My Mother Summary

My Mother” is a poignant poem written by Rabindranath Tagore, reflecting the deep emotional connection between a child and their mother. In this poem, the speaker expresses the profound impact his mother had on his life, even though she is no longer physically present. The poem explores themes of love, memory, and the enduring influence of a mother’s presence in one’s life.

My Mother Summary

My Mother Summary in English

‘My mother” is an excerpt from the autobiography of Nirad C, Chaudhuri, Here he lays stress on the distinctive feature and convictions of his mother who is unlike average Indian mothers. She is in no way a suitable match for his father for being a complete contrast to appearance, temperament and outlook. On the one hand, mother is slight and fragile, on the other, father is robust. Similarly, mother’s face is as responsive as his father’s is impassive She is always vivid and highstrung. Her face appears to be thoughtful which she is not at all.

She is not handsome. Her forehead is well-shaped. Her face is oval and board. Her eyes are large and nose very’ regular and prominent, lips well-cut. Her chin is remarkable for being neatly shaped but not weighty enough for the upper part. On the whole, her features give an impression of unsleeping alertness and in exhaustible animation. Her appearance is always deceptive because it doesn’t show what she is. Her moral convictions are very strong.

She is almost fanatic over the questions of right and wrong. She is intolerant of demonstrativeness. She hardly conceals her emotions. She gets excited very soon. But she has the capacity unlike an average Indian mother to control herself with out being panicky. The luxury of self-pitys well as sympathy is severely at control in her house.

She doesn’t like the faults of character like-falsehood, dishonesty, moral cowardice and meanness. She condemn vice and despises the tacit acceptance of an advantage. The writer cities two examples to clarify it. He says if mother puts pieces of sweet before them, they would always ask her to give the piece to them by herself. It was because if anyone takes the bigger piece she would always be angry.

My Mother Summary Class 11

The other instance of the writer’s hostel. In the hostel the boarders living nearer to the dining hall at the advantage of getting their meal earlier for the dining-hall was not large. The students living upstairs used to come down silently taking their shoes in hand in order to get their chance earlier silently. The writer says that it was the strict guidance of his mother that never allow him to take such advantage. He says that he always felt that wait for one’s turn was always justified.

The other thing that the writer has learned from his mother is that good manners are always a matter of fundamental decency and not of external polish. The children in his house never whispered or laughed in the presence of visitors. If anyone did it innocently even then he was severely dealt with after ward’s. Bad manners for her were a sin not merely against a code of social behaviour but against charily’. The writer concludes that his mother has always been a guiding force in his life.

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