Debate on Women’s Empowerment in Favour | Women’s Empowerment in Favour Debte in English
Debate on Women’s Empowerment in Favour
You are the Fire!
You are all Conquering.
You are all Powerful
You are Supreme.
After all, you are a Woman.
So I, as a proud woman, choose to express my views on the debate on women’s empowerment in favour. So very good morning to one and all present here.
Debate on women’s empowerment in favour is a mostly chosen topic for the debate.
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Women’s empowerment can be defined as promoting equal rights to women, their sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others.
In this debate on women’s empowerment in favour, let us see how Women’s Empowerment is a burning issue, which has not lost its relevance in any age and time.
Women are the backbone of the family as well as society. Rightly said, “If you educate a man, you educate only one person but if you educate a woman, you educate the entire family.”
Women are worshiped in different forms of god-like Mother Mary, Laxmi, Durga, Kali, etc. Yet we are talking about women empowerment. This is large because we live in a society where men enjoy a privileged position and women still need to fight for their existence. Women still have to depend on men for their livelihood.
One of the major barriers in the growth and advancement of women is gender inequality. This means that we treat males and females unequally for the same task.
Generally in rural areas, males are given more importance than women.
Through my debate on women’s empowerment in favour I want to highlight that violence against women is still prominent. Even in the modern world, there are still deaths due to the killing of the girl child and the dowry system. According to a survey, almost 2.5 lakhs of girls are killed in India every year. UNICEF had figured out that around 5000 women are killed in dowry-related incidents each year in India. due to the weaker side women are suffering from abusive marriages. As they are not empowered, they fear taking a stand for their right.
The women will be empowered by making them economically independent. As females were given poor education or no education at all, they are not able to get good jobs as a result the women hardly get economic independence.
Women constitute 50% of the world’s population that is nearly half of the population. But their representation in social platforms is not even 20%. For a truly democratic country, equal opportunities should be given to everyone to represent themselves.
Even in the Indian Parliament, promises are made for reserving seats for women Parliament but unfortunately, there is a huge gap in what we say and what we do.
Women empowerment will gain its true meaning when society will accept women as decision-makers for the economic and financial decisions of the family. We shall encourage women to take their own decisions on any major topics. So that they don’t need to take permission from men. Women lack appropriate representation in the administration and policy-making committees at workplaces because of fear, lack of confidence and insecurities.
It is very sad to know that many organizations do not have a flexible maternity leave policy. Many women have to quit their work-life after having a child since they are not able to cope up with the demanding job profile or cannot afford daycare for their child.
In some societies, women are still underestimated because of their gender. They are still paid less, expected to cook, clean, take care of children, etc. Women are still kept strict by their culture and family. In some families girls don’t have permission to stay out late at night, do jobs, take higher studies, talk with boys and much such orthodox thinking are still followed. Women are still determined by their parents or husband; they don’t have their own identities. Instead of being sent to school, they are often made to do domestic work at home or are married off for a dowry before they are grown up to a proper age..Women’s empowerment is really needed in such societies and basically rural areas.
Debate on women’s empowerment in favour will show how important is women’s empowerment. Empowering women is to give equal rights to participate in education, society, economy and politically.. Women are allowed to take higher education as men. They can go to the high-level of education, finish their classes, learn the skill and study whatever they want. Women also can join the political party as they have the right to vote and do some activities in politics.
Men leave no chance to abuse women or physically hurt them. Though many laws have been passed for women empowerment unless the basic mentality of men changes no improvement can take place. Every day we see a number of cases of women that are being raped or harassed or misbehaved.
Debate on Women’s empowerment in favour means to encourage women to make them realize that they are strong enough and can do everything that they want to do. Through this debate on women’s empowerment in favor I would like to make all the women realize how important they are in making a developed nation. Women can earn money to support their families by working through their abilities. As some women are not confident to work in a hard condition or a high position because they still think that it’s not a woman’s job. Empowerment helps to reduce domestic violence and give value to women. And will also build confidence among them. Through this debate on women’s empowerment in favour I would like to make women realise how valuable they are to society.
FAQ’s on Debate on Women’s Empowerment in Favour
Question 1.
Why is Women’s empowerment so important?
Empowering women is very essential for the social development of families, communities and countries.
When women are healthy, safe, fulfilled and happy, they can reach their full potential. contributing their skills to the work as well as can raise happier and healthier children. They can also benefit societies and humanity at large. A key part of this empowerment is through education. Girls who are educated can contribute to their country’s economy later in life. They are less likely to get married at a young age.
Question 2.
How can women’s empowerment be achieved?
Women empowerment can be achieved by some of the following ways
- Treat women fairly at work, respecting and supporting non-discrimination and human rights
- Ensure the health, wellbeing and safety of all female workers.
- Provide resources for better education, training and professional development for women
- By providing a safe and secure environment at the workplace.
Question 3.
What are the types of Women’s Empowerment?
As defined by Keshab Chandra Mandal the female empowerment could be defined in five separate categories they are
- Social.
- Educational.
- Economical.
- Political.
- Psychological.
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