Save Water Save Life Essay | Essay on Save Water Save Life for Students and Children in English

Essay on Save Water Save Life: water is an essential component of survival. Without an abundance of water, there would be no existence of humanity and animal-kind. It sustains all life worms on the Earth, beginning from plants to the developed animals, insects, and human beings.

With rising levels of pollution, water resources are being depleted rapidly. The entire Earth consists of 71% water, out of which only a small percentage is drinkable freshwater. It is therefore very essential to save water, to save lives.

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Thus saving water resources is an essential concern. It is also a very popular topic for the essay and composition of school students. They are assigned to write articles on this topic. Below are given a few samples of long and short essays concerning this topic.

Long and Short Essay on Save Water Save Life for Kids and Students in English

We have provided a few sample essays on the mentioned topic. There is one extended essay of 500 words; a short essay of 100-150 words; and ten lines on the subject of saving water.

Long Essay on Save Water Save Life in English 500 words

Save Water Save Life long essay is usually helpful for students in classes 7, 8, 9 and 10. They are asked to write these essays for assignments and exams.

Water is an essential component of survival on Earth. Existence would not have been possible in the absence of water. Just like air, water is equally an essential element. All the life forms on the Earth’s surface – animals, plants, insects, human beings – require water for consumption and other purposes in the functioning of their daily lives. Fresh and potable water is necessary for use and survival.

Apart from drinking, water can be consumed for other purposes. Water that is not potable is used for washing, cooking, and cleaning. Water is also extensively used for agricultural purposes – these include farming, harvest, and irrigation.

Water resources are being massively destroyed in the past few years. On the face of global warming and a rising world population, it is very crucial to save water as much as possible. The need to conserve and save water is essential, and everyone should be aware of it.

To avoid a shortage of water, everyone should participate equally and refrain from misusing and over-using water resources whenever and wherever possible. Currently, the most dangerous threat that the Earth faces is the shortage of freshwater.

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While some of the countries have water resources in abundance to provide to their people, many places all across the globe are faced with an immense lack of enough water resources. Natural causes can be attributed to this scarcity – scanty rainfall and soil contamination of the groundwater. Human-made factors contribute majorly to the rapid utilization of water resources; industrialization and urbanization play a significant negative role in creating a scarcity of water. The land development and other processes utilize a considerable portion of the groundwater and also contaminates the rest of it.

The scarcity of water brings along with it several dangerous calamities, such as droughts. To urge people to save water, the governments in every country should impose some strict water-saving initiatives incentive. These may include rainwater harvesting, roof water harvesting, and reuse of water.

Rainwater harvesting involves collection and conservation of the rainwater. The saved water can be used in future. Groundwater conservation is another effective water pollution control; it is the method of saving up and storing groundwater in underground reservoirs – the saved water can be used in the future when needed.

Recycling of water should be facilitated. Recycling of water includes reusing wastewater whenever possible. For example, the water that is used during bathing can be used for washing, cleaning, and gardening purposes.
Other methods of conservation of water, reducing pollution of water, and fair use of water should be taken care of. It is imperative to undo the damage which has already been done.

A report from the World Health Organisation (WHO) states that one out of every five people in the world does not have access to proper drinking water.

Hence it is very much necessary and advisable that water resources be saved and conserved for future sustainable uses.

Essay on Save Water Save Life

Short Essay on Save Water and Save Life in English 150 Words

Save Water Save Life short essay is usually helpful for students in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Earth is the only planet in the solar system which has extensive water resources. 71% of the earth’s surface area is occupied by water. For this reason, it is known as the Blue Planet. The only reason why life persists on Earth is because of the presence of both freshwater and seawater in it. Water is very essential for survival of the human race. Of the 71% of water, only a small portion is available for drinking. Thus it is crucial to saving water. Water should be conserved because the supply is less; the requirement is increasing with the increasing population. The quantity is limited, whereas the demand is unlimited. For the community to not outrun the amount of water available, water must be used very carefully. Saving water is very my=uch needed to save life on Earth.

10 on Save Water Save Life Essay in English

  1. Apart from air, water is the only natural resource that is vital for the existence of any lifeform.
  2. Water is one of the essential requirements for survival on the Earth’s surface.
  3. Every life form needs water for growth, living, and functioning.
  4. Water resources are increasingly being misused and depleted.
  5. It is crucial to saving water.
  6. The world population keeps increasing; the demand for water increases while the supply remains stagnant. It is thus crucial for us to save and conserve water.
  7. Due to the scarcity of water, the agricultural front faces a lot of problems.
  8. Many countries do not have abundant drinking water to provide to the people.
  9. Many animals die from not being able to access freshwater.
  10. Keeping these factors in mind, water should be saved to save a life.

Essay about Save Water Save Life

FAQs on Save Water Save Life Essay

Question 1.
How to save water daily?

Water can be saved daily by using only that much amount of water that is necessary. Using more water than what is required leads to excessive usage.

Question 2.
Is it essential to save water?

Yes. It is vital to save water. This is because all life forms depend upon it, and water resources are scarce.

Question 3.
How to minimize wasting water?

Water can be saved by being careful. We should not lose or pollute the water unnecessarily and save it whenever we can.

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