The Things I Carry Essay | Essay on The Things I Carry Analysis, Thing We Carry

The Things I Carry Essay: The things people carry generally represent a significant part of their character and personality. Apart from necessary items, some small and seemingly unimportant objects also find a place in the list which has the most symbolic weight attached to them. We rarely discuss or think consciously about why we carry such things. We carry some of the things because of necessities, whereas, we just carry the others because they have some intrinsic value for us. Nowadays with all that has been given to us, physical objects are much easier to carry with us on our daily routines, though we tend to carry more on our minds.

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Long Essay on Things I Carry

Physical Things I Carry

The things I carry are selected according to importance. One of them is a cell phone which is one of the greatest necessities nowadays because of its involvement in the mode of connectivity. The various apps systems help to perform a lot of activities like transaction, interaction, traveling, and communication. Technology has given us the opportunity to connect to the outer world more conveniently. The app systems can help to track down places I need to reach on time. Again, listening to music helps me to relax during challenging situations. Music triggers strong emotions within me by recapitulating memories that each song carries, listening to which fills us with positivity during gloomy instances.

I also carry a picture of my family in my wallet which reminds me of their role in my life. When I feel lonely or disoriented, I look at the pictures and try to remember the learning and values that have been imbibed into me by my parents. This helps me to gather confidence and hope to move forward. While looking at the picture of my family, I get inspired and motivated as I feel how much I owe to them for being here. The smiling picture of my child makes me feel very fortunate and grateful.

I carry books because I love reading. It gives a view of the world through someone else’s eyes. I can gain knowledge and experience from the journey of various characters. Books are a good companion that gives joy and enjoyment at times of despair. Reading books is a great pass time, more effective than scrolling through messages on phone.

I also carry small gifts or tokens of appreciation received from someone close to me. It carries the warmth and bonding of a relationship that is worth cherishing. They are a sort of guiding light in the path of loneliness and frustration.

I carry my identity card as a must because it provides my formal identity that is relevant and useful in many ways. In today’s world, people rely more on formal identity proofs rather than knowing the person through his character and human qualities.

Carrying the intangibles

I carry memories of people who were once a part of my life and enriched my life in many meaningful ways. The love, affection, and care I received from them can never be forgotten. I carry memories of places that I visited but the events that changed my life in many aspects.

I carry emotions and attitudes that are part of my character. I carry feelings of empathy and compassion that drive me to provide support and resources for needy people. I carry my self-respect and confidence that helps me not to bow down or surrender, under difficult situations.

Hope and optimism are the most important things I carry because it’s what keep me motivated. Just like others, I can have bad times, but being optimistic saves me from being affected by frustration and disappointment. When I face an unwelcoming situation, I try to look at the bigger picture of hope that things will improve. I cannot change a situation but can make the best use of it and move on. My attitude helps me to visualize an optimistic picture of any situation that I have been indulged in.

I carry responsibility for being a part of the society, family, and organization I work with. I am expected to demonstrate behavior matching the law and order, rules and regulations, culture, and traditions. I am responsible to my family and dear ones who have trust in me.

Conclusion on The Things I Carry Essay

As we keep on working, interacting, and thinking, we carry the weight of struggles, emotions, opinions, and expectations in our minds silently or unconsciously. These things we carry with us all the time and everywhere in our daily lives. The disappointment comes along with expectations. If the bar is set high, there is always the pressure of meeting those expectations. So, I carry the successes of the expectations and give up disappointments of the failures. The things I carry should be the optimum but not excess of anything, that helps to carry the weight with ease and the journey becomes smooth. Be it physical things or negative thoughts, we should overburden us to avoid getting stressed and tired.

Short Essay on The Things I Carry Essay

There may be some tangible as well as intangible things that I carry with us. Some of them might stay with me forever and others might not. These things have directly or indirectly helped me to overcome problems in difficult times and guide me through the right track. Physical things include the essentials and useful items whereas the intangibles are the things that we carry in our mind that support us to make our journey smoother through tough times.

Things I carry

The physical things I carry are the important ones that might be required at any point in time, as per my presumption. I should not be in trouble or at least make some arrangements to come out of that situation using them. I like to have with me the objects of interest that can keep me engaged in my spare time. Fortunately, I don’t have any addictions so I don’t need to carry any of such items. I also carry things that have some emotions or sentiments attached to them. I carry objects that I think are auspicious. I also carry items that are associated with some pleasant memories of people, places, or events.

I always carry the intangible things like my beliefs, values, and self-esteem that guide me through any journey of life. I have with me the life lessons and guidance given to me by parents and teachers that I can never discard. I carry the bare minimum with me but do not burden myself with unnecessary things. This is true for both physical and intangible things. The weight of negativity, disappointment, frustration, and intolerance that you carry with you make your journey more difficult. These should be replaced by confidence, self-belief, positivity, hope, and above all gratitude.

FAQ’s on The Things I Carry Essay

Question 1.
What are the things we usually carry?

We usually carry the necessary items that might be required in the future course of time and help us to deal with difficult situations.

Question 2.
Do we carry only physical things with us?

Besides physical things, we also carry intangible things like our beliefs, values, emotions, and confidence.

Question 3.
How do the things one carries give an indication about the person?

The things one carries give an idea about the person’s interests, habits, preferences, and lifestyle.

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