Why Abortion Should Be Banned Essay | Essay On Abortion Should Be Banned Why

Why abortion should be banned essay: It will always be a burning issue when it comes to the matter of public. It is the center of attraction in any news you see. Abortion is not from a particular area, not from a corner of the world, or not from backward communities, abortion is a spreading root from every corner of the world. Every minute in the world someone in somewhere of the world will choose to abort. There are a lot of reasons to abort.

The reasons are maybe because of gender, lack of capacity to bear due to family crisis, and unwanted pregnancies leading to abortion. Abortion means terminating life on another side of the world, who even doesn’t see the face of the earth present in the womb of a woman with her consent. It is a very sensitive and keen topic for everyone. It is a sad feeling for everyone. Abortion topic will shake everyone’s heart either woman, man, or even child too.

Because cutting the trees we feel like taking out a life from this world, which provides O2 to the world. How shouldn’t a person won’t react to the action of abortion? Killing life in the womb is a heart-touching incident for everyone Right? Daily in routine life, we have been watching issues and are aware of some points from different aspects like philosophical, ethical, moral, medical, and religious about life and its value. Everyone has different feelings and opinions about abortions. Opinions are different if you see them based on the situations and circumstances they face leads them to come to different opinions.

The controversial issue around the world about abortion is, giving birth and some argue that every pregnancy need not be born right? It depends on the fate and destiny of one’s life. We are not the people who decided that do or not to do an abortion and the argument on that is ridiculous, according to the mythology, ethics, morals, and destiny believers. It is always a challenging debate based on two opinions life which is pro and choice which is pro. There are numerous discussions going on around the world.

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Essay On Abortion Should Be Banned Why

In debates, the topic won’t go on one side. There are some people out there for arguments based on their experiences. Hence you can find both supportive and non-supportive arguments about abortion. Rather than dragging the viewers to one side of the argument, let them know from both sides of the argument. Doing this, make the viewers know which argument is supportive and which is not gives clarification.

From the ethical side, there is a strong argument called no one has the right to take away one’s life. Based on this concept, the personhood idea has been established in the minds of the people. According to this many people support or defend the pro-life concept. Only god has the right to take away one’s life based on one’s sin. This is the conversation way is going on among the Catholics. In 1982 first time Pennsylvania passed the act called Abortion Contro Act (ACA) to control and regulate abortions.

Essay On Abortion Should Be Banned Why

Making an act is an easy thing for superiors. But coming to action or enforcement of an act in the real world becomes harder. Consent information comes into force from various provisions. Like waiting 24 hours period respective of treatment for abortion. The rules made by the courts in the age of above 18 years old can abort with her consent irrespective of marital status and those below 18 years need a guardian to sign for abortion.

And some rules are, Informing the husband before the wife’s choice of terminating not born child in the womb. A woman who makes that happen herself is a great sin and murderer of her own child. But a woman has the priority to take decisions about giving birth.

Abortion should be banned because of the following reasons are:

  • To eliminate gender discrimination.
  • To show the equality of women to men.
  • To get rid of Inequality differences.
  • To increase the value of the girl child in society.
  • According to the census ratio, there are 945 girls for 1000 boys.
  • To increase the birth rate of the girl child.
  • A woman has the right to take decisions about giving birth to a girl child.
  • Equal rights for girls to boys and bringing awareness of having a girl child.
  • Society has given legal rights to women.
  • It is immoral and stops the sin.
  • In the future infertility problems will increase rapidly.
  • If you terminate the unborn child now, later you won’t find or be able to get pregnant due to increasing radiation in the world.

FAQs On Why Abortion Should Be Banned Essay

Question 1.
Is abortion legal in India for unmarried?

Yes, Abortion is legal in India for unmarried. Those who want to get rid of unwanted pregnancies before marriage. The court gives the orders as the unmarried have the right to eliminate the pregnancy within 24 weeks. But still, the arguments are going on. Actually, it is not important that the woman’s marriage eliminate the pregnancy before marriage. If she willingly allows abortion it is legalized.

Question 2.
What is the law on abortion in India?

The law on abortion in India is, the court declared according to the Act, Medical Termination Of Pregnancies Act, 1971. Irrespective of the woman’s marriage, it is legal and safe.

Question 3.
At what age is abortion legal?

The age of abortion is legal only when she is above 18 years old with her consent only, without her consent, it is not legalized. Below 18 years old, or unsound mind people need a guardian to do an abortion.

Question 4.
What is the new abortion law in the us?

The new abortion law in the U.S. is, it is not legal in the U.S. If you try to do an abortion because of gender base it is a crime. You can terminate or do an abortion if the baby has any abnormalities in genes by the instructions of the doctor. If the doctor certified that the baby is genetically abnormal then you can abort according to the law legally.

Question 5.
What was the Supreme Court’s decision on abortion?

The supreme court’s decision on abortion is, According to the United States, based on the landmark case Roe vs Wade 113 (1973) says that the supreme court awarded the right to have an abortion.

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