Household Devices and Equipment Vocabulary | List of Household Tools, Devices and Equipment Vocabulary With Description and Pictures
Household Devices and Equipment Vocabulary: There are a lot of Household Tools, Devices and Equipment in general. And should atleast be aware of what are the tools and equipment found at home. Still, vocabulary related to Household Tools, Devices, and Equipment comprises significant words which prove useful and valuable when you are a complete beginner gardener and don’t know how to get started.
To help a person get started with learning, we’ve put up a hand-picked list of household tools, devices and equipment vocabulary just for you.
List of Household Tools, Devices and Equipment Vocabulary Words in English
- Name of Household Tools, Devices and Equipment Vocabulary words
- Description of the Household Tools, Devices and Equipment Vocabulary words.
Name of Household Tools, Devices and Equipment Vocabulary words
Tools for the house, gadgets for the home, and equipment! The ability to refer to household tools by their English names will come in handy when you are in a house with English speakers, and there will be a lot of occasions when you need various tools and equipment in kitchen. It might be difficult to remember all of the names of household tools, but learning them can be made much easier if you strive to commit just a few of them to memory every day.
In this part, you will be given the right English names of household tools and images, allowing a person to expand and improve their vocabulary related to household tools, devices and equipment and their ability to communicate when they are at home.
List of Household Devices and Equipment
- Aroma lamp
- Beverage opener
- Appliance plug
- Paintbrush
- Roller
- Hair iron (U.K)/ Curling iron (U.S.)
- Hair dryer
- Toaster
- Electric kettle/ Hot pot
- Television
- Stove
- Small oven
- Microwave oven
- Evaporative cooler
- Air conditioner
- Vacuum cleaner
- Water cooler
- Clock
- Sewing machine
- Fan
- Juicer
- Clothes iron
- Blender
- Mousetrap
- Bachelor griller/ grill
- Washing machine
- Refrigerator
- Stepladder
- Treadmill
- Bulb
- Wall lantern
- Hanging pendant
- Anglepoise lamp
- Candleholder
- Telephone
- Remote
- Fan
Description of the Household Tools, Devices and Equipment Vocabulary Words with Example
Aroma lamp
Aroma lamps, also known as diffusers, are used in aromatherapy and esoterics to distribute essential oils. They might nebulize the oil using compressed air or ultrasonics, or they could boil it and let it evaporate spontaneously.
Example: Over the table, there is an aromatherapy lamp.
Beverage opener
A beverage opener (also known as a multi-opener) is a device that is used to open the three most popular beverage containers: cans, plastic bottles, and glass bottles. For people with limited hand strength, beverage openers are beneficial for opening ordinary beverage containers since they reduce the need for forceful twisting or pulling actions.
Example: I purchased a beverage opener the day before yesterday.
Appliance plug
A three-conductor power connector designed for kettles, toasters, and other small appliances is known as an appliance plug. In the United Kingdom, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, and Sweden, it was widely used.
Example: Remove the plug from the appliance and let the water drain away.
A paintbrush is a brush that is used to apply paint or ink to a surface. The bristles of a paintbrush are generally clamped to a handle using a ferrule. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and materials. Filling in is done with thicker ones, while details are done with thinner ones.
Example: She has a good command of the paintbrush.
Rollers are hollow tubes through which you roll your hair to make it curly. In a machine or equipment, a roller is a cylinder that rotates.
Example: Using a roller, apply the wallpaper paste on the wall.
Hair iron (U.K)/ Curling iron (U.S.)
A hair iron, sometimes known as a hair tong, is a tool that uses heat to alter the structure of the hair. Curling irons, also known as straighteners or flat irons, are used to curl hair; straightening irons, also known as straighteners or flat irons, are used to straighten hair; and crimping irons are used to produce crimps of the required size in the hair.
Example: I’d want to borrow your curling iron for a moment.
An electromechanical device that blasts hot or ambient air over damp hair to stimulate the evaporation of water and smoothly dry the hair is known as a hairdryer, blow dryer or hair dryer. By regulating and accelerating the creation of temporary hydrogen bonds inside each strand, blow dryers give one more control over the shape and style of their hair.
Example: She made the purchase of an electric hairdryer.
A toaster is a tiny electric gadget that uses radiant heat to brown, various types of sliced bread and turns it into toast. A single vertical piece of bread is inserted into the toaster’s slot at the top. When a lever on the side of the toaster is pressed down, the bread is lowered into the toaster, and the heating elements are activated.
Example: She had been the very first person to purchase a toaster.
