Today and Tomorrow Summary

Today and Tomorrow” by J.E. Carpenter is a poem that emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment and taking action today instead of postponing it for tomorrow. The poet believes that today is the most valuable time, and we should not delay doing good deeds. Read More English Summaries.

Today and Tomorrow Summary

Today and Tomorrow Central Idea of the Poem

The poet says that we should not put off till tomorrow what we can do today. The time once lost never returns. Nobody knows what the future has in store. We should not let precious moments go waste. We should make full use of the present.

Today and Tomorrow Difficult Word Meanings

deed (575)-a thing that somebody does कृत्य; command (कमान्ड) to control नियन्त्रित करना; repetance (रिपेन्टेन्स)-the fact of showing that you are sorry for something wrong that you have done पश्चाताप करना; phantom (फैन्टम)-athing that exists in your imagination काल्पनिक वस्तु; accomplish (एकम्प्लिश)-to succeed in doing or completing something सम्पन्न करना; foretell (फोरटेल)-to know or say what will happen in the future, especially by using magic powers भविष्यवाणी करना।

Today and Tomorrow Summary, Pronunciation & Translation

[1] Don’t tell me of tomorrow,
.Give me the man who’ll say
That, when a good deed’s to be done,
‘Let’s do the deed today.”

[2] We may all command the present,
If we act and never wait,
But repentance is the phantom
Of a past that comes too late!

[3] Don’t tell me of tomorrow,
There is much to do to-day,
That can never be accomplished,
If we throw the hours away.

[4] Every moment has its duty,
Who the future can foretell?
Then why put off till tomorrow
What today can do as well? -J. E. Carpenter

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