Pets Vocabulary English | List of Pet Vocabulary With Description and Pictures
Pets Vocabulary English: A domesticated animal that is primarily kept as a companion of an individual to provide them with fun and pleasure is known as a pet. The relationship with pets is essential to many people in their lives. There is a huge pet vocabulary list that is very popular and widely domesticated.
These pet animals have unique appearances, personalities, and most of them are quite intelligent as well. This article provides you a list of pet vocabulary that will help you to get an idea about the vast range of pets available in this world.
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List of Pet Vocabulary Words in English
Name of Pet Vocabulary Words
In the English language, there is a vast range of various types of pets. Starting from different fishes to different types of mammals, there exist numerous animals, and keeping a count and remembering those are quite difficult and almost impossible.
When adults face difficulty while remembering, kids are bound to forget the names of different pets. For helping kids to remember the names easily, pet vocabulary exercises should be done with them in schools that will teach them about the types of pets while having fun.
This article provides you with a pet vocabulary list 2021 that includes different animals that you can buy and keep as pets for your enjoyment and pleasure.
List of Types Of Pet Words
- Fishes
- Reptiles
- Amphibians
- Birds
- Mammals
- French bulldog
- Yorkshire terriers
- Poodles
- Australian Shepherd
- Cocker spaniels
- Dachshund
- Chihuahuas
- Boxers
- Bulldogs
- Pug
- Japanese Spitz
- Pomeranian
- Shiba Inu
- Dobermans
- German shepherds
- American Pitbull Terrier
- Rottweilers
- Siberian Husky
- Golden Retriever
- Gerbils
- Hamsters
- Rabbit
- Fancy mouse
- Guinea pigs
- Chinchillas
- Ferrets
- Maine coons
- Persian cat
- American shorthairs
- Munchkin cat
- Ragdolls
- British shorthairs
- Siamese cats
- Sphynx cats
- Russian blues
- Devon rex
- Scottish folds
Description of the Pet Vocabulary Words
A betta fish is a freshwater fish that can grow up to 8 cm approximately. They are vibrantly coloured and have feathery fins. Bettas are widely available aquarium fishes globally and have gained much popularity as pets because of their colour and low maintenance.
Male bettas can be aggressive with each other, and hence, females are usually kept as pets. They can also breathe outside water for a limited period due to their pretty amazing labyrinth organ.
Discus is a freshwater fish of the cichlid species that is popular as an aquarium fish. They are bright-coloured patterned fishes, and the shape of their body is laterally compressed.
These fishes have high maintenance since they have to be kept in a group and the water quality also needs to be appropriately maintained.
Belonging to the Characidae family, these are colourful freshwater fishes endemic to the waters of South America and Africa. Even though they are small-sized, about an inch and a half, the colour of their body makes up for the size. Neon tetras have a combination of red and white, along with a neon blue stripe running from the top of their noses to their adipose fin.
The unique neon blue stripe, along with its bright colouring, makes them popular as aquarium fishes. Neon tetras are omnivores and are usually kept in groups.
Also famous as the dragon fish, Arowanas are a highly demanded endangered species making them the most expensive pet fish. Growing up to about 3 feet, these fishes are known to bring wealth and good luck.
Among the different types of Arowanas, only ten types can be kept as pets. They are usually kept alone or with fishes like oscar, gar, green terrors, and fishes that won’t be consumed.
It is a freshwater bony fish belonging to the Osteoglossidae family. Black Arowanas have an elongated body with a tapered tail and have a length of 0.9 meters.
Tanks are usually preferred for keeping them, but sometimes they are also kept in aquariums.
Belonging from the family of Osteoglossidae, silver Arowanas are freshwater bony fishes. They have an elongated body with large scales and a tapered tail.
Usually growing up to 0.9 meters, there are individual Arowanas that can grow up to 1.2 meters. They are kept in aquariums but are usually kept in large tanks.
A member of the Poeciliidae family, Guppies, are among the world’s most popular aquarium fishes. They are greatly adaptable and can thrive in various ecological conditions.
