Fruits And Vegetables Vocabulary | List of Fruits And Vegetables Vocabulary With Description and Pictures

Fruits And Vegetables Vocabulary: Fruits and vegetables benefits your health and are an essential part of your diet. Numerous types of fruits and vegetables are available all over the world, and each has a unique taste. Some are exotic in nature, available only in a few countries, while others are available all around the globe.

There is a list of fruits and vegetables in the English vocabulary, and in this article, we have tried to make a list of fruits and vegetable vocabulary words. It is not at all difficult to learn all of them, and you can learn two of them each day.

List of Fruits And Vegetables Vocabulary Words in English

Names of Fruits And Vegetables Vocabulary Words

The English dictionary has so many names and listicles of fruits and vegetables names with pictures. If you are out for buying a particular type of fruit or vegetable, you must know their name and usefulness by heart. You can use these for preparing different vegetable recipes.

There is a list of fruit and vegetable names in English in this piece, which you should have in your diet. This article is comprehensive and will give a boost to your vocabulary.

List of Fruits And Vegetables

Description of the Fruits And Vegetables Vocabulary words.

Fruit names


An apple is a fruit with a sour-sweet taste and is believed to have its origins near Central Asia. It is a fruit that is highly beneficial for your health and is either red or green in color. The hilly areas are known for apple cultivation.


Apricots resemble peaches in their look and are yellow in color. These round-shaped fruits are very nutritious and are known to boost your digestion system. This round-shaped fruit is small in size and is suitable for eye health.


Avocado is a pear-like fruit in terms of looks and is essentially a tropical fruit. They have a green outer layer which has a rough texture, while the inside flesh is buttery. Avocadoes have a creamy and nutty flavor.


Bananas are fruits that are yellow in color and are very healthy to consume. It has a soft texture and is very sweet in taste. Bananas are known to be a cure for high blood pressure or hypertension.


A boysenberry is a large fruit, which is a mix between several blackberries and a loganberry. It becomes dark red when ripe and ready to eat.


Blueberry is a fruit that has a sweet taste combines with a tint of acid. These berries are delicious to make jams or muffins and pies. They are quite healthy and boost the health of your heart.

Carambola(U.K) or Starfruit (U.S)

Just like the name indicates, a Starfruit or Carambola resembles the shape of a star. It comes with edible skin, and the flesh of this fruit has a mild sour taste. This fruit comes in two colors, yellow or green.


Cherries grow in bunches in a tree or in a bush. Having a slightly sour taste, cherries are often used in desserts like ice cream or in baking recipes like a cobbler or a pie. It is bright red in color and is rich in vitamin B.


Cantaloupe is a variety of muskmelon, which is a citrus fruit. It is a summer fruit and is considered to be a rich source of potassium. A cantaloupe in your diet will increase your intake of vitamin A.


A clementine is actually a hybrid fruit. It is a mix of oranges and mandarins and is tiny in shape. They are bright orange in color with a sour taste and are pretty easy to peel. Clementine comes with no seeds.


Coconut is an edible fruit belonging to the coconut palm tree. It is a one-seeded fruit that has a hard and stony covering that encloses the seed. The outer shell of this fruit is useful as a fuel and acts as a charcoal source.


Cucumber is a fruit that has 96% water. It is a tube-shaped fruit that is green in color and is extremely low in calories. They can be eaten both cooked and raw and are known to improve one’s eyesight.


Dewberry is a variety of blackberries that can be eaten raw. These berries are also used in numerous recipes of pie and are also preserved. These berries are small in size and have a purple color.

Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit is a small elliptical, oval or pear-shaped fruit, which is bright red or purple in color. It comes with scaly skin, and the flesh of this fruit has a subtle sweet taste. Some dragon fruits have a sour taste as well.


Fig fruits also go by the name of syconia. These fruits are soft and ripe but not much juicy. The flesh of this fruit is pulp-like or jelly-like. The taste of this fruit resembles the sweetness of honey and comes with dense stinginess.

Finger Lime

Finger lime is a fruit that is formed within a cylindrical pod. They resemble caviar in their appearance and are small spherical in shape. It has a robust flavor, and this fruit is very visually appealing.


Grapes are a type of fruit that grows in vines. These fruits grow in clusters of 100 to 300 and can have a variety of colors. It generally comes in a green or purple color, but these small round fruits can also have a dark blue, black, or even yellow color.


