How Do We Use Maths in Everyday Life Essay | Real Examples of Maths in Daily Life

How Do We Use Maths in Everyday Life Essay: Maths or Mathematics is an important part of our lives. It is used in our everyday routine. Sometimes for every small or big matter too. With the help of Maths we can make our daily routine organized and balanced. Maths is used by everyone, be it small kids or an elderly person on a daily basis in various ways. It is the basis of our existence.

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Long Essay on Maths in Everyday Life

There are several examples of the usage of Maths in our lives. Even birds and insects make the use of Maths in making their shelter. Maths is seen by many as a difficult subject, but in reality if anyone gets proper guidance he or she can excel in Mathematics as a subject. It is more understandable if taught through quizzes and games as it makes the learner use his mental ability to the maximum level.

Through them we can get the students to get a proper clarity of the topic being discussed. It also makes the concept more clearer in the mind of the young learners. The love or phobia for the subject in the child for this subject depends on the efficiency of the teacher. More efficient and innovative the teaching methodology is, more is the understanding among the children related to the subject. If a child is trying to solve a problem, he should be appreciated. Yes his mistakes must be corrected on the spot but without any judgment or criticism. It is important no matter which field we belong to.

Real Examples of Maths in Daily Life

You know we use Maths every day without a hint of using it.

  • When we have to call someone on our phone we use numbers.
  • To make the payments, be it to a vegetable vendor, milkman, for electricity bill or phone bill, the knowledge of numbers is very important and the knowledge of numbers is an integral part of Maths.
  • It is also used by our housewives on a general basis without even considering it important. While preparing food, we need to have proper and measured quantities of the ingredients to be used. How will we measure if we don’t have the proper knowledge of Mathematics? Without the awareness of numbers and their usage we will not be able to cherish the tasty food items and it is also impossible to make the adjustments if needed.
  • For shopping, which is everyone’s favorite pastime and a must in the to-do list, we require knowledge on numbers or maths. How much to buy and how much to pay for it is an essential thing for us to know. So we need to have a good grip on maths and numbers.
  • Maths is vastly applied in the banking sector or we can say that Mathematics will be the backbone of the banking sector. Without the use of maths and numbers you will not be able to do anything in a bank. The dependency of banking on Maths is around 90%. You need to have a good hold on numbers if you are a part of the banking sector. For the proper and accurate handling of all the transactions and accounts you should be good at numbers.
  • For a common man also Maths is a necessity. We need Maths to know – what is our deposited amount and what interest we are getting on it , what will be the interest we have to pay if we apply for a loan etc. we need to have a basic knowledge of maths. So be it the customers or the employees, they both need to be familiar with the subject.
  • I think we all love traveling but here also some sort of Maths concepts are used as travelling is not just entertainment and fun. From deciding the destination, booking of hotel and transport or tickets we need numbers. Because it requires a basic understanding of calculations and budget making to make our trip more affordable and enjoyable. So we can say that without maths we cannot perform even a single task in our daily lives.

How Do We Use Maths in Everyday Life

Short Essay on Maths in Everyday Life

Essentially Maths is a crucial subject for all human beings. It is widely used in our daily lives while cooking, shopping, eating, playing, working etc. Now that we know that Maths is such an important aspect of our life, we must make sure that we provide our children the best knowledge of Maths so that they can love the subject as much as they love the other subjects. We all have seen the movie ‘taare zameen par ‘ . In that movie the small boy is not able to understand numbers and slowly starts hating studies and bunking school classes. It was his teacher who understood his problem and brought him on the right track with his love and patience. So we all should also make sure that our child is not scared of the subject as it plays an important role in our lives and try to teach how to fall in love with Maths as it’s a need for everyone.

FAQ’s on Maths in Everyday Life

Question 1.
Why is Maths so important in our daily life?

Mathematics provides us with a proper understanding of the world around us and improves our mental cognitive abilities.

Question 2.
What is the use of Maths in everyday life?

Maths is needed in our everyday routine from cooking food to buy groceries, paying bills , travelling, etc.

Question 3.
What is the most important use of Mathematics?

Most importantly we need maths to enhance our problem solving abilities to cope and compete in the world.

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