A Hero Question and Answers

A Hero: 1st lesson Question and Answers pdf” is a humorous and heartwarming tale about a young boy named Swami who saves the day by standing up to a bully. Swami is a shy and timid boy, but he finds the courage to act when he sees his friend being bullied by a larger and stronger boy. Swami’s act of bravery earns him the admiration of his classmates and teachers, and he becomes a hero in the eyes of his community. Read More 10th Class English Question and Answers.

A Hero Question and Answers

A Hero Question and Answers

Question 1.
How does Swami react to the praise he receives?
Swami does not reveal the truth to anyone and. when the police inspector suggests that he join the police force when he grows up, Swami does not reveal to him his desire to become an engine driver, a railway guard, or a bus conductor.

Question 2.
‘Swami disputed the theory’. What was the theory?
How was Swami’s view about courage different from that of his father?
Referring to the newspaper Swami’s father said that a man may have the strength of an elephant and yet be a coward; whereas another may have the strength of a straw, but if he had the courage he could do anything. Courage was everything, strength and age were not important. But Swami disputed this theory saying even if he had the courage what could he do if a tiger were to attack him.

Question 3.
Where did Swami shift his bed too? Why?
As Swami slept on the bench in his father’s office, he remembered all the stories of devils and ghosts he had heard. He expected the devils to come at any moment and carry him away. He could hardly sleep. Suddenly the space under the bench seemed to him to be a much safer place. He got up hurriedly, spread his bed under the bench, and crouched there.

Question 4.
What made Swami attack the burglar first?
In the darkness, Swami felt something was moving down. What did he do then?
As Swami woke up from his nightmare, he sweated with fright. He heard some rustling and he stared into the darkness only to find something moving. He thought that the devil had come to tear him. He knew that his end was near and hence saw no point in waiting for it. As it came nearer, he crawled out from under the bench, hugged it with all his might, and bit into it. It was only later that he realized it was a burglar he had bitten and not the devil.

Question 5.
When was Swami greatly relieved? Why?
After the burglar incident, Swami’s mother intervened and told Swami’s father that he shouldn’t risk Swami’s life by making him sleep alone. Swami’s father mumbled that she could do what she liked and that he shouldn’t be blamed later., Swami followed the conversation from under the blanket. He felt greatly relieved on realizing that his father had given up on him and would no longer compel him to sleep alone.

Question 6.
How did Swami try to change the subject when his father challenged him to sleep alone?
When Swami’s father challenged him to sleep alone, Swami hoped that he was only joking. He mumbled “Yes’ weakly and tried to change the subject by talking about his cricket club. He said loudly and with a lot of enthusiasm that they were going to admit even elders in their club hereafter. He added that they were going to buy brand new bats and balls. But before he could continue any further, his father cut in and insisted that he sleep alone thereafter.

Question 7.
In which part of the office did Swami decide to sleep? Why did he select this place?
Swami spread his bed under the bench in the office and crept in there to sleep. It seemed to be a much safer place, more compact and reassuring.

Question 8.
What made Swami’s father, his cook and his servant rush up to the office room?
When Swami sleeps in his father’s office he has nightmares about the ghost and wakes up with a start. At the same time, Swami spots an intruder breaking into the office. Mistaking him for the ghost, Swami grabs the intruder’s leg and bites it. The burglar is caught unawares and shouts loudly that something has bitten him. He tumbles and falls amidst the furniture. Hearing the commotion, Swami’s father, his cook, and his servant rush up to the office room.

Question 9.
How did Swami’s father react to the story in the newspaper? What did he want Swami to do?
Swami’s father did not have an iota of doubt about the bravery of the village lad who had fought a tiger. He was of the opinion that though the boy was small, since he was courageous, he could do anything. Unlike his father Swami was of the opinion that even if the boy had the courage, since he was small, he wouldn’t stand a chance against a tiger. Since Swami had a different opinion, his father challenged him to prove that he had courage by sleeping alone that night in his office room.

“A Hero” is a reminder that we should all be grateful for the heroes in our lives. Heroes can be our teachers, our parents, our friends, or even strangers. They are the people who stand up for what is right and make the world a better place.

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