Debate on Reservation System in India | Facts You Need To Know About Debate on Reservation System in India
Debate on Reservation System in India: Honourable judges, respected chief guests, my opponents and my dear friends, very good morning to all.
Today we have gathered here to have a debate on the reservation system in India. I am Rahul Sharma standing here in front of you to express my views against the Reservation System in India.
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So friends before jumping into the actual topic of Debate on the reservation system in India let us understand what does reservation means?
The act of reserving, keeping back or withholding a special place for someone is defined as reservations. The Debate on the Reservation System in India is the most debated topic. The unsettled history of caste-based reservation in India is as old as our Constitution.
Indian Constitution provides reservation for STs, SCs and OBCs in Government Jobs and Education in India for the upliftment of the backward castes. Reservation was meant to be an uplifter for society but turns out that it has become a lifelong process of spoon-feeding.
In this debate on the Reservation system in India let us look into the actual disadvantages of the Reservation System in India.
Right after Independence, many laws were amended to ensure social justice and provide equal opportunities to the most backward people like the Scheduled Castes and Tribes who were the primary victims of untouchability and caste pollution practices.
The provisions had been made by the Parliament of India and followers of the Hindu religion that are highly benefited from the reservation policy.
But friends, practically reservations destroy self-respect so much that competition is no longer on to determine the best but the most backward.
So friends, what do you think? Is it fair to extend reservation to the children of professors, scientists, MPs and MLAs belonging to the SC, the ST and the OBC forever? No, not at all. They don’t need reservations anymore.
Actually, promotion should be based on merit and ability. Reservation slows down the economic growth rate of the country. The proposed amendment will only lead to conflicts between the upper castes and lower castes.
General speaking, the main reason of anger in general category is some rich peoples from reservation category gets the reservation and poor family from general not getting this opportunity.
How do you even expect fair education to all when one general category child knows that burning the night oil is not even enough and the other one from other castes knows that only a few efforts will make it.
There are common arguments in the debate on the Reservation System in India that are fair enough to stop reservation on the basis of the caste system.
- The majority of lower castes have made their position in many reputed professions and are now on an equal status compared to the general population. Hence, there is no need for reservations in lower castes anymore.
- A reservation only provides a temporary solution to the historical injustice issues.
- Reservation is obviously a tool to overcome social and educational backwardness, but it does not solve all social and economic ailments.
- Reservation slows down the economic growth rate of the country as it reduces the efficiency of actual talent.
- The major disadvantage of the reservation system in India is that the castes that should be actually benefited are not being benefitted, instead, others who are not in need are reaping the benefits of the reservation system.
- One caste after another will start demanding reservations due to the success of others. Many of these are politically and economically sound though the whole community requires reservations that are totally illogical.
Reservations must be implemented but the outlook for the same must be changed. Some of them are
- Create a reservation system which should benefit the people with poor financial background.
- Reservations should not be based on caste, it should be based on economic condition. Reservations should be provided to uplift the people from the poverty line, for those who don’t have meals to eat, clothes to wear, and no home to live in.
- They shall be made on the basis of gender, family education, family employment, family property, family income or for any disabilities and traumas.
- The process of the reservation should be given to such people who are truly in need.
- Special facilities and help should be given to poor children of all castes or religions. Suppose, the child of poor parents may not have the money to buy school textbooks, he must be provided the textbooks free of charge by the state.
We don’t require reservations based on castes or religion but to provide support to those who have fewer resources and are below the poverty line. This way we would be successful in eliminating caste discrimination and supporting the economically poor, regardless of their castes.
Generally, people talk at a moral level about how reservation will help overcome discrimination, but this cannot be further from the truth,
Imagine a reserved candidate who secured a job in a reputed government office. Irrespective of his talent and work quality, he will always be seen as a man who secured his job on a reservation basis, society will never accept him as a respectable individual, and the discrimination continues.
For instance, take another example, a reserved candidate secured a job at some government office and led a decent life and so can send his kids to high-end schools. Another open category candidate who failed to get a secured job sweeps the floor at someone’s home and wants to send his kids for higher education but fails to do so. Now, obviously, the kids of the sweeper have no chance to take any advantage of the reservation system and the kids of the first-class officer don’t need reservations but are definitely going to reap the benefits of the reservation system.
What I am trying to point out in this debate on reservation system in India is that the reservation system in India totally failed to lift the economic condition of the poor ones.
So in my opinion in this debate on reservation system in India, the reservation system in India on a caste basis should be abolished. It has stayed for 70 years and still done nothing good. Reservation is only promoting vote Bank politics and corruption and India is going backward rather than progressing.
From my point of view, reservation is something which is a must for the development of any nation. But yes when I say true development I mean that there should be a true reservation system.
So I conclude my debate on reservation system in India by saying that reservation should not be removed, instead it should be modified in favour of poor people.
FAQ’s on Debate on Reservation System in India
Question 1.
Why is the Reservation System in India necessary?
The reservation system in India is necessary to give equal opportunities to the socially backward classes. The main objective of providing reservations to the Scheduled Castes(SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and other castes in services is not only to give jobs to the persons belonging to these communities. It basically aims at empowering the backward classes and ensuring their equal participation in the decision-making process of the State.
Question 2.
What is Reservation?
In simple terms, reservation in India is reserving access to seats in government jobs and educational institutions for socially backward classes. Reservation is certain laws imposed by the government for fixed quotas, where some seats in private and government institutes are reserved for socially and economically backward communities, scheduled castes, and tribes.
Question 3.
Who falls under the general category?
The castes that are on average ahead of other Indians economically and socially are referred to as Forwarding caste or General Class or General Category or Open Category. Forward castes account for about 31% of the Indian population. Some of them are- Brahmins, Banias, Punjabi khatris, Rajputs are mainly general caste all over India.
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