Electric kettle/ Hot pot:
A kettle, also known as a tea kettle or teakettle, is a sort of self-contained pot designed for boiling water, often having a lid, spout, and handle, or a tiny electric kitchen device of similar shape. By placing them on a burner, kettles can be heated or by using the appliance versions’ integrated electric heating element.
Example: I’ll start the electric kettle and prepare some tea for the two of us.
An electronic system that transforms light and sound into electrical waves and then back into visible light beams and audible sound to broadcast transitory pictures of fixed or moving objects over a wire or over space.
Example: The Olympic Games were broadcast on television, which I watched.
A stove is basically a device that generates heat within or on top of the equipment by burning fuel or using electricity. It has undergone numerous changes over time and serves the primary function of cooking food. Stoves come in a variety of sizes and shapes, including kitchen stoves, wood-burning stoves, and coal stoves.
Example: My mum prepares her meals on a gas burner.
Small oven:
A little tabletop oven that can quickly and simply prepare a wide range of dishes. The Toaster Oven reheats, bakes, broils, toasts, browns, and defrosts small amounts of food and is frequently used as an alternative to heating a larger kitchen oven.
Example: Place the meat in a small oven to roast for a few minutes.
Microwave oven:
Microwave ovens use microwaves, which are a kind of electromagnetic energy comparable to radio waves, to heat food. Microwaves are produced by a magnetron within the oven. Microwaves reverberate off the oven’s metal inside, vibrating the water molecules in the meal.
Example: Food is heated in a microwave oven before being served.
Evaporative cooler:
An evaporative cooler (also well-known as a swamp box, swamp cooler, desert cooler, or wet air cooler) is a device that uses the evaporation of water to cool the air. Other air conditioning methods require vapour-compression or absorption refrigeration cycles, whereas evaporative cooling does not.
Example: Another option is to use an evaporative cooler to keep your food fresh longer.
Air conditioner:
Air conditioning (also known as air conditioning, air conditioning, or air conditioning) is a cooling and heating system that removes moisture and heat from a room. An air conditioning system, in simple words, regulates the temperature, humidity, and air quality of interior areas.
Example: Is it possible to switch on the air conditioner?
Vacuum cleaner:
A vacuum cleaner, often known as a vacuum or a hoover, is a device that utilises suction to remove dirt from surfaces such as floors, upholstery, draperies, and other fabrics. It is usually powered by electricity. A dust bag or a cyclone collects the material, which is then disposed of later.
Example: The suction on my vacuum cleaner is excellent.
Water cooler:
A water dispenser, sometimes known as a water cooler, is a gadget that uses a refrigeration unit to chill or heat water and distribute it. Due to easier access to plumbing, it is frequently found near the restroom. The water cooler has a drain pipe that leads to the sewage system.
Example: Around the water cooler, everyone enjoys chit-chatting about the current weather conditions.
A clock is a timekeeping device that measures, verifies, keeps, and displays time. The clock is one of humanity’s earliest creations, serving to measure periods of time shorter than the natural units of time: the day, lunar month, and year. Throughout the millennia, devices that operate on a variety of physical processes have been employed.
Example: Anyone who comes near the clock will be arrested.
Sewing machine
A sewing machine is primarily a machine that uses thread to stitch cloth and other materials together. During the first sewing machines, Industrial Revolution was created to reduce the quantity of hand sewing work done in garment factories.
Example: With the help of a sewing machine, she completed the outfits.
A fan is a device that creates a circulation of air, gas, or vapour. An electric motor, a steam turbine, an internal combustion engine, a gas turbine, or other motive power can all be used to power fans. Centrifugal and axial flow fans are two types of enclosed fans.
Example: Please turn on the fan since it is quite hot.
A juicer, also pretty well-known as a juice extractor, extracts juice from herbs, leafy greens, fruits, and other types of vegetables in the process of juicing. The pulp is crushed, squeezed, and/or ground to extract the juice. Juicers, in some cases, can also be used as food processors.
Example: Mary is fiddling around with the damaged juicer, attempting to repair it.
Clothes iron
A clothes iron (also known as a flatiron, smoothing iron, or just iron) is a tiny electrical appliance that, when heated, is used to press clothing in order to eliminate wrinkles from them. Domestic irons typically operate at temperatures ranging from 121 degrees Celsius (250 degrees Fahrenheit) to 182 degrees Celsius (360 degrees Fahrenheit).
Example: With the clothes iron, I burned the hem of my dress.
Food and other things are blended in a blender, which is a kitchen and laboratory equipment used to mix, crush, purée, or emulsify food and other substances. A stationary blender is made up of a blender container with a spinning metal blade at the bottom that is driven by an electric motor located in the base of the blender.
Example: They’re simple to ground in a blender or coffee grinder, and they taste great.