A grapefruit resembles the appearance of an orange. It is spherical in shape but slightly flattened and comes with reddish skin. The flesh of this fruit has a sweet taste, and the color of the flesh can be either pink or red.


Gooseberries are small ellipsoidal berries, which have a sour taste. The sourness of these fruits depends on their ripeness. They have a similar taste to that of grapes, but gooseberries are more acidic.


Guavas are fruits that are oval in shape and come in a light green or yellowish skin. This fruit has edible seeds, and the leaves of guava can be used to make herbal tea. It is a tropical fruit with a unique fragrance and flavor.

Honeydew Melon

Honeydew Melon is a fruit from the melon family, which has sweet flesh. They have a light green tinted flesh, while the skin has a white to yellowish color. Their shape is similar to the shape of a cantaloupe.


Hackberry is a tiny and dark red berry. These berries are sweet in taste, and unlike other berries, they are not juicy but dry. The flesh of these berries is covered in a crispy shell, and there is an edible seed in between.


Jackfruit is a fruit that hails from Africa and Asia, and when ripe, it has a sweet taste. It comes with an outer bumpy rind, and the flesh is sweet. You can eat this flesh while it is raw, or you can also use it for cooking and creating many dishes.

Kaffir Lime

A kaffir lime is a citrus fruit, which is green in color. It has bumpy skin, and its flavor is quite similar to that of lemongrass. Kaffir lime comes in small to mediocre size, and they have an oblong shape.


Kiwi is a fruit, which is also called Chinese gooseberry. It is one of the edible berries that grow in woody vines. These tiny fruits are jampacked with lots of flavors and have health benefits.


Lemon is a fragrant fruit, which has an ellipsoidal shape. It is a round berry that is green when unripe, and once it ripens, it turns yellow. It has a sour taste and resistant, firm skin.


Lychee is a sweet flavored fruit that comes in around heart shape or an oval shape. The skin of lychee is red in color and has a bumpy texture. The flesh of this fruit is glossy and translucent, which consists of a single seed.


Mangoes, fondly called the ‘king of fruits, is soft fruit that comes in a variety of colors and tastes. The unripe mangoes are sour and are green in color. The ripe mangoes are sweet in taste and have yellow flesh. There is a single seed in the fruit.


Mulberries are fruits that look pretty similar to blackberries. These come in a range of colors, from white to purple to pink and even red.


These are a variety of peaches, but in nectarines, the core is not attached to the pulp. Nectarines have shiny and smooth skin that has a reddish-orange tint. The pulp of this fruit is yellow, and its flavor is acidic sweet.


Olives are tiny fruits that you can have like a savory snack. They are bitter naturally and are served as pizza toppings or even on a salad. They need to be treated with salt before you can eat them.


Orange is an oval or round citrus fruit, which has an orange color. Its flesh can sometimes be red in color too, and you can have the flesh either raw or in juice. There are numerous seeds inside an orange.


Papayas are one of the most famous tropical fruits, which come in an oval shape. Papayas can be pear-shaped too and have a thin skin of orange color. The pulp of this fruit can be reddish or yellow, and this pulp is sweet in taste.


Peaches are a variety of sweet fruits, which are juicy and come with entirely edible skin. There is a hard pit in the middle of this fruit, and it has a floral and delicate sweetness. The color of peaches varies from yellow to white and even pink or red.


Pears are fruits that have a sweet taste and soft texture. There are specific hard cells in the flesh of this fruit. The shape of a pear is unique, where the stem end is narrow and gradually broadens at the base.


Pineapple is a large fruit, which has yellow and juicy flesh. The skin of this fruit is thick and brown and resembles tough leather. There are spiky leaves on a pineapple, and you can have this fruit as a snack or as a dessert.


A plum is a small and sweet fruit that has a dark purple or reddish-purple color. This fruit comes with edible skin with a smooth texture, and there is a hard pit in the flesh of this fruit.

Passion Fruit

Passion fruits are exotic fruits that have a sweet taste. They have a slight tart-like flavor and come with hard skin. This fruit is round in shape, and the pulp of this fruit is yellow and has edible black seeds.


A pomegranate comes in the size of a large orange and has six obscure sides. The skin of this fruit is leathery smooth which is red in color. The flesh is divided into various chambers, and there are arils of juicy pulp inside with multiple seeds.


Strawberry is a bright red colored fruit that is sweet and sour in taste. They are quite delicious to eat and come with edible seeds. These seeds grow all over its surface, making strawberries a juicy and seasonal fruit.


