Climate Change Essay | Essay on Climate Change for Students and Children in English

Essay on climate change: Climate change, which is brought about by urbanization, is a grave issue that we are dealing with. Climate change is an issue that we all are worried about and whose impact is felt by all of us. It is still an unknown fact to the scientists whether this climate change is the sole reason that is causing global warming or not. It is even a tricky job to separate climate change from global warming because it is an intertwined subject. Climate change should be brought under control as soon as possible.

We have compiled some long and short essays for the use of the readers. You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more

Long and Short Essay on Climate Change for Students and Kids in English

Given below is an extended essay of approximately 400-500 words and is for the students of standards 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of nearly 100-150 words for the students of standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long Essay on Climate Change in English 500 words

The definition of climate states that the word “climate’ is used to refer to long term periodic variations in the weather patterns that are observed over centuries. Ever since the Earth was created, it is going through many changes simultaneously, and this leads to climate change. Climate change happens cyclically, it had started from a colder ice age, and at the very present, it is much warmer than it was two million years ago. All these millions of life forms we see today on Earth is because of the non-stop energy received from the Sun, which is the ultimate source of energy, which is continuously fuelling the weather system.

To jot down a few notable changes, the world is experiencing arbitrary droughts, unexpected weather patterns and sudden rainfall and snowfall, there is a constant fluctuation in the temperatures leading to disasters like a forest fire, and the weather is no longer predictable enough. The changes are random, and it is getting stressful day by day even to keep track of the changes occurring. These changes have drastically influenced human lives in both positive and negative ways.

You can read more global warming essays

Ever since evolution has taken place, humans are continually using nature for their benefits. This has resulted in Some of these are – huge carbon dioxide content in the environment and other harmful materials in the atmosphere and water, the regular use of the fossil fuels has led to the complete exhaustion of it. The constant exploitation of natural resources and not taking any significant steps to make the situation better and ultimately resulted in the accumulation of harmful gases in the environment. The ozone layer depletion caused by greenhouse gases is also due to climate change.

These changes that we have caused to the ecosystem are not reversible. The only thing we can do is try to make the biosphere a better place to live in. Because in the upcoming days it is predicted that the Earth’s temperature will rise day by day leading to the extinction of life and this is because of the increasing amount of greenhouse gases being released in the atmosphere. The greenhouse gases trap in the heat which is supposed to be emitted.

Short Essay on Climate Change in English 150 words

Today one of the hottest topics around the globe is “Climate Change” which is threatening our life on Earth. Climate change refers to the adverse change in the environment and its impacts on the living organisms on Earth. The climate of Earth has become warmer over the last two million years for which, climate change and global warming is responsible. The absurd increase in the atmospheric temperature leads to various drastic changes in the Earth, for example, season shift. Deforestation, the burning of fossil fuels, and other human activities are the most important reasons for global warming, which causes a variation in the climate.

Forest fire, intense rainfall, melting of the glaciers are so the horrific climate changes brought around by global warming. We need to prevent global warming to live a peaceful and happy life. Afforestation should be practised, and the exploitation of the existing natural resources must be immediately cut down. Climate change and global warming are some severe issues that demand attention so that Earth can heal.

10 Lines on Climate Change Essay 150 words

  1. Climate change is a miserable threatening to all living forms on Earth.
  2. The usual definition of the word climate has lost its meaning because the environment has become unpredictable. One cannot figure out when the weather is going to change.
  3. The leading causes of climate changes are overusing of fossil fuels, deforestation, and exploitation of all other natural resources.
  4. The results of climate change are not very soothing; it consists of increased temperature, melting of glaciers, intense rainfall and frequent forest fires.
  5. The rate at which the Earth’s temperature is increasing is alarming, and if this continues, the Earth’s temperature will rise by 1 degree Celsius to 5 degree Celsius in the next decade.
  6. Climate change and global warming are adversely affecting agriculture.
  7. Greenhouse gases play a significant role in climate change.
  8. Day by day, the ozone layer is getting depleted.
  9. We soon have to start using sustainable resources of energy as the natural resources are almost extinct.
  10. If global warming and climate change are not brought under control, the end is near.

Frequently Asked Questions on Climate Change Essay

Question 1.
What is precisely meant by the term Global warming?

Global warming refers to the average increase in Earth’s temperature. It is caused due to greenhouse gases which mainly consists of methane, carbon dioxide, CFC’s or Chloro Fluro Carbons, etc.

Question 2.
Is climate change interchangeable with global warming?

The words “climate change” and “global warming” are easily interchangeable, but the term climate change includes global warming and its adverse effect on humankind and the living world.

Question 3.
What are the outcomes of global warming?

The effects of global warming are disturbing. Due to excessive urbanization, the Earth’s temperature is regularly increasing, and glaciers are melting in the poles. If global warming is not controlled, eventually, the existing life forms on Earth will end soon.

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