How do you Convert Fractions into Decimals and Vice Versa
How do you Convert Fractions into Decimals and Vice Versa
Conversion of Decimal into Fraction
To change a decimal into a fraction, we have to follow the following steps:
Step 1: Write the given number without decimal point as the numerator of the fraction.
Step 2: Write 1 in the denominator followed by as many zeros as the number of decimal places in the given number.
Step 3: Reduce the fraction into the lowest form and if required change into mixed numeral.
Example 1: Convert 14.25 into a fraction.
(i) Numerator of fraction = 1425
(ii) Denominator of fraction =100
(Because decimal places are 2, therefore we put 2 zeros after 1.)
Example 2: Convert 1.356 into a fraction.
(i) Numerator of fraction = 1356
( ii) Denominator of fraction = 1000
(Because decimal places are 3, therefore we put 3 zeros ofter 1.)
3/8 as a decimal is = ?
Read More:
- Comparing and Ordering of Fractions
- Operations on Fractions
- RS Aggarwal Class 6 Solutions Fractions
- RS Aggarwal Class 7 Solutions Fractions
Conversion of Fraction into Decimal
To change a fraction into decimal, we have to follow the following steps:
Step 1: First, change the given fraction into an equivalent fraction with denominators 10, 100, 1000, etc.
Step 2: Count the number of zeros in the denominator after 1. Put the decimal in the numerator, start from the extreme right, and move the decimal point to the left equal the number of zeros
Example 3: Convert the following into decimals.
(i) \(\frac{3}{4}\) (ii) \(5\frac{1}{2}\)
Conversion by long division method
We can change a fraction into decimal by using the long division method. For that, we have to follow these steps:
Step 1: Convert the dividend to a suitable equivalent decimal.
Step 2: When a digit to the right of the decimal point is brought down, insert a decimal point in the quotient.
Example 4: Convert \(\frac{3}{4}\) into decimals.
Solution: In \(\frac{3}{4}\), since 3 is less than 4, it cannot be divided by 4.
But 3 = 3.00, which can be divided by 4.
Thus \(\frac{3}{4}\) = 0.75
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- What is a Decimal Value and Place Value of Decimals?
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- Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
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- How do you Convert Unlike Decimals into Like Decimals
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