The Snake and the Mirror Question and Answers
In this blog/article, we delve into the intriguing story of “The Snake and the Mirror” and provide comprehensive question and answer resources in PDF format. In this article, we aim to furnish you with an extra set of question answers that will enhance your understanding of this captivating tale. Read More Class 9 English Question and Answers.
The story is about a doctor who encounters a snake in his room. The doctor is terrified of snakes, and he freezes in fear. However, the snake is also frightened, and it coils itself around the doctor’s arm. The doctor and the snake remain in this frozen state for a long time, until the snake sees its reflection in a mirror.
The snake is fascinated by its own reflection, and it forgets all about the doctor. The doctor takes advantage of this opportunity to escape. He runs out of the room and leaves the snake behind.
The Snake and the Mirror Question and Answers
Look at the picture and answer the questions that follow.
Question 1.
What did the lion do on looking at its own reflection?
(a)enjoyed its beauty
(b) felt threatened
(c) felt angry
Give reasons for your option.
(c) felt angry
The lion was the king of the forest. It became angry when it saw another lion in his kingdom.
the snake and the mirror questions and answers pdf
Question 2.
Have you ever heard or read a story of a pet or an animal looking into a mirror? If yes, how did the animal feel?
Yes, I have heard of my friend’s dog looking at its reflection in a mirror. The dog barks at its own image till someone takes him away.
Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
The doctor heard a sound coming from above three times. What was it?
The doctor heard a noise from above three times. It was made by the snake moving under the roof. But the doctor thought it was the movement of rats.
Question 2.
Why did the doctor sit like a stone?
A full blooded cobra was coiling itself around the doctor’s left hand. The snake’s wide open hood was just four inches away from his face. Terrible fear made the doctor sit like a stone. His active mind told him any movement would make the snake bite him. So he remained like a statue.
Question 3.
What made the doctor forget his fears and have a sense of relief?
The snake looked at its image in the mirror. It seemed it was interested in its beauty. It slipped down from the doctor’s hand on to the table. It moved closer to the mirror, the doctor felt relieved. He quietly rose from his chair. He ran out of the room.
the snake and the mirror questions and answers extra
Question 4.
Did the snake admire its beauty? Yes or no? Pick the lines from the passage in support of your answer.
The snake appeared to admire its beauty. It was certainly looking at its image in the mirror. It wanted to enjoy its reflection at closer quarters.
Question 5.
Why did the doctor want to marry a woman doctor? What kind of woman doctor would he like to marry?
The doctor says he was poor. So he wanted to marry a woman doctor with good practice and who had plenty of money. He also wanted her to be fat. That would help him – when he made some silly mistake – run away from her easily. That way he wanted to save himself from her possible attacks.
Question 6.
What did the doctor think about the snake when it looked into the mirror?
The doctor thought that the snake was admiring its beauty. He also thought that it was going to take an important decision about its beauty. It was probably thinking of growing moustache or applying eye shadow and mascara.
the snake and the mirror textual questions and answers
Question 7.
Why did the doctor run to his friend’s house? Did the snake want to harm the doctor? Why or why not?
The doctor ran to his friend’s house as he was afraid of the snake. But the snake had no interest in harming the doctor. Even when it was on the doctor’s hand, it did not harm him. Normally snakes harm persons when they feel threatened by those persons.
The Snake and the Mirror ends with the snake, once a threat, becoming fascinated by its own reflection. This ending suggests that self-awareness can lead to transformation and that we are all capable of great things.
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