Tangerines are a variety of oranges that come with thin skins. They are slightly flat on both ends and have a reddish-orange peel that is quite loose. Tangerines have a distinct sour taste.

Tart Cherry

Tart cherry is also called Montmorency cherry. These are dwarf-like berries that are sour in taste, and you can best enjoy them if they are dried or frozen.


Watermelon is a tasty fruit that has an oblong or round shape. The skin of watermelons is hard green, while the flesh inside is sweet and soft. The flesh of this large and round fruit is pink or red, and watermelons come with multiple seeds.

Vegetable names


Artichoke is a round vegetable that is green in color. It has fleshy leaves and resembles a flower. It is the unopened flower that lies at the top of this plant that is edible.


Asparagus is a popular vegetable that can come in an array of colors. It is usually green, but it can also be purple or white. There are numerous dishes all over the world that make use of asparagus in their dishes, like plates of pasta or frittatas.

Beetroot/beet (U.S.)

Beetroots are vegetables that have an attractive dark purple color. It is a rich source of iron and is actually the taproot part of a beet plant. This vegetable has numerous health benefits, reducing anemia being on top of the list.


Broccoli is a green vegetable that resembles a flower. It has numerous flower heads and is arranged in a tree-like manner. It has got branches like a tree and protrudes outwards from a sizeable thick stalk. It is best eaten in salads.

Bok Choy

Boy Choy is a Chinese white cabbage that has its origins in China. It has a crunchy stem and is green or white in color. It is very nutritious and is rich in vitamin C.


Cabbage is a leafy green vegetable, which comes with green or purple leaves. These leaves are formed into a tight head and also comes with a thick and short stem.


Cauliflower is a seasonal vegetable that is related to broccoli. There are bunched florets in a cauliflower which are tightly connected at the base. There is a thick core in cauliflower, and it has a few leaves around it.


Carrots are one of the root vegetables, which come in orange color. A few varieties of carrots can also be seen in black or purple in color. They have a sweet taste and can be eaten both raw and cooked.

Courgette (U.K.)/zucchini (U.S.)

A courgette, which is known as zucchini in a few countries, is a cylindrical, long, and green vegetable. The flesh of zucchini is usually pale green with a tinge of white, and it has a sweet flavor.


Also called aubergines, eggplants can be considered both as a fruit and also as a vegetable. They grow into an edible vegetable from a flowering plant and has numerous seeds. It is usually violet in color, but a few varieties of eggplants are light green in color too.


Mushrooms are essentially a fruiting body of species of fungi. They are produced both above and under the ground and have an edible stalk and stem.


You might commonly know okras as lady’s fingers or even bhindi. They look like the fingers of a human and come in green or white color. Green okras are relatively shorter when compared to the white okras and also slightly stubby. Okras also has numerous ridges on its body.


Onions are underground vegetables that are round in shape and comes in layers that you can peel off. They have a distinct sharp and strong taste as well as smell.


Pea is a pod-shaped vegetable, which is usually green in color. More distinctive colors of this vegetable are yellow or purple. It is a seasonal vegetable that grows in the inter-season and has a sweet taste.


A potato is an underground vegetable that has a starchy texture. It is one of the most versatile vegetables which has slightly delicate skin. They taste sweet and have a subtle taste. They can be consumed if boiled or steamed, or fried.


A parsnip is a root vegetable that looks much like a carrot. It has white color and smooth texture. If parsnips are crushed, they release a pungent odor.


Pumpkins are vegetables that have around to oblong shapes. Most commonly, pumpkins have an orange or yellow color, while a few of these have a white rind. The rind of this vegetable is smooth and furrowed slightly.


Radish is an annual vegetable that is starkly similar in appearance to a carrot. They are, however, smaller in size and have white to pink or purple colors. You can consume it like a salted vegetable or also in a salad.


Rhubarb is often confused as a fruit, although it is actually a vegetable and most often consumed in a dessert. It is a leaf stalk and has a very sweet taste. It would be best if you did not eat the pretty poisonous leaves.


A tasty herbaceous plant, spinach is green in color and resembles leaves. These leaves are arranged like a rosette, and these leaves are shaped like an oval with wrinkles.


Belonging to the family of cabbages or turnips, swede is called rutabaga. This is a very versatile vegetable that comes with a sweet and delicate flavor. This is a seasonal vegetable that you will find in winter.

