Positive Words that Start With C | List of Positive Words Starting With C Pictures and Facts
Positive Words that Start With C: There is a vast range of words available for our use in the English language, but it is impossible to remember all these words. Hence, we have developed a list of positive words in alphabetical order.
List of Positive Words Begins With Letter C
- Name of Positive words whose name starts with C
- Meaning and example on the Positive words on the list.
Names of Positive Words Whose Name Starts With C
List of Positive Words With Letter C At The Start
- Calibrate
- Calming
- Candid
- Capability
- Capable
- Captivated
- Captivating
- Care
- Carefree
- Careful
- Caress
- Caring
- Cautious
- Ceaseless
- Celebration
- Celestial
- Centered
- Ceremonial
- Certified
- Changeable
- Charismatic
- Charitable
- Charm
- Charmed
- Charming
- Cheeky
- Cheer
- Cheerful
- Cheery
- Childlike
- Chivalrous
- Choose
- Chuckle
- Chuckling
- Cinematic
- Civil
- Civilized
- Classic
- Classical
- Classy
- Clean
- Clear
- Clever
- Close
- Coachable
- Cognitive
- Cohesive
- Collaborative
- Collegial
- Colloquial
- Colourful
- Comely
- Comfortable
- Comforting
- Comical
- Commanding
- Commemorative
- Commendable
- Committed
- Communicative
- Compassionate
- Compelling
- Competent
- Complete
- Complex
- Compliment
- Complimentary
- Comprehensive
- Conceivable
- Concerted
- Concise
- Confident
- Confidential
- Confirmed
- Congenial
- Congratulate
- Congruent
- Connected
- Conscientious
- Conscious
- Consciousness
- Consensual
- Conservative
- Considerate
- Consistent
- Consoling
- Conspiratorial
- Constant
- Construct
- Constructive
- Consummate
- Contemplative
- Content
- Contented
- Contentment
- Contribute
- Convenient
- Conventional
- Conversational
- Convincing
- Cool
- Coolest
- Cooperate
- Cooperative
- Coordinated
- Cope
- Copious
- Coquettish
- Cordial
- Correct
- Corresponding
- Cosmic
- Courage
- Courageous
- Courteous
- Courtesy
- Cozy
- Creamy
- Creative
- Creativity
- Credible
- Credit
- Crisp
- Crucial
- Crunchy
- Cuddle
- Cultured
- Cunning
- Curable
- Curative
- Curious
- Current
- Cushion
- Customary
- Cute
Meaning and Example On The Positive Words On The List.
Meaning: Describing the action of adjusting the scales of any scientific instruments that record readings.
Example: Would you please calibrate my tire’s pressure?
Meaning: Describing an environment where there is quietness, tranquillity, and peace.
Example: The song playing currently has a calming effect on me.
Meaning: Describing someone who is frank, speaks straightforwardly or truthfully.
Example: Please do not be candid about it.
Meaning: Describing one’s ability to do a task or their power to complete any given task.
Example: I know your potential and capability.
Meaning: Describing a person who can do something or achieve a task with efficiency.
Example: You are capable of being okay again.
Meaning: Describing something or someone that catches the attention of someone or charms someone to a great extent.
Example: Her singing captivated every listener.
Meaning: Describing someone or something which holds someone’s interest or attention.
Example: She had a captivating voice.
Meaning: Describing supervision, protection, or safe-keeping of oneself or one’s health.
Example: I care a lot for my houseplants.
Meaning: Describing someone’s attitude that is free of worry or responsibility.
Example: His carefree attitude is likeable.
Meaning: Describing the action of ensuring one’s safety and avoiding danger or harm.
Example: Be careful while carrying the glass utensils.
Meaning: Describing gentle, loving touch, stroke, or pat that soothes someone.
Example: My cat’s caress relieves my anxiety
Meaning: Describing the action of displaying concern, kindness, or care for someone or something else.
Example: She is a very caring owner.
Meaning: Describing the action of being precautions, careful, aware, or watchful.
Example: Please be cautious; the train is approaching.
Meaning: Describing the situation of having no cause or reason to do or complete anything.
Example: The cloud is ceaseless.
Meaning: Describing the action of commemoration, celebrating, or jollification of any event.