These fishes prefer to stay in hard water aquariums and should be kept in groups since they are preferred to stay in schools. Guppies tend to eat their own young and should be well fed with micro worms, egg yolks, liquid fish food, vinegar eels, etc.
It is a freshwater fish of the Cichlidae family and is known initially as Pterophyllum. The body shape of an Angelfish is unique. They have a circular and laterally compressed body, and their dorsal and anal fins are triangular and elongated.
Angelfishes are one of the most popular aquarium fishes due to their unique shape and colour. They are kept in a warm aquarium and usually peaceful, but if kept with fishes smaller than their size, they tend to eat the small ones up.
Fishes like Tetra and Barba are generally kept with these fishes, and they should be provided with a generous amount of food to prevent them from attacking their tank mates.
It is a salty freshwater fish belonging to the Poeciliidae family. Being among the most popular aquarium fishes, they have been bred in different hybrid forms.
Due to the breeding, it is available in many colours, and it is also omnivorous.
The southern saratoga is a bony freshwater fish belonging to the Osteoglossidae family. These fishes are highly aggressive and territorial, and hence it is best to keep them in separate tanks since they may attack their tank mates without warning.
They are freshwater aquarium fishes and having an elongated body and a pointed snout. They are either black, or bright blue, or dark blue.
These fishes consume zooplankton, crustaceans, insect larvae, periphyton, aquatic insects, along with the algae found in the bottom of tanks and aquariums. By consuming algae, they clean up the surface of the tank or aquarium.
Zebra danios is a tropical and subtropical fish and a vertebral model organism used for scientific purposes. Researchers also use this fish due to its regenerative abilities. They are suitable for beginner aquarists and are available in different colours.
It is a freshwater fish coming from the Cyprinidae family. Goldfishes are extremely popular aquarium fishes that are not high maintenance but need to be looked after. They tend to live for 10-15 years and need to be fed twice to thrice daily.
Common Mollies are freshwater fishes that grow up to four or four and a half inches. These can be kept in an aquarium along with guppies, and these feed on various veggies and high-quality fish flakes.
Flower horns are ornamental aquarium fishes that are known for their distinct hump-shaped head. They tend to live for 10-12 years and interact, making them perfect pet fish. The only issue with flower horns is that they have an aggressive nature that makes it challenging to keep them with other fishes.
Catfish is a type of ray-finned fish with prominent barbles that look like a cat’s whiskers. These fishes are available in a wide variety of sizes and are fascinating pets. They tend to dwell at the bottom of the aquarium, while some tend to swim.
It is a species of small-sized to medium-sized Anole lizard. They dwell on trees and possess the ability to change their colours. These are common pets and are small, easy to care for, and inexpensive, but they need to be handled carefully.
The Chinese water dragon is a unique type of agamid lizard that can grow up to a length of 1.1 meters, including its tail. It is a beautiful pet that is easy to handle and can be tamed but needs specific care to thrive.
Argentina black and white tegu
It is an omnivorous and hardy species of lizard. They are the largest among the Tegu lizards, with the maximum length reaching up to 4.5 feet. Argentina black and white tegu, if handled carefully and correctly may become tamed pets. They are pretty intelligent, and after recognizing their owners, they form close bonds with them.
Red-eared sliders are a subspecies of semi-aquatic turtles from the Emydidae family and can grow up to 15-20 centimetres. It is a trendy pet across the world.
They are inexpensive, cheap to maintain, and also live around 30 years. Even though the red-eared sliders are non-aggressive towards people, they may bite an individual if they are scared.
The Green Iguana is a herbivorous, arboreal, and giant lizard belonging to the Iguanidae family. It grows up to 1.5 meters though some exceptions grow up to 2 meters.
They have bright colours and a calm personality and are considered exotic pets.
They are long-necked, giant lizards, primarily terrestrial, as some can be arboreal or semi-aquatic as well. They have a powerful tail and claws and generally feed on small reptiles, birds, insects, small mammals, etc.
They can be kept as pets; one must be cautious when handling these lizards. With the correct person, these can also be ideal pets.
These skinks are among the giant skinks, and they have a very prominent blue tongue that can be deformed to produce thick mucus for catching prey. They are very slow but intelligent, friendly, and can quickly settle down to become approachable pets.
