Positive Words That Start With X, Y, and Z | List of Positive Words Starting With X, Y and Z Pictures and Facts

Positive Words That Start With X, Y, and Z: The letters X, Y, and Z are rarely used at the beginning of a word. It is a good practice to look up uncommon words and add them to your vocabulary.

You can amaze people with your knowledge about the list of positive words starting with X, Y, and Z.

Get inspired in life with these powerful Positive Words list available and use them in your everyday conversations, emails, cover letters, etc.

List Of Positive Words Begins With Letter X, Y, And Z

Names Of Positive Words Whose Name Starts With X, Y, And Z

List Of Positive Words With Letter X, Y, And Z At The Start

Meaning And Example On The Positive Words On The List.


Meaning: Hospitality between the hosts and guests

Example: This room used to be the place where the xenial guests gathered to dine together.


Meaning: Originally a brand name but use to describe copying a document using a copy machine.

Example: I need five Xeroxes of this document before the meeting.


Meaning: A machine the lets people see inside the body, especially the bone structure

Example: He needs to get an x-ray for his leg to see if it is broken.


Meaning: An enjoyable story people say loudly to each other that may not be accurate; fibers in strands in wool, etc.

Example: I need a ball of yarn to complete the scarf.


Meaning: To long for persistently; to feel tenderness or compassion

Example: It is natural to yearn for the old days with the swaying roads and the friendly folks.


Meaning: a sharp cry or bark; squeal, typically of a dog or turkey

Example: He yelped with surprise when the books fell off the closet and onto his head.


Meaning: To produce; to give up

Example: The farmers toil to collect their yield in the scorching sun.


Meaning: To sing suddenly changing from the natural voice to falsetto and back

Example: The boy outside the shop yodeled to attract customers.

List Of Positive Words Begins With Letter X, Y, And Z 1


Meaning: a wooden frame on the necks of two animals to join their heads, to join by a yoke

Example: The two oxen need to be yoked together.


Meaning: Someone who looks or presents themselves as being young and full of energy regardless of their age; spry and energetic

Example: My grandfather has a young heart and a youthful spirit.


Meaning: Something that tastes delicious or looks delicious; tasty

Example: I want to have a bite of that yummy chocolate cake.


Meaning: Unconventional and funny is a silly way.

Example: My friend makes us laugh with the weird tricks and zany bits.


Meaning: Having a lot of energy or enthusiasm

Example: She turned out to be perfectly involved with the task at hand and did her job zealously.


Meaning: The state of being calm and relaxed; a near meditative state

Example: The park where I go for morning walks is more zen during foggy mornings.


Meaning: Full of energy and enthusiasm

Example: The group of young dancers is the symbolism of zestful youth.


Meaning: used to indicate a sudden occurrence; to move with force and speed

Example: The flowers looked wilted and zapped due to the cold weather.


Meaning: The number denoting absence of all magnitude or quantity

Example: They have a zero-tolerance policy for violence.


Meaning: The piece of the peel of citrus fruit with a strong flavoring

Example: The cake contains the zest of lime to bring out the strong flavor.


Meaning: a humming sound; an extra stimulating quality

Example: They need a little more zing to spruce up the presentation.


Meaning: To move quickly with enthusiasm and energy; close or open a zip

Example: You forgot to close the zip of your bag.

List Of Positive Words Begins With Letter X, Y, And Z 2


Meaning: To move quickly with a loud sound of buzzing

Example: The thieves stole the car and zoomed past the police cars.


Meaning: An area or region; a range

Example: They accidentally strayed into the war zone.

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