Farm Domestic Animals Vocabulary English | List of Farm Domestic Animals Vocabulary English With Description and Pictures

Farm Domestic Animals Vocabulary English: Domestic animals are animals, which humans can use for various purposes which benefit them. They differ from wild animals in the context of habitat, diet, characteristic features, and survival skills.

Domestic animals are naturally kept in human habitats, working for humans as livestock or working animals. They are very adaptive and are genetically modified to enjoy human company. It is important for us to know about the domestic animals pictures with names since it would help us to get familiar with the domestic animals list in India and all over the world. In this article, let us learn in-depth about the list of domestic animals, which would help us get familiar with the terms

List of Farm Domestic Animals Vocabulary Words in English

Names of Domestic Animals Vocabulary Words

Domestic animals can be of different types too. Real Farm animals are also a part of domestic animals, who are typically labor animals. They work to help with agriculture and also produce products like milk and meat, which help with human economics. So, let’s get to the list of domestic animals and their uses.

List of Domestic Animals

Description of the Domestic Animals

Cattle (cows and bulls)

Cattles are the most widely spread and common domestic animals. They are large and hoofed. They are raised for various purposes like meat, milk and agricultural purposes. The animals which fall under cattle are cows, bulls, oxen and calves. Cattles are the friendliest domestic animals, who are very adaptive to human beings, and readily help with the human economy.


Not all rabbits like humans’ encounter, but the subspecies of the European Rabbit is the best option for having a rabbit pet. Rabbits love to stay in the company of other rabbits; hence rabbits cannot be left alone. Rabbits are generally domesticated for their meat or for being kept as pets. They are fun-loving and can prove to be easy-going pets if kept together with their family.


Ducks are wild animals but possess domesticated counterparts, which leads them to stay alongside the human company. Ducks are raised for their down, meat and eggs. They can from 10 up to 15 years if taken care of.


Shrimps have a special side when it comes to domesticating. Shrimps are not domesticated by humans but are taken in by Coral fishes. The coral fishes lead the shrimps to fertilize its algae farms underwater.


The species of Pigs which are domesticated are Sus domesticus. Pigs are considered social and highly intelligent animals, and once they get familiar with human interaction, there’s no going back. Pigs are raised for their meat, the Pork which is enjoyed worldwide.


Humans can domesticate not all bees, but most of them are. The genetics of domesticated bees, or even semi-domestic bees, have a great influence on Human beings. Bees are naturally raised for the delicious and highly nutritious honey they produce and bee wax.


The domestic Goats are a domesticated version of the species Goat antelope. They are usually kept as livestock, and also, they are popular for their milk. They are capable of living 15 to 18 years and are usually kept together with sheeps.


Also known as the Indicine cattle or the humped Cattle are only found in India. Zebu is among the strongest cattle, and an adult zebu can weigh up to 600 lbs. They are usually domesticated to help in agricultural purposes. Zebus are extremely strong; hence the owner should be careful while taking care of a Zebu since it is capable of even killing a being.


The sole purpose of domesticating crabs is for their meat and to stabilize their population since Crabs are declining day by day. The two most commonly domesticated Crabs are the Mud Crab and the Blue Swimming Crab.


Deers are easy-going animals and easily tamed with a little trust; hence they are easily domesticated. The main purpose of their domestication is to pull chariots. Domesticating Deers are still an ongoing matter since not a lot of Deers are seen in ham captivation.


Turkeys have been domesticated for about 2000 years now. They are raised for their beautiful feathers, meat and bones. Raising turkey was a slow process since it developed gradually, starting from Mexico.

Guinea pig

Guinea pigs are quite innocent pets and very easy to be domesticated. They are also quite famous among kids and researchers. Guinea pigs are domesticated, for they are used for medical and research purposes. They are especially used in the studies of the respiratory system, the nervous system, and also immune system. Their ears have a similar range to humans; hence they are used to study the human ears too.


A donkey, also known as a burro, is a domestic member of the horse family. They are really good pets and are very sweet and gentle. Even though they are much slower and smaller than horses, they are capable of carrying heavy loads in extreme terrain. Donkeys can be quite obedient, but they don’t like to be yelled at and to be forced.


Doves are mostly domesticated as performer animals. They are used in magic shows and circuses. Doves are taught to perform tricks like aerial tricks. At times doves are also taken for their meat.


Sheep are among the first animals to be domesticated. They are raised specifically for their meat, milk and most importantly, their wool. The wool of the sheep is one of the most important domestic economic factors since wool is greatly used for making warm clothes.


With the growth of aquaculture, the domestication of fishes is a possibility now. Both freshwater and marine fishes are domesticated, and it is a tiring process since raising fishes is a long and time-consuming process. The Farmed Salmon is the most domesticated fish species ever.


Chicken is another common domestic animal. They are domesticated for their meat and eggs. Chicken meat is a popular and favorite part of delicacies; hence they are raised in great amounts. Domesticating Chicken began from the Red Junglefowl, native to Southeast Asia.


A horse or domestic horse is a very favorable animal when it comes to domestic animals. They are mostly domesticated for their speed and for the factor they can carry heavy loads. Horses are mostly domesticated for races and competitions.


Bombyx mori, or the domestic silkmoth, is a part of the insect family Bombycide. Silkmoths are raised for their silk. Silkmoths are domesticated throughout the world and are an important part of the economy because they produce rich silk.


Dogs, of course, are the most popular pet out there. Dogs are the most trustworthy companion to human beings and the most playful ones. According to AKC, a total of 195 breeds of dogs are recognized so far, with an addition to 79 breeds yet to be recognized completely. Dogs are very playful, and they love human company a lot.


Cats are among the most popular pets, along with Dogs. They are the perfect pet for humans. Cats are the only domestic species of the family Felidae. There are a total of 38 species of cats yet recognized. Cats feel very connected to humans but are a little subtle when it comes to showing their feelings.


Humans have always domesticated Geese for their meat, egg and their features. Domestic geese are derived through the process of selective breeding. Even though sometimes they tend to be a bit aggressive, they still are very good pets, and if taken care of, they turn out to be very friendly.


These South American camelids are recently getting very popular for their friendly and harmless nature. Llamas are domesticated for their meat and as pack animals. They are also very famous for their wool because llama’s wool is soft and lanolin-free.


Ostriches are costly domestic animals, but their breeding projects are the most profitable projects. Ostriches are raised for their feathers, meat and hide. Ostrich eggs are also very popular and expensive.


Camels are domesticated for transportation purposes. They are greatly used for long distances and for Desert travelling since camels are the only animals who are adaptive to the desert heat and can also be used for travelling purposes. Camels are also domesticated for their rich milk, which is a part of the desert diet.


Traditionally Reindeers were raised for their milk, fur, skin and blood to make blood sausages and to pull sledges. Presently Reindeers are only raised for their meat and to pull sledges. Reindeers are curious animals. They are very friendly and likeable. Reindeers are also easy to fence, train and feed.


Alpacas belong to the South American camelids, they are often confused with Llama because of their similar looks, but Alpacas are visibly smaller than Llamas. Alpacas make extremely obedient pets, and they are raised as livestock. Alpacas love the company of other animals; hence, it’s very cruel to let an alpaca love alone.


Yak is a domesticated Ox. They have humped shoulders and shaggy hair. They also have large horns. Yaks are quite strong animals, but if taken care of, they would become the friendliest to their owners. They become attention seekers once they adjust with their owners. They are raised as pack animals and used for their milk, meat, and hide.

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