Example: Your success calls for a celebration.
Meaning: Describing something positioned astronomically in the sky or relating to heaven.
Example: I was reading a book on celestial bodies.
Meaning: Describing the midpoint or middle of any specific region.
Example: The plot is centered around the industrial revolution.
Meaning: Describing some formal event that is either religious and sacred or public.
Example: This is a ceremonial hall.
Meaning: Describing something or someone officially recognized or qualified.
Example: He is a certified bank owner.
Meaning: Describing something that can be re-positioned or shifted from its initial position.
Example: This shoe has changeable soles.
Meaning: Describing someone who is charming or has a magnetic attractiveness.
Example: He is a very charismatic leader.
Meaning: Describing the action of favouring someone in need of assistance.
Example: Click on the link to donate to my charitable trust.
Meaning: Describing someone or something that holds a certain level of attractiveness or delight.
Example: His charm was all she noticed.
Meaning: Describing someone who is attracted, captivated by someone or something else’s charm.
Example: I won’t be charmed by your words.
Meaning: Describing someone who has a delightful, attractive, or likeable attitude.
Example: A charming personality is her type.
Meaning: A word we use to describe someone who has a lack of respect but is in a way admirable or amusing.
Example: He is childish and cheeky.
Meaning: Describing the action of creating a noise of praise. It can also mean to brighten someone’s mood.
Example: Cheer louder for your team.
Meaning: Describing someone optimistic and noticeably happy.
Example: Be cheerful and bright.
Meaning: Describing a person who creates a happy and bright vibe in a particular place to lift the mood.
Example: She seemed cheery and determined.
Meaning: A word describing an adult but possesses qualities and behaviour similar to an innocent child.
Example: Her childlike appearance led everyone to mistake her age.
Meaning: A word describing someone courteous or respectful towards another (especially towards women).
Example: He was handsome and chivalrous.
Meaning: A word describing the action of picking something or someone or deciding a preferred course of action.
Example: Choose the best item.
Meaning: A word describing an inward or suppressed laugh.
Example: We could hear his chuckle.
Meaning: It is the present participle of a chuckle. It indicates a continuous action of suppressing ones laughing or inwardly giggling.
Example: The chuckling sound echoed through the room.
Meaning: A word describing something or someone possessing the characteristics of the cinema.
Example: He captured the cinematic view.
Meaning: A word describing someone polite or courteous.
Example: That is the civil office.
Meaning: A word describing someone who has a well-mannered way of behaviour.
Example: Please act in a civilized manner.
Meaning: A word describing something very typical of its kind.
Example: That is a classic example of carnivores.
Meaning: A word describing someone or something related to a traditional form or style.
Example: She learns classical music.
Meaning: A word describing something or someone high-class or stylish.
Example: This necklace is classy and dainty.
Meaning: A word describing anything free from dirt, stains, or impurities.
Example: Clean your phone gallery.
Meaning: A word describing something or someone easy to understand or interpret.
Example: Clear your head first.
Meaning: A word describing someone who has good intelligence.
Example: Your idea is clever, and I like it.
Meaning: A word describing someone dear or near to someone. It can also mean “a short distance away” in case of distance.
Example: I was close to her then.
I lived close to my school.
Meaning: A word describing someone who can be easily coached.
Example: He is a coachable student.
Meaning: A word describing something involving any form of intellectual activity.
Example: We learnt about the cognitive approach in Education.
Meaning: A word describing the action of accumulating together or being closely packed.
Example: That glue forms a cohesive solid bond.
Meaning: A word describing anything that involves two parties participating together on one subject.
Example: That was a collaborative event.
Meaning: A word describing the action of combining participation to complete any task between colleagues.
Example: This assignment is collegial.
Meaning: A word describing a common language that is not used in formal conversations.
Example: It is better to learn this area’s colloquial terms.
Meaning: A word describing something with many coluors.
Example: She captured a colourful feathered bird.
Meaning: A word describing someone pleasing to look.
Example: He offered the comely lady a drink.
Meaning: A word describing a state of physical or mental easiness.
Example: This bed is very comfortable.
Meaning: A word describing an action that produces a calming or easing effect that alleviates one’s distress or worries.
