Sprouts Advantages and Disadvantages | What are Sprouts?, Beefits, Side Effects and Potential Risks

Sprouts Advantages and Disadvantages: Sprouts are a great source of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants. Eating raw sprouts is considered to be a superfood since it is healthy, rich in a high amount of protein, fibre, and antioxidants that are said to be good for reducing bad cholesterol. The full health benefit is still being explored and quantified. On the other hand, eating sprouts sometimes become the cause of bacterial infection and sickness. Consuming raw sprouts can lead to food poisoning from bacterial infections such as salmonella. Thus there are benefits and drawbacks of sprouts that are to be more discussed.

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What are Sprouts? Sprouts Advantages and Disadvantages 2022

When a tiny white structure has grown out of a seed that is called sprouting. It is a natural process of germinating a tiny plant from a seed. Sprouts can be edible because they contain many nutrients that are rich in high protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, and also a great source of antioxidants that are helpful in managing diabetes and cholesterol problems. They have anti-inflammatory properties also. There are hundreds of brussel sprout varieties but only a few of them are easily available. Some of the commonly eaten sprouts are pea, alfalfa, radish sprouts, broccoli sprouts, fenugreek, mung bean, lentils, sunflower seeds, etc.

At present these have become a part of a healthy diet. Sprout contains folate which is why it is recommended to pregnant ladies that is helpful for child brain development. It is good for strengthening the immunity of humans. The best part is all the nutritional value can be obtained at a very low price and can be consumed by all sections of people. With all these benefits there are some major side effects of taking sprouts, such as allergies and food poisoning.

Sprouts Advantages

Some of the sprout advantages are:

High in nutritional value: Sprouts are a rich source of beneficial plant compounds and nutrition. Generally, they are low in calories but high in all the vitamins and minerals, and antioxidants. It may vary with the type of variety of sprouts. The sprouting process increases all the nutrient value to its maximum as required for growing young plants than the unsprouted seeds. Sprouts are rich in protein, folate, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and vitamin C, K. It contains a higher level of amino acids that are essential for our body. Sprouts are easy to digest and increase the ability to absorb all the nutrients from plants at their max.

Sprouts may help in regulating blood sugar levels: Some studies suggest sprouting may help to reduce the total amount of carbohydrates in the sprout. It may have the ability to properly break down and digest sugar with the help of the amylase enzyme required by the human body. However, some studies are needed to determine this.

Good for digestion: Sprouts contain higher amounts of fibre, which can help to easily digest and reduce constipation. Sprouting increases the amount of insoluble fibre, which helps to form stool and move it through the gut. Thus the problem of constipation is reduced. Sprouting also appears to lower the gluten level found in grains, which makes them easier to digest.

Can be good for heart health: According to a study, sprouts may reduce the risk factor for heart disease by reducing high blood cholesterol levels. Eating sprouts may increase good cholesterol HDL and reduce bad cholesterol LDL levels. Therefore most of the studies recommend promisingly the good effects of eating sprouts for good health.

Recommended to pregnant women: With the higher amount of vitamins and minerals, sprouts are also high in folate which is beneficial for the baby’s brain development in the mother’s womb. Thus it is highly beneficial for pregnant women to consume on a daily basis.

But with all these advantages there are also some side effects of sprouts.

Disadvantages of Sprouts

Here are some disadvantages of sprouts:

Stomach pain and gas problem: Mostly sprouts are consumed raw and that can be one of the reasons for stomach pain and bloating. Sprouts must be cooked but not overcooked and then they should be consumed. Overcooking may lower the nutritional value.

Can cause Food poisoning: sprouts can carry bacteria including salmonella, listeria, and E.coli only if sprouts are contaminated and eaten without safe and clean storage. Like we eat other raw foods, sprouts are also consumed raw and contamination can cause serious illnesses like diarrhoea, fever, and severe stomach pain. The warm, moist environment required for sprouting is ideal for the rapid growth of bacteria that are cause for food poisoning. Before eating sprouts we must ensure their cleanliness and storage and also slightly cooked sprouts are better to avoid this situation.

Comparison Table for Sprouts Advantages And Disadvantages

Sprout Advantages Sprouts Disadvantages
Highly rich in nutrition such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants Can cause stomach pain and gas, bloating
Good in reducing the risk of heart disease and controlling blood sugar levels Risk of carrying bacteria like E.coli, salmonella that causes severe illness like food poisoning
Recommended to pregnant women as it is a good source of folate Recommended to be lightly cooked before consumption
Helps in better digestion and gives relief to constipation Require clean environment and proper storage to avoid illness

FAQs on Sprouts advantages and disadvantages

Question 1.
What are sprouts and what are their benefits?

Sprouts are the tiny part germinating from seed to become a young plant. It is edible and a rich source of vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. Sprouts are beneficial in reducing the risk of heart diseases and controlling blood sugar levels. It is good for digestion and advised to pregnant ladies as it is rich in folate which is good for the baby’s brain development.

Question 2.
What are the different types of sprouts?

The different types of sprouts are;

  • Vegetable sprouts: includes alfalfa, mustard green, broccoli, etc.
  • Sprouted grains: includes wheatgrass, quinoa sprouts, moong beans, red clover, etc.
  • Nut and seed sprouts: includes pumpkin seed, sesame seed, sunflower seed sprouts.
  • Bean and pea sprouts: mung bean, kidney bean, lentil, and black bean.

Question 3.
What are the side effects of sprouts?

Eating sprouts can cause stomach pain and gas but if it is contaminated it can give a good environment for bacteria like salmonella or E.coli to cultivate and can even cause severe illnesses like food poisoning.

Question 4.
How can we consume sprouts safely?

There are a few safety measures that can be followed to consume sprouts,

  • a) store in a clean and safe environment so that bacteria cannot grow.
  • b) recommended being slightly cooked so that bloating and stomach gas could be avoided.

Cooking also helps to decrease the risk factor of bacteria growth.

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