Complete List of Animals with Pictures, Facts, Information for Preschoolers | A to Z Animals List & Names in English
List of Animals with Pictures: Many the Animal Species are located in Wildlife and they represent the rich diversity of the country. For your reference, we have mentioned the List of Animals and their Names in English to enhance your vocabulary about nature. Discover amazing animals all around the world with pictures, facts, and information for kids & adults.
This article on Animal List will get you acquainted with various categories of animals like Animals from Letters A-Z, Farm Animals, Sea Animals, Extinct Animals, and Endangered Animals, all explained in detail. Just Click on the Particular Category you wish to know and see Animal Photos, learn how to say Animal Names in English.
List of Animals in English with Useful Animal Photos
List of Animals from A-Z
- Animals that Start with A
- Animals that Start with B
- Animals that Start with C
- Animals that Start with D
- Animals that Start with E
- Animals that Start with F
- Animals that Start with G
- Animals that Start with H
- Animals that Start with I
- Animals that Start with J
- Animals that Start with K
- Animals that Start with L
- Animals that Start with M
- Animals that Start with N
- Animals that Start with O
- Animals that Start with P
- Animals that Start with Q
- Animals that Start with R
- Animals that Start with S
- Animals that Start with T
- Animals that Start with U
- Animals that Start with V
- Animals that Start with W
- Animals that Start with X
- Animals that Start with Y
- Animals that Start with Z
- List of Mammals
- List of Birds
- List of Wild Animals List
Types of Animals & their Names
Animals are categorized into several kinds based on their eating habits, the environment they live in such as domestic, birds, mammals, insects, reptiles, sea animals, wild, and farm animals. We have outlined some of the common animal names for each and every category for your knowledge in the below modules.
List of Domesticated Animals
Domestic Animals are the animals that are selectively bred and are genetically adapted for years to live alongside humans. These are distinct from their wild ancestors or cousins. Go through the common farm animals present below.
- Cattle (cows and bulls)
- Rabbit
- Duck
- Pig
- Bee
- Goat
- Crab
- Fish
- Chicken
- Horse
- Dog
- Llamas
- Ostriches
- Camels
- Shrimp
- Deer
- Turkey
- Dove
- Sheep
- Cat
- Geese
- Oxen
- Reindeer
List of Wild Animals
Wild Animals are the ones that find their own shelter, water, and all their other needs in a specific natural habitat. Find the list of common wild animals in English along with pictures to expand your vocabulary base.
- Antelope
- Arctic wolf
- Bald eagle
- Porcupine
- Bat
- Bear
- Camel
- Chimpanzee
- Coyote
- Deer
- Gorilla
- Hare
- Hedgehog
- Hippopotamus
- Kangaroo
- Badger
- Elephant
- Elk
- Fox
- Giraffe
- Koala
- Leopard
- Lion
- Lizard
- Monkey
- Otter
- Owl
- Mole
- Panda
- Rabbit
- Rhinoceros
- Raccoon
- Rat
- Squirrel
- Tiger
- Walrus
- Bison
- Reindeer
- Possum
- Chipmunk
- Porcupine
- Wolf
- Woodpecker
- Zebra
- Wombat
- Red panda
List of Jungle Animals
Jungle Animals are the ones that live in jungles. Dense Forests are homes to many animals like monkeys, pythons, piranhas, green anacondas and crocodiles, birds such as hornbills, macaws, and toucans, and many more. Popular Animals that Live in Jungles with Pictures, Facts are outlined below.
- Mountain Gorilla
- Blue Morpho Butterfly
- Okapi
- Brown-Throated Three-Toed Sloth
- Jaguar
- Capybara
- Scarlet Macaw
- Poison Dart Frog
- Black howler monkey
- Sulawesi bear cuscus
- Green Anaconda
- Lions
List of Animals that Live in Water and Land
Animals that stay both on land and in water are referred to as Amphibians. Know some of the best-known animals that can live in land and water below. They are as below
- Frog
- Toad
- Crocodile
- Hippopotamus
- Crabs
- Mudskiper
- Tortoise
- Salamander
- Gharial
List of Extinct Animals
Extinctions have become a common part of nature due to natural disturbances such as climate heating, cooling, changes in sea levels, forest cut downs, etc. Many species have gone extinct over the years and read on to know the top 10 extinct animals all over the world. They are as beneath
- West African Black Rhinoceros
- Baiji White Dolphin
- Pyrenean Ibex
- Passenger Pigeon or Wild Pigeon
- Tasmanian Tiger
- Stellers Sea Cow
- Great Auk
- Dodo
- Woolly Mammoth
- Sabre-tooth Cat
List of Herbivores Carnivores and Omnivores Animals with Pictures
Animals that eat only plants are known as Herbivores and the ones that eat only animals are known as Carnivores. Any Animals that eat both plants and animals are known as Omnivores. Based on the classification of their eating habits you can decide whether an animal is herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore.