In the animal world, a mousetrap is a specific sort of animal trap that is used primarily to catch and, in most cases, kill mice. When there is a suspected rodent infestation in an indoor setting, mousetraps are often placed in that spot.
Example: They use stale cheese to lure the mice into the trap.
Bachelor griller/ grill
An appliance similar in size to a microwave oven, but with the ability to grill, bake, broil, and roast food instead of the only bake, it is known as a bachelor griller, tiny oven, or mini kitchen. It usually includes one or two heating elements at the top and bottom of the device, one or two hobs (American English: burners) on the cooktop or a ceramic hotplate, and it may also have a rotisserie, among other features.
Example: Cook on a high flame hot grill until the chicken is golden and crispy.
Washing machine
A washing machine is a piece of household equipment that is used to wash laundry. Dry cleaning machines and ultrasonic cleaners are examples of machines that utilise water, as opposed to dry cleaning machines and ultrasonic cleaners. Wash water is enriched with laundry detergent, which can be purchased in liquid or powder form by the user.
Example: My mother taught me how to use the washing machine when I was a child.
A refrigerator is one of our most significant domestic appliances, and it serves several functions. In order to keep food and beverages cold, it forces a liquid refrigerant through a sealed system, causing it to evaporate and draw heat from the refrigerator. After that, the vaporised refrigerant is routed via coils outside the refrigerator to cool it (at the back or the bottom).
Example: We have a refrigerator in the kitchen, which is convenient.
Generally speaking, a stepladder is a portable ladder that is constructed of two sloping sections that are hinged or attach together at the top so that it may stand on its own when needed. In general, a ladder must be supported against something in order to function properly. A stepladder does not require any further support. It can stand on its own.
Example: Unless I use a stepladder, I’m unable to reach the upper shelf.
Walking, running, and climbing on a treadmill are all activities that may be done while remaining in the same spot on the ground. Treadmills, on the other hand, have been utilised as stationary exercise equipment for running or walking in one location. A moving platform with a broad conveyor belt, operated by either an electric motor or a flywheel, is provided instead of the user operating a mill by using the device’s motion sensor.
Example: The treadmill is well-equipped with a heart rate monitor.
An incandescent light bulb, incandescent light globe or incandescent lamp is an electric light that is powered by a wire filament that has been heated until it begins to glow. It is necessary to shield the filament from oxidation by surrounding it with a glass bulb filled with a vacuum or inert gas.
Example: What process did Edison use to create the light bulb?
Wall lantern
A sconce is a particular type of light fixture that is mounted to a wall and provides illumination. Due to the similarity in terminology, modern fixtures are more commonly referred to as wall lights or wall lamps, particularly if the light source is completely encased in glass. Despite the fact that they may offer broad room illumination and are commonly seen in halls and corridors, they may serve primarily as ornamental elements.
Example: It’s time to turn on the wall lamp because it’s becoming dark outside.
Hanging pendant
Known also as a drop or suspender, a pendant light is a single light fixture that hangs from the ceiling and is often held in place by a rope, chain, or metal rod. Pendant lights are frequently utilised in groups of three or more and hung in a straight line above kitchen counters and dining tables, as well as in restrooms.
Example: A lovely hanging pendant adds a touch of elegance to the space.
Anglepoise lamp
In 1932, British designer George Carwardine created the Anglepoise light, a balanced-arm lamp with a curved shade.
Example: On the writing table, I require the artificial light provided by a huge red anglepoise bulb.
Electric candles of the Jablochkoff variety are held in place by this clamp. In the cut intended for Jablochkoff candles, a pair of metallic clamps is depicted, with each part being isolated from the other and linked together as terminals of a circuit. When the candle is positioned in its proper position, the metal pieces press against the carbons of the candle, causing the current to flow through the candle and out.
Example: A candleholder is a device that holds one or more lighted candles in a single place.
A telephone is a type of telecommunications equipment that allows two or more people to communicate when they are too far away to be heard directly by one another. Sound, generally and most efficiently, the human voice is converted by a telephone into electrical signals that are transferred via cables and other communication channels to another telephone, which reproduces the sound for the receiving user.
Example: Every household should have a telephone.
A physical device that enables a user to operate a device or item that is located in a different place than the user. For example, the TV remote allows the viewer to change the station, adjust the volume, or switch on and off the television without having to get up from their seat.
Example: What is the best method to use the remote control unit?
A fan is a motorised machine that is used to propel air across a space. A fan is made up of a revolving arrangement of vanes or blades that move in the direction of the wind. An impeller, rotor, or runner is a revolving arrangement of blades and a hub that rotates in a fluid.
Example: She used a fan to keep herself cool.
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