Essay On Breast Cancer | Breast Cancer Essay

Essay On Breast Cancer: Essay on breast cancer, breast cancer is the word of listening across the world if you take a conversation between any two people. There are various reasons to talk about breast cancer. They are because of not providing enough nutrition to the body, genetic disorders, lifestyle, corrupted foods, and mutations. In the united states, most women are challenged with breast cancer. When compare to males, women are the most affected persons of breast cancer. Skin cancer is the excluded part when compared to breast cancer.

First things first, What is cancer? What is breast cancer? Why we specifically knowing breast cancer? How it comes to a person? What are the reasons for being attacked by breast cancer? Is there any diagnosis, treatment, or cure for breast cancer? If there are any, what are they? What are the stages at that a person has breast cancer can be identified? Is that possible to identify it at an earlier stage? Let’s see in a detailed way.

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Breast Cancer Essay

Going into the topic essay on breast cancer, what is cancer? Cancer is defined as the rapid or random division of cells in the body. They won’t stop to grow and can be incorporated into the body from one body cell to cell, part to part, organ to organ, and system to system in the body. In simple words, continuously dividing cells that no cell can not inhibit their action of them. They always consume whatever you eat. It is called cancer. What is breast cancer? Breast cancer means the cells are continuously dividing in the breast part. The rapid division of cells found in the breast is called breast cancer.

About Tissues Of Breast

The breast is the formation of different tissues. Tissues arise from the group of cells. Not all tissues are the same. The tissues in the breast vary from fatty tissue to dense tissue. Breast tissue consists of lobes. It is made of interconnected lobes. Each of the lobes is composed of tubular structures which are tiny called lobules. These lobules contain milk-secreting glands called milk glands are present. The coordination of the ducts, glands, lobules, and lobes will transport milk to the nipple. The milch-secreting glands are present in the areola which is present in the middle of the breast, dark color surrounded by the nipple.

The breast not only contains the ducts, glands, lobes, and lobules but also contains blood, and lymph vessels. The cells in the breast are nourished by these lymph vessels. They are present all over the breast. They carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells in the breast. It will get rid of waste and carbon dioxide. The fluid from the tissues is collected and transported away by the lymph vessels. The collected waste is drained out from lymph nodes to the lymphatic system. Bean-shaped small lymphatic nodes help to fight against infection. Lymph nodes are not only confined to a particular place. It is present in the abdomen, groin, and neck. Breast lymph nodes are very close to the underarm area, and lymph nodes present in the arm area are called axillary lymph nodes. 

Breast Cancer

Cancer starts when the healthy cells turn into the rapid division of cells and grow out of control, forming a group of cells called tumors. Tumors are capable of changing into cancerous cells slowly. The cancerous cells grow abundantly and can spread to other cells or parts of the body. There are different tumors. They are benign tumors and tumors. A benign tumor continuously grows and does not spread to other cells. Cancer can be identified by three stages, they are stage 1, stage 2, and stage 3. It depends on the growth of cancer and how it expands.

Lymph nodes are the effective ones when breast cancer attacks primarily. It is a local disease in the cells in the body. It can also transfer from one place to another place in the body. It can enter into the body’s organs like the brain, lungs, liver, and bones. In cases 1, 2, and 3 you can identify where it is rooted and transferred in the body.

Breast Cancer Essay

Stage 4, is considered metastatic cancer. Breast cancer is in an advanced stage if you are in stage 4. Lymph nodes alone are not considered stage 4 breast cancer if it involves. You can also find another type of cancer tumor. If the cancer clot returns at the initial stage of treatment of cancer, there are possibilities of coming back chances. The place where they have been transferred also starts to form again. It is also called Distant Recurrence or metastatic recurrence.

Types Of Breast Cancer

There are two types of breast cancer. They are Ductal carcinoma and Lobular carcinoma. Ductal carcinoma is not invasive cancer. They resided in the lobules and ducts only. There is no spread of cancer to the ducts and lobules outside. Lobular carcinoma is invasive cancer. It spreads out of the ducts and lobules. It is cancer. Now you may also observe some rare types of cancers that attack the breast. They are: Mucinous, medullary, tubular, metaplastic, papillary, micropapillary, and apocrine. The disease of paget’s and inflammatory cancer.

Subtypes Of Breast Cancer

The subtypes of breast cancer are, done by the specific tests taking some part of the tumor from the part where the group of tumors is there. The doctor treats you based on the analysis of your cancer stage and type of tumor you have and cancer type to start accurate treatment. There are three types of breast cancer anyone can find in the breast.

  • Hormone Receptor-Positive.
  • HER 2 Positive. 
  • Triple Negative.

Hormone Receptor positive: If you see the title it shows that the hormone receptor is the key point to discovering the cancer is positive. The hormones are estrogen and progesterone. The estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor. They are represented as ER and PR. If any of the two is positive the hormone receptor-positive confirms that the cancer is positive. These hormones define the hormone receptor-positive or not. It can treat through hormone therapy.

HER2 Positive: 10 to 20 % of breast cancers are due to the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 will cause HER2 positive. More copies of HER 2 positive and more genes of HER 2 are produced in the cancer cells which helps in their growth.

Triple Negative: It means when the tumor cells do not produce any of the three ER, HER 2 Positive, and PR. It confirms that the tumor cell is a cancerous cell and it is a triple-negative type of cancer.

FAQ’s On Essay On Breast Cancer

Question 1.
What is a summary of breast cancer?

Cancer starts when the healthy cells turn into the rapid division of cells and grow out of control, forming a group of cells called tumors. Tumors are capable of changing into cancerous cells slowly. The cancerous cells grow abundantly and can spread to other cells or parts of the body. There are different tumors. They are benign tumors and tumors. A benign tumor continuously grows and does not spread to other cells. Cancer can be identified by three stages, they are stage 1, stage 2, and stage 3. It depends on the growth of cancer and how it expands.
The subtypes of breast cancer are, done by the specific tests taking some part of the tumor from the part where the group of tumors is there. The doctor treats you based on the analysis of your cancer stage and type of tumor you have and cancer type to start accurate treatment. There are three types of breast cancer anyone can find in the breast.

Question 2. 
What is the introduction to breast cancer?

Essay On Breast Cancer: Essay on breast cancer, breast cancer is the word of listening across the world if you take a conversation between any two people. There are various reasons to talk about breast cancer. They are because of not providing enough nutrition to the body, genetic disorders, lifestyle, corrupted foods, and mutations. In the united states, most women are challenged with breast cancer. When compare to males, women are the most affected persons of breast cancer. Skin cancer is the excluded part when compared to breast cancer.

Question 3.
What are the 5 facts about breast cancer?

Cancer starts when the healthy cells turn into the rapid division of cells and grow out of control, forming a group of cells called tumors. Tumors are capable of changing into cancerous cells slowly. The cancerous cells grow abundantly and can spread to other cells or parts of the body. There are different tumors. They are benign tumors and tumors. A benign tumor continuously grows and does not spread to other cells. Cancer can be identified by three stages, they are stage 1, stage 2, and stage 3. It depends on the growth of cancer and how it expands.

Question 4.
What emotions do you have with breast cancer?

The emotions you have with breast cancer are fear, helplessness, anger, sadness, guilt, and anxiety.

Question 5. 
What is the main cause of breast cancer?

Breast uneven growth.

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