List of Herbivores Animals
- Deer
- Giraffe
- Hippopotamus
- Camel
- Goat
- Kangaroo
- Donkey
- Buffalo
- Cow
- Elephant
- Rabbit
- Snail
- Zebra
- Sheep
- Caterpillar
- Donkey
- Sloths
- Rhinoceros
- Ox
List of Carnivorous Animals
- Wolf
- Lion
- Tiger
- Leopard
- Hyena
- Cheetah
- Shark
- Frog
- Hawk
- Eagle
- Fox
- Snake
- Seals
- Vulture
- Jackal
- Mongoose
- Owl
- Dhole
- Jaguar
List of Omnivores Animals
- Chicken
- Crow
- Pig
- Ant
- Bear
- Dog
- Emus
- Ostrich
- Human
- Raccoons
Lists of Animals and their Habitats and their Adaptations
Habitats: All Animals need a shelter or home to live in. The majority of them are born into particular habitats. Habitat is nothing but a place that protects us from predators, a place to raise young ones, and unfavorable weather. Habitats are characterized based on the climate and location and different types of habitats found on earth are
- Forest
- Desert
- Polar Regions and Mountains
- Ocean
- Freshwater
Adaptations: Over the years animals have adapted to the new ways to keep themselves protected from the changing temperatures in the habitat they live in. The process is known as Adaptation. They can be of different things and they fall into three groups basically and we have mentioned about them
- Structural
- Physiological
- Behavioral
Scientific Names of Animals
Scientific Names of Few of the Common Animals are listed for your idea. They are as follows
Common Animal Names and their Scientific Names |
Ant | Formicidae |
Arabian camel | Camelus dromedarius |
African elephant | Loxodonta |
Albatross | Diomedeidae |
Alpaca | Vicugna pacos |
Asian Elephant | Elephas maximus |
Bat | Chiroptera |
Bird | Aves |
Brown Tree Snake | Boiga irregularis |
Gaur | Bos gaurus |
Goat | Capra aegagrus hircus |
Bear | Ursidae |
Polar bear | Ursus maritimus |
Sun bear | Helarctos malayanus |
Blackbuck | Antilope cervicapra |
Black rat | Rattus rattus |
Buffalo | Bubalus bubalis |
Bulbul | Pycnonotidae |
Butterfly | Rhopalocera |
Cat | Felis catus |
Cheetah | Acinonyx jubatus |
Chinkara | Gazella bennettii |
Cobra | Naja |
Cockroach | Blattodea |
Common Myna | Acridotheres tristis |
Cow | Bos taurus |
Crocodile | Crocodylus palustris |
Deer | Cervidae |
Dog | Canis lupus familiaris |
Dolphin | Cetacea |
Eagle | Accipitridae |
Elephant | Elephantidae |
fish | Vertebrata |
Red fox | Vulpes vulpes |
Gavial or Gharial | Gavialis gangeticus |
Giraffe | Giraffa camelopardalis |
Great horned owl | Bubo virginianus |
Hen | Gallus gallus domesticus |
Hippopotamus | Hippopotamus amphibius |
Horse | Equus caballus |
House crow | Corvus splendens |
Housefly | Musca domestica |
House mouse | Mus musculus |
House sparrow | Passer domesticus |
House wall Lizard | Hemidactylus flaviviridis |
Indian Cobra | Naja naja |
Parrot | Psittaciformes |
Indian Python | Python molurus |
Kashmir stag or hangul | Cervus canadensis hanglu |
King cobra | Ophiophagus hannah |
Koel | Eudynamys scolopaceus |
Leopard or panther | Panthera pardus |
Monkey | Simiiformes (infraorder) |
Mosquito | Culicidae |
Lion | Panthera leo |
Lizard | Squamata |
Nilgai | Boselaphus tragocamelus |
Peacock | Pavo cristatus |
Pig | Sus |
Prawn | Dendrobranchiata |
Rabbit | Oryctolagus cuniculus |
Rat | Rodentia |
Rat snake | Ptyas mucosa |
Rattle snake | Crotalinae |
Rhesus monkey | Macaca mulatta |
Rhinoceros | Rhinoceros unicornis |
Sea snake | Hydrophiinae |
Sheep | Ovis aries |
Siberian crane | Grus leucogeranus |
Snakehead | Channidae |
Sparrow | Passer domesticus |
Spider | Araneae |
Starfish | Asteroidea |
Tiger | Panthera tigris |
Tiger Snake | Notechis scutatus |
Wild Ass | Equus africanus asinus |
Wild boar | Sus scrofa |
Wolf | Canis lupus |
Zebra | Equus quagga |
Earthworm | Lumbricus |
Grasshopper | Caelifera |
Honey Bee | Apis |
Pigeon | Columba livia |
Snake | Serpentes |
Final Words
We wish the knowledge shared regarding the List of Animals has been beneficial to make your kids learn about various types, animal habitats their adaptations. Do share it with your friends and family and help them learn about animal species too. Keep connected to our site to learn about various categories like dictionaries, vocabulary, and many more.
Animals in English
List of animals names in English with different categories.
- Pet names in English
- Farm animals list
- Wild animals in English with pictures
- Mammal images in English
- List of sea animals names in English
- Birds names with pictures
- Names of insects in English
- Male, female, and baby animals in English
- Animal group names (collective nouns for animals) in English
- Animal body parts in English with images.
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