Sweet Corn

Sweet corn or Maize is a very popular vegetable that comes in small yellow kernels. They are delightful to taste and are very good for your health. Corn can be consumed raw, or you can also boil it or steam it.


Also commonly called by other names like dalo or talo, taro is a root vegetable. It is a starchy vegetable that comes with entirely edible leaves. Fresh taros have slightly moist skin, and it looks very healthy.


Tomatoes are small round vegetables, which can be consumed both raw and cooked. They are most commonly placed in salads and eaten raw. They can be red in color, which is most common, and green as well.


Turnip is a root vegetable that has a purple and white color. Just like other root vegetables, turnips have an earthy taste. They are nutty and sweet when cooked. When turnips are raw, they are mildly spicy.


Witloof is also commonly known by the terms Endive or even Belgium endive. It has a slightly bitter taste with a nutty flavor. Witloof can be consumed raw in a salad and can also be combined in a recipe with cheese.


Yams are tiny tubers, which can reach the size of your thumb at the most. These vegetables are pink or orange in color and have a sweet taste. The surface of this vegetable is ribbed and shiny.

Spices And Herbs


Allspice is a ground spice, which comes from the Pimenta dioica plant. It is the fruit of this plant that you can use in numerous recipes of baking. It is known to enhance the flavor of the chicken.


Anise is a plant that belongs to the same family of parsley or celery. It is an herbaceous plant with numerous leaflets and has a sweet, aromatic flavor. You can mainly use it in the preparation of teas.


Basil is a tender and low-growing herb found in tropical climates. It is a medicinal plant, which also goes by the name of ‘tulsi,’ and is a cure against the common cold if it is taken with tea.

Bay leaves

Also called Laurel leaves, bay leaves are used in cooking. It is a herb that can be used both dried and fresh. It adds a distinctive flavor and fragrance to any food.


Bergamot is actually a plant, which produces a fruit, and the oil of this fruit is used in recipes. It produces a type of citrus fruit that adds a sour flavor to the food. Bergamot is considered to be very effective in maintaining high cholesterol levels.

Black Cumin

Black cumin is a spice that is black in color, and the seeds are small and thin. These are sweeter in taste than ordinary cumin. When roasted, black cumin develops a very nutty flavor which enhances its richness.


Chives are another good spice which tastes much like your regular onions. They are very similar in taste to leeks and have a milder flavor than that of the familiar yellow or red onions.


Coriander or Cilantro are fondly called Chinese parsley, and they are added to the food to prevent any food poisoning. This spice is native to the middle east. It has a citrusy flavor owing to the fact that it comes from the leaves and stems of the plant.


Cloves are nail-shaped, dried, and unopened flower buds. They have a powerful aroma and also have a pungent taste, and are brown in color.


Cardamoms are whole ground fruits that are dried. It is actually a herbaceous plant that belongs to the ginger family. These seeds have a slightly pungent, warm flavor and a rich aroma. This aroma somewhat resembles the scent of camphor.


Garlic is a plant that comes with flat, long, grass-like leaves. It has a papery hood, and the flowers that lie inside the hood are grouped together with a long stalk at the base.


Gingers come with soft and brown skin, and they can be easily peeled or grated. It has a pungent flavor, which is mildly spicy. Gingers have a sweet aftertaste, and you can have it raw as well.


Lemongrass actually looks like grass with long and slender foliage. The leaves of this plant are gray to green in color and have a robust lemon-like flavor. It is the stalk of lemongrass, which is used to flavor recipes.


Paprika is a powdered spice that is red to orange-red in color. Paprika is made out of dried and ground chile peppers, and the flavor of this spice varies greatly. It can be smoky and hot, and it can also be mildly sweet.


Rosemary is a herb that has a needle-like shape and is distinguished from other herbs owing to its distinct scent. It has a lavender-like smell and is highly aromatic, which has numerous health benefits.


Saffron is a golden-colored dried spice, which has a pungent stigma. It has a subtle and earthy flavor, which is rich in aroma. It has a floral a grassy taste, which is quite similar to that of honey. Saffron greatly compliments any sweet or savory dishes.


Thyme is an aromatic spice, which has a hint of clove flavor. It has a minty fragrance, and the stems of thyme are woody and stiff. The leaves of thyme are gray to grayish-green in color.


Tarragon is a spice that comes from a small herb. This spice greatly compliments any proteins like fish or meat, and when added to a sauce, it gives a very distinctive taste and aroma to it. Although it has a slightly bitter taste, the smell of tarragon is similar or anise.

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