Essay on Hunting | Hunting of Animals Good or Bad? Role of Hunting

Essay on Hunting: Since the beginning of history, during the stone age period man hunted animals for food to live and to utilize other parts for clothing and other daily needs . But today in the modern world men still hunt animals for food but also for the sake of interest and to show off. The question is, is hunting right? Is it not a crime to kill such an innocent animal for just a sake of entertainment?

Earlier there was not much development in agriculture, animal husbandry and manufacturing of processed food so people were completely dependent on hunting. Even their source of income was through hunting. Hunting is important for them as it provides their families with food, clothing, and shelter.

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Noble people hunt animals to show their bravery. Hunters love to hang the faces of animals in their living room for display. In the medieval period people used hunting as a business for selling animal fur, skin and also claws.

But today in these modern times societies hunting needs for survival have decreased because there are many sources of food and also income. Hence hunting is not the need of today’s generation.

Animals shouldn’t be hunted for the selfish needs of man. Hunting of animals should be banned as it disturbs the food chain and creates imbalance in the environment. Example: Extinction of tiger. Animals are killed for no reason. Humans showed their cruelty by killing these innocent animals.

Finally the government has to pass certain regulations to limit the hunting of animals. Because of abundance hunting some species began to disappear, like tigers. Certain regulations came into effect that started the national parks and sanctuaries which protected the wild life.

Hunting is a controversial topic amongst hunters. Some of the hunters do not want there to be regulations so that they could hunt anytime. But abundant hunting could lead to some animals going extinct. Although some hunters want the regulations so that the populations of the animals are not disturbed. There needs to be regulations also for the safety of the hunters. Because of abundant hunting animals could go extinct or animals could become overpopulated. So there should be a limit to everything.

Long Essay on Hunting

Killing the wild animals is referred to as hunting and the person doing this act is referred to as a hunter. People in ancient times killed animals for their livelihood like food, clothing and shelter. Hunting was their major occupation.

Noble people like hunting for their interest; they enjoy the hunt because it is enjoyable. And also they want to showcase their bravery on the innocent animals.

If a hunter had to hunt and kill an animal for any good purpose then you could say that it is okay to hunt an animal but if an animal is killed only for entertainment then it is a crime.

Hunting animals for food was alright to do because it had a real purpose. But nowadays it is mainly done for fun and this is not a purpose which can be justified. Earlier people had to hunt animals for their survival but today if a hunter says that he kills animals for food it is unacceptable when there are many alternatives for food which don’t cause pain and suffering.

Animals are hunted also for the skin on their back known as fur. To make people look attractive in fur clothes, death of an innocent being is not justified.

Today’s modern people call hunting a “sport,” but the point is, is killing the innocent animals right?. Here are some reasons why hunting is not good :

  1. Hunting causes a lot of negative impact on the environment as it creates imbalance in the food chain..Hunting has made certain animals go extinct or are on the verge of extinction.
  2. Like humans, animals also love and feel the pain. Animals shouldn’t have to be killed for fun.
  3. Hunting can lead to violence among humans.According to psychologists people who are cruel to animals are cruel to humans, too.
  4. Animals don’t always die right after they’re shot they die only after they’re shot two or three times. Others are hurt but not killed. They suffer for a long time or even more before they die.
  5. Animals also have close bonds with their families just like us.Hunting one’s family members makes them fall apart.
  6. According to experts hunting “keeps nature’s ecosystem in balance,” but that’s not true. Hunters are the ones who are disturbing nature’s balance in the food chain.
  7. There are lots of hunting accidents which are endangers for hunters too.

Hunting has become so severe that many animals have gone extinct.People illegally hunt the endangered species for their horns, teeth, fur, etc. to sell in the market. Whole species cannot be vanished because of the selfish needs of us human beings. National parks, sanctuaries, and reserves should be set up to protect this species. Mass education should be conducted in every country to protect these animals and make people aware of how important each and every animal is. Certain laws should be regulated to punish the people who kill innocent animals.

Hunting Essay

FAQ’s on Hunting Essay

Question 1.
Why is hunting a sport?

The strength you need to trail and hunt down animals is as good as any cardio workout. This increases your heart rate and improves blood circulation, leading to overall better health. Hunting needs strength to gear up, especially rifles, and lifting it consistently will sculpt those bicep muscles.

Question 2.
How can hunting balance the ecosystem?

Yes hunting is helping balance out the ecosystem but in certain limits. Let us explain it, deer breed very fast and can increase rapidly in numbers in a short period of time leading to overpopulation. This causes an imbalance in food chains because these deer consume most of the primary producers. This creates competition among many other species and those who are weaker and smaller ultimately die. Hence, killing a few hundred deer every year, will keep the ecosystem in balance.

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