debate on mobile phones-advantages and disadvantages convenience you how important are the mobile phones. I hope you will find this debate on mobile phones-advantages and disadvantages very helpful.
Thank you
FAQ’s on Debate on Mobile Phones Advantages and Disadvantages
Question 1.
How does mobile prove to be useful in the business field?
Using mobile technology in business proved to be very useful because of the following feature:
- Improve customer service.
- increase mobility.
- increase productivity.
- work remotely (eg work from anywhere)
- accept payments wirelessly
- improved networking capabilities
- Online transactions made easy
Question 2.
How can one make money using mobile phones?
Nowadays, there are so many ways to make money using smartphones. They are like blogging, making teaching videos, taking photographs to sell, making entertaining videos for YouTube, promoting your business, marketing your products and from today’s point of view taking online tuition is a great source of income.
Question 3.
How mobiles proved to be very useful in this current covid-19 pandemic?
During this current pandemic covid-19 when the whole world went under lockdown mobile proved to be a very useful technology to keep in touch with everyone. Due to mobile phones, many people who were stuck in different places can contact their relatives. Bank transactions and work from home as possible. And also students can continue their studies through online education using mobile phones. Mobile phones are also a great source of entertainment.
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