Essay on Public Transport | Long Essay on Public Transport for Students and Children in English

Essay on Public Transport: Whenever you walk or drive by a road you see various other vehicles running besides you, carrying numerous passengers at a time. These vehicles constitute the public transport of a city or any locality.

As the name itself, Public Transport is easily accessible to the general public. It includes vehicles like, autos, taxis, buses, trams, metro rails, trains etc. These public transport facilities are shared by everyone without any discrimination. It can carry numerous people from one point to the other, at a time.

Public transport existed from the old time. Public transport is usually managed by the government or by private organisations. In some countries public transport is managed by private organisations and at some places it is government-owned. In countries like India public transport is owned and managed by the government and charged minimally so that it is affordable to the common people.

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Transportation has become a necessary part of life today. Living without any transportation is very difficult as the world has changed to a global village.

Today in the modern era with the advent of new technologies and newer vehicles are introduced with higher speeds which take less time to reach the destination. People are always in search of faster and easy means of travelling to their destination. They want a transportation medium consuming less time at low costs. To achieve this people own vehicles to travel on, but there is a large majority of people who can’t afford to buy their own vehicle, for such people, public transport proves to be a boon.

Encouraging people to use public transport is a good way to reduce pollution and other traffic problems. If better public transport facilities will be made available it will discourage use of individual vehicles. That will also help in saving time, energy, money and other resources.

Long Essay on Public Transport

From the olden days, transport was the necessity for human beings to travel from one place to another. Man has greatly evolved from simply walking followed by using animals as mode of transportation to the moment when vehicles were created.

But today in the modern era, people usually opt for private vehicles, which leads to more vehicles on the road that leads to heavy traffic jams and air pollution. These are the major problems especially in the cities. The only way to solve this problem is to encourage people to use public transportation instead of using private vehicles as it is the best and easiest way that people can opt for.

Public transportation has become a necessary part of today’s modernisation and growing technologies. Public transport is defined as a transport made available for common people. Public transport is the cheapest mode of transport which is affordable by the common people.One major benefit of using public transport is that it reduces the number of vehicles running on roads and gradually slows down pollution.

When use of public transport will increase , there will be fewer private vehicles on the road. Some means of public transport such as high-speed trains, metro trains, trams cause zero pollution because they run on electricity. Another advantage is that people can do anything while taking public transportation as you can finish an assignment, read a book or do any type of work.

Also using public transportation saves a lot of money. People do not have to buy their own vehicles. The fare for buses or taxis are cheaper than private vehicles when compared to the diesel prices. Also, people do not have to spend lots of money on the maintenance of their vehicles or have to worry about parking as well.

But every aspect has its down side too. Taking public transport can be an uncomfortable experience when it is overcrowded. Getting stuck in an overcrowded bus or train for hours is an unpleasant experience for anyone. Also public transport lacks hygiene. They are very annoying sometimes. Also when you are in a hurry to reach the destination, public transport cannot help you to achieve your goal as they have run on their fixed timings.

The modes of public transport play an important role in the development of the country’s economy too. The better means of transport, the faster the growth rate of the economy would be. Also there should be a proper network of means of public transport in villages, thereby increasing economic activity there, automatically.

Public transport is the easiest mode of transport. Public awareness must be increased to use public transport at a greater extent. It will in turn reduce the pollution, traffic jams and also lower the rates of accidents as public transport has to undergo many safety measures. And public transport is always cheaper than the private ones. To make use of public transport, governments and organisations must try to provide more and more facilities to the public.

Public Transport Essay


FAQ’s on Public Transport Essay

Question 1.
What are the benefits of using public transport?

Public transport is beneficial to your overall health and also has positive effects on the environment.

  • Walking to and from public transport is a great form of extra physical activity into your routine.
  • Public transport is cheaper than travelling in your own vehicle. It can also reduce the cost of maintaining your vehicles.
  • As Public transport will increase, private vehicles will reduce and thus it will control the pollution caused by the number of individual vehicles.

Question 2.
Why do people nowadays opt for their own vehicle?

Public Transport offers a number of facilities and are the easiest way to travel though people usually prefer private ones because of the following reasons.

  • Public transport systems do not maintain proper hygiene.
  • Public transport can be slower than the private one because of the prescribed speed limits.
  • Public transportation stops at a fixed destination so the passenger has to look for additional means to reach their destination.
  • Public transport has fixed schedules which is inconvenient for some travellers.
  • Public transport is crowded and personal space may not be available.
  • Most vehicles are not modified to suit people with disabilities and also for senior citizens.
  • Long waiting hours.

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