Example: I wanted his comforting hug to last longer.
Meaning: A word describing an amusing action absurdly and brings humour to the scene.
Example: His character brought comical relief to the poem.
Meaning: A word describing someone whose action is possessive or instructive to the listener.
Example: His tone was powerful and commanding.
Meaning: A word describing the action of recalling someone or event and celebrate the occasion.
Example: This is a commemorative event.
Meaning: A word describing the action that earns or deserves praise and encouragement.
Example: He did a commendable job.
Meaning: A word describing denoting a pledge or decimation.
Example: I have been committed to my job.
Meaning: A word describing the willingness to partake in a conversation or obtain information.
Example: Upgrade your communicative skills first.
Meaning: A word describing the feeling of sympathy or concern for others powerfully.
Example: She has always been compassionate.
Meaning: A word describing something or someone that evokes the interest of others.
Example: His compelling charm grabbed my attention.
Meaning: A word describing the characteristic of engaging into something to win it.
Example: He may be quiet, but he is competent.
Meaning: A word describing something fully or does not miss any portion.
Example: This is a complete guidebook for the test.
Meaning: A word describing something that is not easy to solve, understand or interpret.
Example: These problems are so complex.
Meaning: A word describing the action of conveying a word of encouragement or praise for someone else.
Example: Please give him a compliment for a better impression.
Meaning: A word describing something provided or awarded free of charge.
Example: That soap is a complimentary gift from the hotel.
Meaning: A word describing something that includes a detailed analysis of all aspects of something.
Example: This book is pretty comprehensive.
Meaning: A word describing something that we can imagine or grasp mentally.
Example: It is conceivable that he wouldn’t show up.
Meaning: A word describing something coordinated or arranged in multiple parts.
Example: There were a series of concerted efforts to ruin the program.
Meaning: A word describing something that contains a lot of information in brief.
Example: It is better to be concise on this matter.
Meaning: A word describing someone who firmly believes in what they plan to do or achieve.
Example: Be confident about your experience.
Meaning: A word describing something secretive and is not revealed to the public.
Example: This is confidential information and should not get out.
Meaning: A word describing something that has been established firmly in front of an audience.
Example: The FBI confirmed his death.
Meaning: A word describing someone having certain likable qualities similar to one’s own.
Example: My grandmother is a very congenial company.
Meaning: A word describing the action of conveying someone’s good thoughts or wishes on someone’s achievement.
Example: I am here to congratulate you, not him.
Meaning: A word describing the state of agreement or harmony.
Example: Sometimes, we are not as congruent with our thoughts.
Meaning: A word describing something or someone related or in correspondence with another.
Example: The highway is connected to the road at the next terminal.
Meaning: A word describing the action of doing one’s duties thoroughly by giving their best effort.
Example: Nina was conscientious.
Meaning: A word describing the state of awareness or alertness about their surroundings and happening.
Example: Be conscious of your surroundings.
Meaning: A word describing the state of being alert, aware, and able to perceive their surroundings.
Example: Be in your consciousness and think straight.
Meaning: A word describing the action involving one’s consent for something.
Example: Their relationship was consensual.
Meaning: A word describing someone firmly believing or holding traditional thoughts and ideas.
Example: His conservative grandparents raised him.
Meaning: A word describing someone who has a thoughtful way of doing something.
Example: Thank you for being considerate.
Meaning: A word describing something or someone who produces successive results or actions.
Example: Be consistent with your performance.
Meaning: A word describing the action of comforting or serving someone in distress.
Example: Consoling and comforting her is necessary now.
Meaning: A word describing a secret plan formulated by a particular group of people against someone.
Example: Her laugh sank to a conspiratorial chuckle.
Meaning: A word Describing something recurring over a while.
Example: I have this constant fear of death.
Meaning: Describing the action of building something.
Example: Let us construct a small machine for the project.
Meaning: The adjective form of construct. It means to have a practical purpose and build something on it.
Example: This exercise is constructive and fun.
Meaning: Describing the action of displaying excellent skills.
Example: The diamond has consummate hardiness.
Meaning: Describing the action of being thoughtful or meditative before making a decision.
Example: Do not be contemplative, be sure of your thoughts.