Ball Python is a type of Python that, when scared, will curl up into the form of a ball. Among snakes, these are the most common pet snakes as they have a docile nature and can be taken care of quickly. Also, they are pretty small and cannot kill an individual or a child.
The crested gecko is a special type of gecko among the largest geckos, and they also have hair-like projections above their eyes that look like eyelashes. They are really good pets since they are easy to handle and available in many different and wonderful patterns and colours. Even though they sleep during the day due to their nocturnal nature, they are very entertaining once up.
Common leopard geckos are ground-dwelling lizards that are very common as pets. They are robust, tame, and docile. These geckos should need to be handled extremely gently and carefully.
Bearded dragons, originally known as Pogona, are a type of semi-arboreal reptile that, when stressed or threatened, can turn the underside of their throat black and then puff them out. They are considered great pets because they are very friendly and can respond to the voice of their owner. Even though they require constant care and have complex environmental and nutritional needs, they are very affectionate and loves being held, thus making everything worth it.
Turtles are a kind of reptile that has a cartilaginous shell that is developed from their ribs. They are extremely cute pets that can live for decades, and that is why they require special care and room for growing.
Tortoise is a reptile belonging to the Testudinidae family that has a very hard shell and can use it to retract back its head and neck for protection. They are generally very large and slow-moving and can live up to 80 to 150 years. They require special care and maintenance but are very affectionate, and some even love being patted and scratched.
Any frog spending most of its life on trees can be referred to as a tree frog. The tree frog is very cute and fun to watch, but they should not be held. They prefer to stay alone, and with proper diet and care, they may live for about five years.
Tiger salamander is a unique type of mole salamander that is the largest terrestrial salamander found in North America. They have very sensitive skin, and hence holding them should be avoided. Tiger salamanders are quite entertaining and lively and are known to be quite popular exotic pets.
The axolotl is a paedomorphic salamander that does not go through metamorphosis. They have a very decreasing population and are listed as critically endangered. Axolotl makes great pets since they are interactive and friendly aquatic pets that are easy to look after and provide their owners with years of enjoyment.
The Pacman Frog is a large frog with a wide mouth and circular shape, making them resemble Pacman. They can generally live for 1-4 years, but if a proper diet is maintained, they can live for 6-10 years. They are excellent amphibian pets, but they require 2-3 days to settle in new surroundings and do not like to be held.
These are small, semi-aquatic frogs that are commonly kept as pets in water and land. They are originally a toad due to the presence of tubercles on their back. Bright green and black, these toads are excellent pets and can live for 20 years.
The poison dart frog is a tiny frog that has a brightly coloured body. They are a fascinating pet in the amphibian world, and unlike other frogs, these dart frogs are active during the day. Even though their name suggests that they are poisonous, poison dart frogs are purely non-toxic when they are bred.
Amazon milk frogs are large arboreal frogs that excrete milk-like fluid when they are under stress. They are enjoyable pets since they are easy to look after but require substantial humidity and space. Their cages need to be tidied regularly to maintain a clean environment for the frog.
African clawed frog is a special species of aquatic frog that comes from the Pipidae family. They are toothless and use their short claws on their hind feet for tearing their food. They cannot be held since their skin dries out when they are out of the water, and hence, they are only supposed to be watched, but overall, they are good pets.
The budgerigar of the scientific name Melopsittacus undulatus that is alternatively known as the common parakeet or sometimes as the shell parakeet is a tiny, long-tailed parrot usually feeding on seeds. They are quite talkative and friendly birds being the only existing species in the genus Melopsittacus.
The true finches are small size to medium-sized unique passerine birds of the Fringillidae family. Finches have a stout conical bill adapted for eating hard seeds and nuts and can be identified easily due to their colourful plumage. They occupy a vast range of habitats worldwide where they are usually residents of the area.
Parrots, which are alternatively known as psittacines, are birds of the Psittaciformes order. They are found mostly in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The most significant components of most parrot species are their diet. These birds survive in seeds, nuts, fruit, buds, and other plant material.
