ISC Physical Education Question Paper 2016 Solved for Class 12

ISC Physical Education Previous Year Question Paper 2016 Solved for Class 12

Section-A (40 Marks)
Answer any five questions.

Question 1.
Explain how games and sports are helpful in promoting national integration among the players. [8]
National integration means unity of nation. Physical Education plays an important role in building it. National integration includes feeling of brotherhood, friendship and oneness. When the people of different countries participate in games and sports and visit another district/state/country they come across the different ways of living, customs, religion, traditions, languages, eating habits, beliefs, etc. In sports camp players come from different states, live together, practice to participate in one game by living and working together and exchange ideas, habits etc.

Games and sports attract people from all over the world or nation. Social qualities such as patience, co-operation, sympathy etc. are developed. It satisfies the basic needs such as recognition, and self-respect. Sports is a universal language. At its best it can bring people together, no matter what their origin, background, religious beliefs or economic status.

Physical Education provides a common platform where they forget all their differences. It plays very important role in bringing about national unity.

Question 2.
What is meant by sports training? Explain the importance of sports training in the field of games. [8]
Sports Training : Training is a process of preparing an individual for any event or an activity or job. In sports we use the term ‘sports training’ which denotes the sense of preparing sports persons for the highest level of performance. Sports training is the physical, technical, intellectual, psychological and moral preparation of an athlete or a player by means of physical education. Sports training is an overall scientific and systematic channel of preparation of sports persons for high level of sports performance. Therefore, we can say that sports training is a type of training that is designed to improve our fitness (in the broad sense of the term) level for the purpose of improving your ability to perform a given sports.

The importance of sports training is as follows :

  1. Physical Fitness : Physical fitness is the basic requirement of any game and sports. There is a specific requirement of each component of physical fitness according to the specific sport. Sports training helps in building a fine physique and ensures good health.
  2. Discipline : Sports training helps in incorporating a sense of discipline in a persons life.
  3. Unity : Sports training teaches a sports person about teamwork, sense of belonging and unselfish play. It also encourages to play for team rather than for one’s personal accomplishment.
  4. Confidence : It boost the morale of a person when he performs and also when he excels towards a particular game. It improves self esteem as well as body posture, which makes one feel more confident and determined.
  5. Focus : Counselors and mental trainers help in identifying those areas which are causing the sportsman to become distracted on the field and enhance focus on the field.

Question 3.
List the various career options available in the field of physical education. Discuss any two of them in detail. [8]
Career options available in the field of physical education are:
(1) Professional Sportsman.
(2) Sports Manager.
(3) Sports Teacher or Lecturer.
(4) Sports Coach.
(5) Gym Instructor.
(6) Sports Officials.
(7) Sports Event Co-ordinator.
(8) Sports Journalist.
(9) Sports Engineer.
(10) Marketing and Manufacturing Sports Equipments.
(11) Sports Photographer.
(12) Physical Therapist.

Sports Teacher or Lecturer : Physical Education has a major role to play in the school and college system. Physical Education occupies a dignified position in the higher education sector. Apart from being taught in training colleges it has been included as an elective subject in degree course. Physical Education professionals whosoever qualifies NET, M.Phil, B.P.Ed., M.P.Ed., Ph.D. degree may get job as Teacher / Lecturer in the school/colleges.

Sports Journalist : Sports Journalist write about and report on amateur and professional sports. As a sports journalist, you can expect a variety of job duties such as reporting game statistics, interviewing coaches and players and offering game commentary. One can work in a variety of media, including radio, television and print.

Question 4.
Mention the importance of intramural competitions and extramural competitions. Write any two objectives of each. [8]
Importance of Intramural Competitions :

  • Intramurals are very significant for physical, mental, emotional and social development of students.
  • They instill and inculcate discipline among the students.
  • They provide maximum recreation to the students.
  • They develop healthy competition among the participants.
  • They help in improving the personality of the students.

Importance of Extramural Competitions :

  • Provide opportunity to schools to show their sports capabilities. .
  • Enhance technical knowledge.
  • Boost personal efficacy and self esteem.
  • Increased level of self confidence.

Objectives of Intramurals:

  • Provide opportunities for development of positive attitudes.
  • Allow the development of sports and knowledge and strategies through participation in a safe and competitive situation.

Objective of Extramurals:

  • To improve the standard of sports.
  • To aid in the development of sportsmanship and fraternity.

Question 5.
What is meant by drugs and drug abuse ? Name any two drugs that are banned by the World Anti-Drugs Agency (WADA). Explain why these drugs are banned. [8]
Drugs : Chemical substances that excite a person mentally or physically are called drugs. Drugs are powerful stimulant of the brain. They can produce an ecstatic sensation of both physical and mental power with temporary disappearance of feeling of fatigues and hunger.

Drug Abuse : It is the excessive self-damaging use of drugs, leading to addiction or dependence, serious physiological injury, psychological harm or even death.

Two drugs banned by the World Anti-Drugs Agency are:
(1) Stimulants.
(2) Anabolic agents.

  1. Stimulants are banned because they may artificially stimulate the mind and body thereby improving an athlete’s performance and giving them an unfair advantage.
  2. Anabolic agents are banned because they are prescribed for medical use only. Use of anabolic agents may enhance an athlete’s performance. Another possibility is serious medical side effects on the user.

