Essay on Life | Life Essay for Students and Children in English
Essay on Life: Life is one word that comes with multiple meanings and experiences. Above all life is not just about existence but also about how an individual defines that existence. Hence, it is important to look at life not just from one single perspective. Philosophers, scholars, poets and authors have written much about what constitutes living and more importantly what are the necessary items that define someone’s life. Ofcourse this exercise has been done in various ways. While philosophers would try to find the meaning and purpose behind the life of individuals, poets and authors would document the richness of life at various stages. Life is thus perhaps something that is more than intriguing.
Here we have provided sample essays on life which includes both long and short essays that can serve the purpose of a lot of students in light of their examinations.
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Long and Short Life Essay in English for Students and Kids
We have written over here two sample essays on life which includes a long essay of 500 words, short essay of 100-150 words and ten important points that highlight the subject matter of the essay.
Long Essay on Life in English 500 words
Wordsworth had remarked long ago that our lives are a reflection of the lives in heaven. While many might find that too far-fetched, life is nevertheless very precious. Had it not been so, none would have made efforts to cling on to it as long as possible. The one thing about life that is integral to it is existence. Life includes existence and without existence life cannot happen. Existence is however sometimes challenging. There are many who do not have the fortune to get good education, there are some who do not have access to food and shelter.
For them existence is difficult and life is despicably harsh. But just like existence is an important feature about life, another such element is hope. Hope is what people cling on to when they find darkness taking over their lives. Hope is what gives way to survival. Survival and hope are important aspects for anyone and everyone as far as life and living is considered.
The world these days, governed by competition, makes survival the most difficult thing. And for those whose existence is challenging hope is the only way of survival. This is one way, life can be summed up in words. The fact however is, life cannot be summed up in words. Words fail to express the meaning and purpose that anyone feels he or she has in life. For some it might be to create or build something, for someone it might be gaining knowledge, for someone it might be to have fun.
None of these outlooks can be said to be better or worse in terms of the other. It shows how people look at their individual lives as well as the life of others around them so as to make a sense of what they do with their existence on earth. Meaning and purpose however are both difficult to find. Experiences are a major part of life. In fact it guides an individual through his life till his death. Each experience is a lesson for those who come by it. Some intend to learn from their experiences while others tend to ignore it. Experiences are what make it difficult for someone to find the meaning and purpose of his life.
A new experience every time influences a person’s way of looking at life. Thus, there cannot be one single way in which one cannot look at life. Consequently there cannot be one single meaning and purpose that one might find to his or her life. Some of us, especially the ones who suffer in life, try to relate it to the lives of people around us who have suffered the same or more.
Often in the process of doing this we resort to autobiographies and biographies. While one is written by the person who feels the other is written by a person who documents such feelings. But both represent life in a completely different way.
It shows how life carries on even after death, almost taking the course of the ancient Egyptians who believed the same. But nevertheless, life and 58558520 the legacy about it remains even after death. Therefore, if we put it in another way, life is infinite and continues beyond death.
Christians believe that the soul leaves the body after death, and the body goes back to dust. Life is not about the body or the soul. Life is what is beyond the body and the soul. That is the reason why it continues even after death in various forms. This essay can be used for students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10 for their exams and assessments.
Short Essay on Life in English 200 words
Life is the journey of living. We live, we lead our lives and we die. In doing so, we try to give shape to our lives. Life is not the same for everyone. Some people face a lot of difficulty with life while some don’t. Those who do not face any difficulty in life look at it in one way. Those who suffer in life look at it in another way. Life is often said to be precious. That all the more is evident through the various ways in which people try to save lives.
Every day doctors and scientists engage themselves in finding out ways by which life can be extended as much as possible. Life includes happiness and sorrows. Those are called the ups and downs of life. Without them, life is just an endless battle that can always be won. It is however important to find happiness in life to overcome one’s sorrows. Only then life seems to be beautiful. This essay can be used by students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for their respective exams.
10 Lines on Life Essay in English
- Life is like a river that goes on flowing.
- Life includes existence.
- Life includes hope and survival.
- Hope is necessary for survival.
- Life is also about happiness and sorrows.
- Experiences often shape a person’s life.
- The meaning and purpose of someone’s life is important.
- Meanings and purposes of life change with time.
- Life is often said to be precious.
- Life is not the same for everyone and happiness has to be found.
FAQ’s on Essay on life
Question 1.
How do experiences shape someone’s life?
Experiences are learning episodes that change the outlook of an individual. This inturn shapes a person’s life in various ways.
Question 2.
How can someone value life?
To value life one has to acknowledge that life has meaning and purpose that charts the course of a person’s life
Question 3.
What are the ups and downs in life?
The ups and downs in life represent peace and turmoil and signify the fact that nothing is everlasting except for life itself which continues beyond death through legacy.
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