Lovebirds are colourful birds belonging to the parrot family. They usually live in pairs and are domesticated in many households worldwide. It is observed that breeding pairs of lovebirds feed each other to re-establish their unique bond. This sweet intimacy and behaviour of this bird species earn them their name.
The canary is a domestic species often referred to as the domestic canary. It is a domesticated version of the wild canary. The canaries are small songbirds of the finch family that initially come from the Macaronesian Islands. It is kept as a popular cage or aviary bird, and under proper care, can last up to 10 to 15 years.
A cockatoo is a bird belonging to the Cacatuidae family, the only existing superfamily of the Cacatuoidea. The feather of cockatoos is generally less colourful than other parrots or bird species since it is white. Often cockatoos with grey or black and coloured features in the crest, cheeks or tail can be spotted.
The cockatiel bird with the scientific name Nymphicus hollandicus, alternatively known as a weird bird, is a petite, cheerful parrot that is a member of the cockatoo family and an endemic species to Australia. They make great household pets and companion parrots. They are chirpy and lively, making them one of the best companion birds worldwide and are relatively easy to breed or maintain.
It is a species of domestic dog that is small in size with a friendly and mild temperament. French bulldogs are muscular with a soft and wrinkled coat.
They require close human contact frequently since they are companion dogs, and if left alone for a long time, they may have separation anxiety. These dogs live for 11-12 years of age and are perfect for a pet animal.
Yorkshire terrier is the smallest type of terrier and is also the smallest among the species of dog. It is a companion dog having either a black or silverish-grey or blonde coat. These dogs have extremely silky, straight, glossy hair and are energetic, curious, and fond of affection.
Poodles are a species of water dog. It is a companion dog and is highly intelligent, active, and social. These dogs have a wide variety of colouring, such as black, grey, blue, silver, red, apricot, etc.
They are a species of herding dog and are among the most popular companion dogs in North America. They are medium-sized dogs with long and wavy coats. Australian Shepherds are active, playful, loyal, and protective but if it doesn’t receive enough exercise, then it may turn destructive.
They are a species of study, well-balanced gun dogs. Cocker spaniels are very intelligent, alert, optimistic, kind, resilient, and are perfect for family pets. They bond strongly with the one who feeds them and does not encourage being alone.
Dachshund is a species of a hound dog, and they have a long body, short legs, and may have smooth and long hair. They are playful and very stubborn and can be aggressive towards other dogs and strangers.
They are denominated after the state of Chihuahua and are among the smallest species of dogs. They are excellent companion dogs and love attention, and are loyal to their owners. Chihuahuas are good pets, but they tend to snap at strangers and small children as the dog feels threatened by their size.
Boxers are a breed of medium-sized to large-sized dogs and have short hair and smooth coat. They are ideal companion dogs since they are playful, loyal, protective, and athletic. Boxers get along with children very well and are very protective, but can be quite dangerous if not properly trained and socialized.
Bulldogs are a species of muscular, medium-sized dogs and have a wrinkled faces with a pushed-in nose. They tend to live for 8-10 years and have a sweet disposition. They are quite dependable, loving, close to children, and are well behaved towards other pet dogs but are aggressive towards stranger dogs.
They are a compact, muscular, and square-shaped species of dog and have a very wrinkly and short-muzzled face along with a glossy coat. They are extremely playful and affectionate towards children, and because of their muzzled faces, they face trouble biting, making them an ideal pet dog.
These are small-sized to medium-sized dogs that have a very fluffy, soft, and thick white coat. Japanese Spitz is a playful, cheerful, loyal, obedient, and bold companion dog and pleases its owners.
Pomeranian is a small and sturdy dog with a very textured coat and a plumed tail. These dogs are also known as toy dogs due to their appearance and size and are very playful and friendly.
They love to be have attention, but they may become stubborn and dominant if not trained properly. Pomeranians are easily intimidated by human beings and dogs because of their size and bark whenever any loud noise is made.
Shiba Inu is a species of small to medium-sized gun dog. These dogs are very charming, agile, alert, faithful, fearless. Even though hard to train, these dogs are very clean and lovable.
