Positive Words that Start With J | List of Positive Words Starting With J Pictures and Facts
Positive Words that Start With J: How many positive words can you recall that start with J? Is it difficult? Well, you do not have to worry. Here is a compilation of list of positive words that start with the letter J.
List Of Positive Words Begins With Letter J
- Name of Positive words whose name starts with J
- Meaning and example on the Positive words on the list.
Name Of Positive Words Whose Name Starts With J
List Of Positive Words With Letter J At The Start
- Jackpot
- Jam-packed
- Jamboree
- Jaunt
- Jaunty
- Jaw-dropping
- Jazzed
- Jazzy
- Je ne sais quoi
- Jest
- Jester
- Jet set
- Jeu d’esprit
- Jeunesse doree
- Jewel
- Jibe
- Jiffy
- Jim-dandy
- Jingle
- Jocose
- Jocular
- Jocund
- Joie de vivre
- Join
- Joke
- Joker
- Jollification
- Jollily
- Jolly
- Josh
- Journal
- Journey
- Jovial
- Jovially
- Joy
- Joyful
- Joyride
- Jubilant
- Jubilee
- Judicious
- Juggler
- Juicy
- Jumbo
- Jumpstart
- Just
- Justice
- Justify
- Juvenescence
- Juxtapose
Meaning And Example On The Positive Words On The List
Meaning: an impressive, often unexpected success or reward
Example: As someone new to this game, Tom hit the jackpot with practice.
Meaning: filled
Example: The stadium was jam-packed with fans.
Meaning: a large festive gathering
Example: The annual festival of the club has been confirmed for the next month.
Meaning: A short journey for pleasure
Example: This weekend jaunt to the mountains was very much needed.
Meaning: Someone or something that looks full of confidence and energy.
Example: When he walked back out of the arena, he wore the hat at a jaunty angle.
Meaning: Something shocking, impressive, or shocking.
Example: The animation in the film was jaw-dropping.
Meaning: Filled with excitement or enthusiasm
Example: Even though he was hosting an event for the first time, he was jazzed about it.
Meaning: Something colorful and modern.
Example: The new stock for the formals is quite jazzy.
Je ne sais quoi
Meaning: an indefinable, elusive quality, especially a pleasing one
Example: There is some je ne sais quoi about how he behaves with everyone around him that makes him so popular.
Meaning: a joking remark
Example: It was a harmless jest that he pulled off.
Meaning: a person who enjoys witticisms, jokes, and practical jokes.
Example: Whenever something serious is going on, she loves to play be the jester in the group.
Jet set
Meaning: a group of wealthy and elegant individuals that travel extensively for pleasure
Example: His success made him a part of the jet-set.
Jeu d’esprit
Meaning: a witty comment or composition
Example: On stage, the play was a jeu d’esprit and very entertaining for the people.
Jeunesse doree
Meaning: rich and fashionable young people
Example: The jeunesse doree seems to inhabit a world with laws of their own.
Meaning: The definition of a jewel is a precious gem or a valuable person or thing.
Example: Birbal was one of the jewels among Akbar’s Navaratnas, known for his cleverness.
Meaning: To be in harmony or accord
Example: The analysis jibes pretty well with the research hypothesis.
Meaning: a concise period
Example: The cafe is a perfect place offering good food in a jiffy.
Meaning: an excellent or very pleasing person or thing.
Example: The newly designed room was a real jim-dandy.
Meaning: a light clinking or tinkling sound; a catchy repetition of sounds in a poem.
Example: The bells jingled by the wind.
The jingle impacted the audience, and within no time, everyone was singing it.
Meaning: given to or characterized by joking.
Example: The players are typical of lively and jocose manner.
Meaning: said or done as a joke
Example: All that was done in the class was nothing but a jocular observation of how the students reacted.
Meaning: full of or showing high-spirited merriment
Example: She is one of the teachers with a jocund personality, and somehow the students seem to love her.
Joie de vivre
Meaning: a feeling of happiness and enjoyment of life.
Example: Seeing the score chart, a little well of joie de vivre bubbled up inside the team.
Meaning: to put or bring together to form a unit; make contact or come together.
Example: Join the blocks together with the glue.
They joined together for their training.
Meaning: something stated or done in order to make people laugh
Example: The nicest thing about him is that he knows how to crack a good joke to brighten up the atmosphere of those around him.
Meaning: a person who enjoys telling or playing jokes
Example: They played the role of the joker in their class.
Meaning: a merry celebration
Example: The dates for the jollification of the success of the school team have been decided.
Meaning: in a jolly manner
Example: Even though the movie revolves around the theme of darkness and interior guilt, it goes around jollily.
Meaning: full of or showing high-spirited merriment
Example: They are one jolly couple.
Meaning: be silly or tease one another
Example: The brothers would josh around with each other all the time.
Meaning: a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections regularly kept for private use;
Example: She would journal every night before going to sleep.
Meaning: an act or instance of traveling from one place to another
Example: The journey by road was incredible.
Meaning: full of or showing high-spirited merriment
Example: Victor is one jovial old gentleman.
Meaning: A feeling of happiness or delight or great pleasure
Example: The students were filled with joy after hearing about their school out-station trip.
Meaning: showing or expressing joy, as looks, actions, or speech.
Example: The news of the soldiers’ safe return made us joyful.
Meaning: a ride taken for pleasure
Example: It is always suggested to take a joyride around if you feel too stressed
Meaning: showing great joy or happiness.
Example: The boy was jubilant to be at his grandparents’ place
Meaning: a significant anniversary or the commemoration of one
Example: All the family members turned for the golden jubilee of their marriage.
Meaning: In practical affairs, it is characterised by the use of sound judgement or common sense.
Example: He has one judicious character right there.
Meaning: one skilled in keeping several objects in motion in the air at the same time by alternately tossing and catching them
Example: The jugglers performing across the street attracted a huge mass of audience around them.
Meaning: full of juice
Example: The juicy orange made it taste even better.
Meaning: of great mass
Example: The two-story building was big enough to fit in two jumbo jets
Meaning: to start or restart (something) rapidly or forcefully
Example: The advertising jump-started the political campaign.
Meaning: right before or merely; fair or right
Example: The team just entered the pitch, and everyone was already cheering for them.
The referee gave a just decision on the foul.
Meaning: the upholding or administration of what is just, particularly through the impartial resolution of competing claims or the allocation of merited rewards or punishments
Example: Social justice forms an integral part of today’s discussion.
Meaning: to prove or show to be just, right, or reasonable
Example: He justified his reason for the absence from the board meeting.
Meaning: the state of being youthful or of growing young
Example: His juvenescence was very much noticeable by the people around him.
Meaning: To put two things next to each other, especially for comparison or contrast.
Example: Looking back to the days, I can juxtapose the way I used to live.
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