Colours of Silence Question and Answers

Colours of Silence: Question and Answers,” The poem is divided into four stanzas, each of which focuses on a different aspect of silence. The first stanza describes the silence of nature, while the second stanza describes the silence of the mind. The third stanza describes the silence of the soul, while the fourth stanza describes the silence of love. Read More Class 10 English Question and Answers.

Colours of Silence Question and Answers

Colours of Silence Question and Answers

Question 1.
What made Surender uneasy when he visited Satish?
Satish asked Surender why he was speaking softly when Surender wasn’t really speaking softly. So Surender was troubled and he wondered whether Satish had lost his hearing power.

Question 2.
Books opened out a whole world for Satish. How? What was the effect of the books on Satish?
What effect did the books he read have on Satish?
Satish’s father opened out a whole world for him by giving him an armful of books. He became a voracious reader. The books were all serious works meant for adults. They made him feel depressed and left a deep impression upon his sensitive mind. He came to know of another world through them, a world of suffering and anguish. He began to brood about why there was so much suffering in the world while his own world looked comfortable in comparison.

Question 3.
Why was Satish’s father against drawing?
Satish’s father felt that artists do not make much money. He wanted a bright future for his son. He thought that it is possible only by studying hard. He considered drawing a waste of time.

Question 4.
How did the beautiful bird inspire Satish?
First of all, the bird was unusual. It was unlike any other bird that Satish had seen. Moreover, it had some restless energy which made it dart from one place to another, all the time ready for flight. It inspired Satish to draw and paint.

“Colours of Silence” is a reminder that we should all strive to incorporate more silence into our lives. In today’s fast-paced and noisy world, it is easy to forget the importance of silence. However, silence is essential for our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

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