They are medium-sized to large-sized dogs that have a long muzzles and are not heavy-footed. Dobermans are energetic, alert, fearless, and well-behaved family dogs and are very protective of the children of their house.
The German shepherd is a medium-large-sized dog and is a very good and gentle companion. They are very intelligent and active and will protect their family members if they are properly trained and socialized.
These are short-haired, medium-sized dogs with solid and muscular bodies. They are very affectionate, intelligent, loyal, friendly, and easy to win over.
Rottweilers are medium-sized to large-sized dogs and are very obedient and good-natured. They are loyal, protective, and extremely affectionate towards their family members since they tend to follow them everywhere.
Siberian huskies are medium-sized dogs that are recognized by their thick, double furred coat and rectangular ears. These dogs are gentle, friendly towards every other animal and humans, and very playful with their owners.
Golden Retriever is a medium-large-sized gun dog that is intelligent and affectionate. They are very playful and often tend to get along with other pets and animals, and strangers.
Gerbils are burrowing mouse-like rodents. The average length of a gerbil is primarily between 6 ft to 12 ft. They make excellent pets for children since they require minimum maintenance and provide endless entertainment and fun.
They are a type of rodents that have become popular as pets. Due to their small size, they are apt for being pets for children. But looking after a hamster might be difficult since they are easily frightened, prone to diseases, and extremely talented escapees.
A rabbit is a small mammal and is a wonderful choice for a pet. They are very playful, fascinating, loyal, affectionate, and have strikingly distinct personalities.
They are the domesticated form of house mice and are generally kept as pocket pets. They are inexpensive, small, and can learn to enjoy if kept under correct care.
Guinea pigs are a type of rodents, and they can make great pets. They are playful, entertaining, and are very friendly. Even though high maintenance is required for keeping a Guinea pig, their docile nature makes it worth it.
They are a type of rodent that has very dense and extremely soft fur. Chinchillas are very friendly, affectionate, curious, and require cuddling.
Ferrets are the domesticated form of small mustelid. They are extremely talented escapees, and hence should be kept in a cage. Houses should maintain peace if they have a ferret as a pet since they tend to sleep for most of the day.
It is a large domesticated cat which is the official state cat of Maine. Maine coons are affectionate, gentle, loyal, and they love to be held, scratched and cuddled by their owners.
Persian cats are long-haired and have a round face with a short muzzle. These cats are high maintenance but are super friendly, smart, and great to be around, making them perfect for a great pet.
The American shorthair is a domesticated cat that was originally trained for killing rats and mice. Their personality is extremely sweet, gentle, and affectionate, and they don’t make a fuss when carried and held by young children of the house.
Munchkin cat is a very new cat species with short legs and is very energetic and affectionate. These cats are super fun and friendly and get along with children and other pets just fine. They also crave human attention and love to cuddle with their owners or family members.
It is a large and muscular cat with strikingly blue eyes and a soft and semi-long-haired colourpoint coat. Ragdolls have a very docile nature, and they love to be around humans.
British shorthair is a stock-bodied and dense-faced cat. It is the pedigree version of British domesticated cats and has a dense grey-blue coat, medium-sized tail, and orange pair of eyes.
These cats do not have a temperamental side and are instead quite intelligent and affectionate, but they do not like to be carried.
These are the first distinctively recognized Asian cats. Siamese cats have an affectionate, friendly, outgoing nature, and they tend to thrive with lots of positive interaction with humans.
The sphynx cat is widely known for its lack of fur. Their personality is extroverted, affectionate, entertaining, and they tend to be the first to greet people who enter their house.
These cats have short and dense coats and distinctive pairs of green eyes and are very sensitive. Around their family members, these cats are playful and affectionate but, around strangers, they are very gentle and reserved cats. If their loved ones do not show these cats enough affection or reciprocate their love, they start to feel anxious.
These cats are brilliant and have short hair and tall ears. Devon rexes are pretty energetic, and they love to entertain their family members by playfully performing various activities.
Scottish folds have ears that bend forward and down towards the front of the face giving the cat an owl-like appearance. They are very affectionate, chatty, and have a sweet and chirpy voice. These cats bond exceptionally well with human beings and also get along with other pets.
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