O Light! Summary

The search results do not provide specific information about a poem or work titled “O Light!” or its summary. It’s possible that the search results did not yield relevant information related to this specific literary work. To provide a summary or answer related to “O Light!” by Rabindranath Tagore, more context or specific details about the poem are needed. Read More English Summaries.

O Light! Summary

O Light! Central Idea of the Poem

The poet says that light is the soul of the sun. Later on he calls this light as wisdom and knowledge. The poet says that the nature is the enchanter, for it has created light. In the end the poet praises the light to prosper and bring the light of knowledge in this world.

O Light! Difficult Word Meanings

soul (सोल)-spirit of a person आत्मा; Praise (प्रेज़)-to express admiration प्रशंसा करना; life spark (लाइफ स्पाक)-life giving light जीवनदायी प्रकाश; clarity (क्लैरिटी)-the quality of being expressed clearly स्पष्टता; merge (मज)-combine मिलना; she (शी)-mother nature (symbolical use) प्रकृति; bewitcher (बिवियर)-one who puts a magical spell (जादू करने वाला); prosper (प्रॉस्पर)-to be successful, समृद्ध होना।

O Light! Summary, Pronunciation & Translation

[1] O Light, who are you?
Daughter of the sun?
No, you are the sun’s life, his soul
We praise you in the sun.
The sun is the body, you are its life-spark
When were you born, O Light?
Who made you?

[2] O Light, what are you?
What is you nature?
Are you wisdom’s daughter?
But Wisdom sleeps.

[3] Perhaps you are its clarity
Perhaps you are the form of knowledge.
O Light, for how long have you
befriended the sky?
And wherefore this love of it?
How do you completely merge in it?

[4] She who made you all is a magician
She is enchanter, the bewitcher
We praise her
Prosper O Light. – Subramania Bharti

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