Essay on Cleanliness | Cleanliness Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Cleanliness: Cleanliness is the state of a room or a place that is clean and tidy. It’s one of the values which you learn from when you are a kid. You can’t force someone, to be honest, and trim; the one thing that you can do is to encourage it. Being clean and keeping your surroundings clean improves the quality of life.

Everyone needs to encourage others to keep their surroundings clean. Cleanliness doesn’t only refer to keeping your surroundings clean but also refers to keeping yourself clean and tidy. You must have heard your parents and teachers talk about cleanliness.

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Long and Short Essay on Cleanliness in English for students and Kids

Below, we have provided one extended essay on cleanliness of 400-500 words and one short essay on cleanliness of 200 words.

Long Essay on Cleanliness in English 500 words

Essay on Cleanliness is suitable for students of grades 7, 8, 9, 10, and competitive exam aspirants.

There are many essential things that we need in life, like food, water, and clothes. Another thing that we need in life is cleanliness. It’s one of the things that we need to learn and make a part of our lives. Keeping our selves and surroundings clean is one of the lessons we learn from a young age.

You need to keep our surroundings clean if you want to avoid diseases. One of the things that happen if we don’t keep things fresh and tidy is that it becomes a breeding place for bugs. If you keep your environment clean, you will not fall ill. The presence of a clean environment means the absence of the possible growth of cleanliness.

If you leave things like food items out for a long time, there’s a growth of bacteria and viruses. However, if you keep throwing away things that are wrong or have expired, there won’t be any growth of bacteria and viruses. You can enjoy living your life healthy without worrying about the bacteria.

One of the things that you need to remember is that you need to keep the country clean as well. Many people think that keeping your house clean is enough. However, you need to realize that you need to keep your country clean too. Instead of thinking that it’s someone else’s responsibility, you need to take on yourself to make that you don’t contribute negatively to the country’s environment.

There are various ways in which you can keep the country clean. One of the first and most important ways is to stop littering the roads and public places. It would be best if you started thinking of public places as your home and treat it the same way. If a person litter, other people also begin littering, so you need to make sure that you don’t start such things around you.

It’s not tough to be clean and have a hygienic life. When we talk about personal cleanliness, it means taking a shower regularly. Another thing is that you need to remember to wash your hands before eating a meal. When you wash your hands, you are getting rid of the bacteria that may be on your side.

Another thing is that you need to make sure that you always eat healthy and clean water. Avoid eating food from outside because you won’t know if the food is fresh and hygienic. Don’t drink water from unhygienic places because it may be harmful to you. It would help if you took of things like trimming your nails regularly before they grow too long. Cutting your nails is one of the essential parts of personal hygiene. If you don’t trim your nails, there will be dirty in your nails which can enter your body.

Clean your surroundings clean and tidy by cleaning your house fresh daily so that you can get rid of the dirt. Instead of littering the place by throwing an empty packet or a wrapper, throw these in a bin.

Short Essay about Cleanliness in English for Kids 200 words

The short essay on Cleanliness is for students of grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Students can also get an essay on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay.

The lesson of cleanliness is a significant one. When you put effort into keeping your surrounding neat and tidy, it is called freshness. It would be best if you always remembered to be a clean and smart person.

You should start following the lesson of cleanliness by keeping yourself need a clean. There are a few things that you need to follow to be an honest person. You should take a shower daily, wash your hands before a meal, and brush your teeth twice a day. If you follow all these things, you will be a clean and healthy person.

While keeping yourself clean, you need to keep your surroundings clean too. To keep your surroundings clean, you need to make sure that you clean your house daily so that it is dust-free and disease-free. If you don’t keep your home clean, it will become a place for the diseases to come and settle.

It would be best if you extended the lesson of cleanliness towards public places too. Pubic places belong to everyone, so you need to make sure that you don’t litter it. When you don’t scatter, other people will not litter the place. Give every situation the same respect as your house.

Essay on Cleanliness

10 Lines on Essay on Cleanliness in English

The ten lines are helpful for competitive exam aspirants and making speeches.

  1. Cleanliness is one of the lessons that you should always follow in your life.
  2. When you are clean and tidy, you are making sure that you are healthy and disease-free.
  3. When everyone learns to keep their surroundings clean, their quality of life will improve immensely.
  4. A clean and tidy environment is a necessity of life.
  5. Many diseases and illnesses spread because of an unhygienic environment.
  6. The ‘ Swacch Bharat Abhiyan’ is an initiative for keeping the country clean.
  7. Washing your hands before and after each meal is an essential habit that everyone should develop.
  8. While keeping your house clean, you should keep the country clean too.
  9. Treat public places the same way you are going to treat your house.
  10. For a clean country, the entire nation should follow steps of cleanliness.

FAQ’s On Essay on Cleanliness

Question 1.
What is cleanliness?

Cleanliness is an important habit where you need to make sure that you clean your surroundings neat and tidy.

Question 2.
Why is it important to keep your surroundings clean?

It is essential to keep the surroundings clean because it prevents the development of bacteria and viruses.

Question 3.
How can you keep your self clean?

There are many ways in which you can keep yourself clean. One of the methods is to take a shower daily.

Question 4.
How can you keep the non-personal spaces clean?

You can keep the public places clean by not littering them.

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