The Gospel of Selfless Action Summary

The Gospel of Selfless Action, often associated with Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy, is rooted in the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. This philosophy emphasizes selfless living and action. Read More English Summaries.

The Gospel of Selfless Action Summary

The Gospel of Selfless Action Introduction

Tine passage ‘The Gospel of Selfless Action’ is taken from the writings of Mahatma Gandhi bearing on God, God Realization and the Godly way. He who gives up action falls. He who gives up only reward rises. But renunciation of fruit in no way means indifference to the result. In regard to every action one must know the result that is expected to follow, the means thereto, and capacity for it.

The Gospel of Selfless Action Summary in English

Mahatma Gandhi first became acquainted with the Gita in 1880-89. At that time he felt that it was not a historical work, but that under the guise of physical warfare, it described the duel that always went on in the heart of mankind, and that physical warfare was brought in merely to make the description of the internal duel more attractive and exciting.

The Second chapter of the Gita does not teach the rules of physical warfare. It only tells us how a perfected man is to be known. Krishna in the Gita is perfection. But perfection is imagined. The idea of a perfect incarnation is an after growth, This belief in incarnation is a testimony of man’s lofty spiritual ambition. Self-realization is the subject of the Gita. The object of the Gita appears to Gandhi to be that of showing the most excellent way to attain self-realization. The matchless remedy is renunciation of fruits of action, This is the centre round which the Gita is woven. This renunciation is the central sun, round which devotion, knowledge and the rest revolve like planets.

Our body is just like a prison. There must be action where there is body. Then how can one be free from actions, i.e. from the taint of sin, Its answer lies in the Gita, One can be free from of action by renouncing fruits of action and by surrendering oneself to God/ body and soul. Right knowledge is necessary for attaining renunciation and devotion accompanies it. But the devotion required by the Gita certainly is not blind faith. A true devotee is he who is jealous of none and who is fount of mercy. He is forgiving and is free from excellation,

sorrow and fear. Thus, to be a real devotee is to realize oneself. Our knowledge or devotion cannot buy us either salvation or bondage. The extreme of means is salvation. Salvation of the Gita is perfect peace.

The Gospel of Selfless Action Summary Class 11

All living beings have to do some work. The Gita says, “Do your allotted work but renounce its fruits be detached and work—have no desire for reward and work.” In regard to every action one must know the result that is expected to follow, the means thereto, and capacity for it. lie, who, being thus equipped, is without desire for the result, and is yet wholly engrossed in the due fulfillment of the taste before him, is said to have renounced the fruits of his action.

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