Meaning: Describing the feeling of happiness or satisfaction.
Example: My sister was content with her gift.
Meaning: The adjective form of content, describing the feeling of satisfaction and happiness.
Example: I felt contented after viewing the results.
Meaning: Describing the state of satisfaction or fulfilment.
Example: Happiness and contentment are essential in life.
Meaning: Describing the action of participating in something for a good cause.
Example: Contribute your service to the needy.
Meaning: Describing something well suited to the needs or wishes of a person.
Example: Is this convenient enough for you?
Meaning: Describing the action of a particular belief or practice that is standardized.
Example: Would you mind preparing a conventional plan?
Meaning: Describing something related to conversations.
Example: This topic is conversational.
Meaning: Describing a casual way of talking to get someone to follow your motives.
Example: Convincing my parents is on me.
Meaning: Describing someone who is composed.
Example: I want a cool hairstyle.
Meaning: The superlative adjective for cool. It means a low temperature or unenthusiastic characteristics of someone.
Example: She has the coolest attitude.
Meaning: Describing the action of jointly doing something.
Example: During group activities, you should always co-operate.
Meaning: Describing the involvement of collaborative assistance towards achieving a common goal.
Example: Please be cooperative with your teammates.
Meaning: Describing the action of interrelating the different sections.
Example: Having a coordinated plan is the first aim.
Meaning: Describing the mechanism of dealing efficiently with something difficult.
Example: You are not obliged to cope with this alone.
Meaning: Describing abundant or plentiful quantity.
Example: Mike wrote copious notes.
Meaning: Describing the behaviour of someone who is flirtatious.
Example: His ways of talking have a coquettish tone.
Meaning: Describing a friendly and warm atmosphere.
Example: Being cordial is politeness.
Meaning: Describing something free of error.
Example: Would you please correct your information?
Meaning: Describing the action of comparison with something before producing the ultimate decision.
Example: I have come here after corresponding with my manager.
Meaning: Describing something relating to the universe or celestial bodies different from the earth.
Example: That over there is a cosmic Magazine.
Meaning: Describing someone’s ability to perform something with bravery.
Example: Take a deep breath and gather courage.
Meaning: Describing someone’s determination to do something with courage.
Example: Be courageous and fight your fears.
Meaning: Describing the action of someone polite and respectful.
Example: He was courteous during his visit.
Meaning: Describing the act of being politeness in one’s characteristics.
Example: Displaying courtesy is the basic rule.
Meaning: Describing the feeling of comfort and relaxation.
Example: I like to get cozy on winter days.
Meaning: Describing something of smooth and rich consistency.
Example: The eggplant dish was sweet and creamy.
Meaning: Describing something or someone who has a good sense of imagination.
Example: Come on, Be more creative!
Meaning: It is the noun form of creativity that involves applying the power of imagination to something.
Example: This is where you should display your creativity.
Meaning: Describing something believable or convincing.
Example: I am sure that is a credible source of information.
Meaning: Describing the action of providing a certain sum of money to one’s account.
Example: My mother gave me credit for her success.
Meaning: Describing something brittle.
Example: The information is crisp and clear.
Meaning: Describing something crucial.
Example: These medicines are crucial for your recovery.
Meaning: Describing something that makes a sharp, crisp noise.
Example: The bag of chips made a crunchy noise
Meaning: Describing an action of snuggling or getting cozy physically.
Example: I love to cuddle with my cats.
Meaning: Describing someone who has good taste in something.
Example: I am cultured enough to understand that.
Meaning: Describing someone who has a devious way of doing something.
Example: He doesn’t look like it, but he is a cunning man.
Meaning: Describing something that has a cure.
Example: Her fever is curable.
Meaning: Describing something that has the potential to provide a cure for something.
Example: This herb is curative.
Meaning: Describing someone’s eagerness to gain knowledge about something.
Example: Do not be curious about it.
Meaning: Describing what is recently taking place.
Example: I am sure this is the most current data.
Meaning: Describing an action of being comfortable or having protection against impact.
Example: You can use these as cushions.
Meaning: Describing something ritualistic.
Example: This is a customary tradition of our family.
Meaning: Describing someone or something which has a pretty charm.
Example: He looks cute in that picture.
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