Grandpa Fights an Ostrich Summary

Grandpa Fights an Ostrich” is a short story written by Ruskin Bond. While the provided search results do not offer an extensive summary, I can provide a brief overview of the story based on my existing knowledge. Read More English Summaries.

Grandpa Fights an Ostrich Summary

Grandpa Fights an Ostrich Summary in English

Ruskin Bond’s grandpa had worked for some time on the East African Railway before he joined the Indian Railways. He had an encounter with an ostrich during his service in Africa.The author’s grandpa was working in the laying of a new railway line. His workplace was twelve miles away. He was returning on foot one day- To save half the distance, he took a short route through the hills. There lay an ostrich ‘camp’ on this way. This was the breeding season. The male birds are very dangerous then. But the grandpa felt safe with his dog. Even the biggest ostrich is afraid of a dog.

The grandpa got through the wire fencing of the farm. The ostriches were feeding some distance away. His dog chased a hare. He called the dog in vain. Just then he saw a big male os .rich com mg out of a bush about a hundred yards away. He stood still staring at the grandpa. Soon he spread his wings and came jumping towards the grandpa. Grandpa ran towards the fence. But the ostrich soon overtook him. There was a strange encounter. Grandpa took care to avoid his kick. He was soon breathless and helpless. He circled a big bush. He was likely to drop from tiredness. Somehow he held the ostrich’s wing. The frightened ostrich began to dance round and round. Grandpa kept clinging to the ostrich’s wing.

Grandpa Fights an Ostrich Summary class 9

Suddenly the ostrich went into reverse. Grandpa fell down and the ostrich was upon him. The ostrich did not strike him. He was ready to rip grandpa open. Soon the ostrich jumped back and ran fast. Grandpa heard his dog bark. The dog and the grandpa were clear of the camp.

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