An Icon of Civil Rights Question and Answers

In this “An Icon of Civil Rights : Question and Answers“, we will discuss King’s life, his work, and his legacy. We will explore his contributions to the civil rights movement, his philosophy of nonviolence, and his impact on American society. We will also discuss his assassination and its aftermath. Read More 9th Class English Question and Answers.

An Icon of Civil Rights Question and Answers

An Icon of Civil Rights Question and Answers 2

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
The speaker talks about “creative battle” in the beginning of his speech. What does he mean by this phrase?
Martin Luther King (Jr) describes the Civil Rights Movement of the blacks in the USA as a ‘Creative battle’. This is to show that the battle is going to ‘create’ a new world. The battle uses ‘good’ will and ‘good’ intention as weapons. It follows ‘good’ methods like ‘truth’, ‘non-violence’ and ‘love’. Its aim is to promote universal brotherhood. Hence it is a creative battle.

Question 2.
What is Martin Luther King’s speech about? List the issues he is talking about.
Martin Luther King’s speech is about justice and equality. It is about universal brotherhood. It is about food to every body, education to every mind and dignity and respect for every spirit. It is about truth, love and peace. It is delivered as Nobel Prize acceptance speech.

Question 3.
Do you think that this is an emotive speech ? If yes, pick out the expressions that show it is an emotive speech.
Yes, it is an emotive speech. Every part, in fact, is an example to prove the point. Yet, here are some striking expressions : 22 million Negroes are engaged in a creative battle ; our children, crying for brotherhood, were answered with fire hoses beleaguered and unrelenting struggle ………

Question 4.
What sort of future does the speaker visualize for the Americans and the mankind in general?
Martin Luther King (Jr) is full of hope. He visualises a bright future for Americans and humanity. He dreams of a widening and lengthening super highway. Blacks and whites will travel along it in a cooperative and brotherly mood. That will lead them to an ideal land. There everyone gets food, education, justice, equality and dignity. Love, truth and peace will rule supreme.

King’s work continues to be relevant today. We still live in a world where racism and discrimination persist.

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