What Does It Mean To Be Free Essay | What Does It Mean To Have Freedom 800 Words Essay

What Does it Mean to be Free?: Free! Free! Free ! as the words echo in our ear our heart and mind sparkle with excitement and the feeling of joy. Whether it is for any product or means for us, free things always attract us. If we have to pay for anything we desire it is not said to be free.

I often asked myself what does it mean to be free? Is it taking decisions independently? Or travelling without any restrictions? Or speaking whatever I like? Or to set me free from all the indications? There is no limit to freedom. Freedom has different definitions in the lives of different people.  Though it looks different for different people, it is still something that we all desire to have.

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What Does Freedom Mean?

Freedom refers to a state of independence where you can do whatever you like without any restriction or fear of anyone.

According to my, we lack freedom because we have attached ourselves to a certain belief. A belief that we are born with that negative quality, which has stuck with us. We feel restricted maybe because we feel that we are not good enough, or maybe we don’t feel like we are worthy enough.

The minute we start to believe in ourselves and start focusing on what we have instead of what we are missing in life, that is the minute that we will be free.

What is Freedom for you?

What does it mean to be free? Is a question constantly appearing? To me, freedom means loving the body that we have. No shame, no guilt, and no feeling to look a certain way. Our appearance does not define our worth. But our beliefs and actions do.

What Does it Mean to be Free?

For me, freedom means to work for myself instead of working for someone else. When I start chasing my own dreams instead of someone else’s dream, I will be one step closer to freedom.

The answer to the question: what does it mean to be free? can be defined in many ways some of them are:

  • Freedom means traveling the world and experiencing new places, new adventures and lifelong memories.
  • Freedom means conquering the battle with depression and anxiety.
  • Freedom means living with positivity removing all the negativity. Freedom means helping others.
  • Freedom means to live with no fear. We all make mistakes but if we do not take risks in life, we are never going to experience freedom. Taking risks for the growth without any restriction or anyone’s fear is a freedom
  • Freedom also means the right to say “no”. If you don’t agree with the government decision, community decision or another person’s decision you can say “no”. There is no punishment for that. But this works only if it won’t cause harm to the people around you.

Continuing to follow my own beliefs and to challenge myself, to grow as a person is true freedom. If I can live my life according to me and be proud of myself, I know that I will be free.

Overall freedom is so necessary that people cannot reach their full potential if they are not free. If a person is not allowed to make his or her decisions, he is not free to live life as he wants then he doesn’t have power over his or her existence.


To conclude this essay on what does it mean to be free? freedom is a basic right, humans are born with. Nothing should threaten our freedom, deprive us of our rights. But our right to freedom must never harm any other human being, directly or indirectly. We must respect the freedom of everyone. This way we can fetch maximum benefits of freedom throughout our life.

What Does It Mean To Be Free Essay

Short Essay on What Does it Mean to be Free?

Freedom is an opportunity to do everything you want without any restrictions if it does not cause harm to other people. Freedom cannot be described in simple words, because this term contains many different meanings. Different people define freedom in many different ways.

Some People think that freedom is the right to walk anywhere according to their wish. Another one says that freedom is the right to say anything he wants without the fear of being punished. But in a real senese what does it mean to be free? Let us understand freedom in detail.

The real meaning of freedom can be deeply understood only by those who have earned it by sacrificing their lives. Freedom does not mean that you can violate others’ rights, it does not mean that you disregard other rights..

Freedom can be defined in various forms some of them are listed below:

Types of  Freedom

  1. Freedom of choice: All people have the right to make their own decision and to make their own choice. Everyone has the right to live their life according to them and so they themselves will be responsible for the consequences.
  2. Freedom of thoughts: All people must have freedom of the word, it is an important type of freedom for every nation. It means that no one can restrict you to say whatever you think. No one should be imposed on what they need to think or say. Because they all have different thoughts.
  3. The freedom of the activity: This freedom deals with people that are dealing with art. They can have their own style and have the freedom to use all themes in their work.
  4. The freedom of religion: It gives the opportunity to all people to choose the religion they wish to have and even can change it during their life. All people have some traditions and they are free to any religion they like. No one has the right to choose which religion you should have and it cannot create any difficulties for you. Only you have the right to choose your religion.

To sum up, everyone should know what it means to be free and find their own explanation of freedom. Because only freedom gives us all needed opportunities to live and to be free. We should value freedom a lot because, without it, we will be just the slaves, which will do everything, what the other people want. We should value and respect our freedom.

FAQ’s on What Does It Mean To Be Free Essay

Question 1.
What does freedom mean in your life?

Freedom means to speak, act and live a quality life without unnecessary external restrictions. Freedom is to enhance productivity and overall high quality of life.

Question 2.
Is freedom important for a happy life?

Yes, freedom is foremost important to live a quality life. Freedom helps a person to express his views without any fear and grow productively.

If a person is not allowed to make his decisions openly if he or she is not free to live life as he wants then he doesn’t have power over his life. He just has to act like a slave.

Question 3.
What are the four types of freedom?

The four freedoms outlined were

  1. freedom of speech,
  2. freedom of worship,
  3. freedom from want, and
  4. freedom from fear.

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