Question 6.
What is scoliosis? State the causes and corrective measures for scoliosis. [8]
Scoliosis : Scoliosis is the postural adaptation of the spine in lateral direction. It is a medical condition in which a persons spinal axis has a three-dimensional deviation. When viewed from the side, the spine should show a mild roundness in the upper back and shows a degree of swayback (inward curvature) in the lower back.

Causes of Scoliosis:

  • Hereditary defects.
  • One side paralysis of spinal muscles.
  • Short leg of one side.
  • One side flat foot.
  • One side vision and hearing defects.

Corrective Measures : This can be cured through voluntary efforts :

  • By hanging oneself from the hands.
  • Using body weight.
  • By developing strength in spinal extensors through corrective exercises.
  • Swim by using backstroke technique.

Question 7.
What is meant by bruises ? Mention five measures that can be taken by an individual to prevent sports related accidents. [8]
Bruises : Bruises are injuries caused by the hitting of a foreign agent on the skin without producing external wound. Bmise can be defined as an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but it is darker in colour, often as a result of being hit by something.

Five measures taken by an individual to prevent sports related accidents :

  1. Every individual should have pre-participation physical examination.
  2. Sports person should focus on developing muscular strength and endurance as well as cardiovascular fitness and flexibility.
  3. Limit workout and practices to maximum two hours.
  4. All sports persons should use appropriate out fits properly in practices as well as competitions.
  5. Ice should be available on the sidelines of every game and practice to apply to appropriate injuries.

Section-B (30 Marks)

  • Select any two games from this Section Answer any three of the five subparts (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) from each of the two games selected by you.
  • Each subpart is for 5 marks.


Question 8. [3 x 5]
(a) What is meant by wall formation in the game of football ? With the help of a diagram show any one defensive formation and any one offensive formation in the game. [5]
(b) State the importance of technical area in the game of football. Also, give its specifications. [5]
(c) Mention any five duties of the fourth official in the game. [5]
(d) What is a direct free kick in the game of football ? State any three situations when a referee awards a direct free kick. [5]
(e) Explain the following : [5]
(i) Heading
(ii) Goal area
(a) Wall Formation : A line of players organized by a team to stand shoulder by shoulder and try to prevent a free kick being scored. A wall is designed to obstruct the kicker’s view of goal and restrict the target he has to shoot at. Therefore, we can say that the wall is primarily used to cut off the shooter’s angle to the post nearest to the spot of the free kick.
ISC Physical Education Question Paper 2017 Solved for Class 12 1

  1. In this area team coach, manager and players (extra) sit together and make the strategies of game.
  2. Only one person at a time is authorized to convey tactical instruction and he must return to his position after the instructions.
  3. The coach and other occupants of the technical area must behave in a responsible manner.

The technical area extends 1 m on either side of the designated seated area and extends forward upto a distance of 1 m from the touch lines.

(c) Duties of Fourth Official :

  • Assists the administrative functions.
  • Assess the players.
  • Ensues that the substitutions are conducted in an orderly manner.
  • Serves as a replacement official in the event.
  • Acts as the contact point between the match official and any non-participants.

(d) Direct Free Kick : A direct free kick is a method of restarting play in a game of football following a foul. A goal may be scored directly against the opposing side without the ball having first touched another player. A direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following offenses :

  • Kicks or attempts to kick an opponent.
  • Charges an opponent.
  • Handles the ball deliberately (except for the goalkeeper within his own penalty area).


  1. Heading : Heading is an important skill which is used by players. To head a ball accurately, a player should judge the flight of the ball and wait for the proper jump and hit the ball with the head.
  2. Goal Area : A goal area is defined at each end of the field. Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line 5-5 m from the inside of each goal post. These lines extend into the field of play for a distance of 5-5 m and are joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line.


Question 9. [3 x 5]
(a) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a cricket field and show any ten fielding positions of the players. [5]
(b) Explain the term power play in the game of cricket. What are the restrictions imposed on the players during the power play? [5]
(c) What is meant by tampering of ball ? Mention any two ways by which a ball is tampered. [5]
(d) What are the duties of the third umpire ? How does the third umpire convey his decision during the game ? [5]
(e) Explain the following terms : [5]
(i) Bouncer
(ii) Lost ball
ISC Physical Education Question Paper 2016 Solved for Class 12 2
(b) Power play is the name for the fielding restrictions in limited-over and Twenty- 20 matches in cricket. It is of 30 yard circle in the centre of field.

Restrictions imposed on the players during the power play:

  • Mandatory powers play (1-10 overs) : Only two fielders are allowed outside the 30- yard circle.
  • Between over 11 and 40, a maximum of four fielders are allowed outside the 30-yard circle.
  • In the final 10 overs (41-50), a maximum of five fielders will be allowed to field outside the restricted area.

(c) Ball Tampering : Unlawful alteration of the surface or seam of a ball on the field to effect its motion is known as Ball Tampering. The two ways by which a ball is tampered are :

  • Rubbing the ball on the ground.
  • Picking the threads of the main seam.

(d) Third Umpire Duties : The third umpire is also known as on off-field umpire who usually gives his decision when the on-field umpires are unsure. The third umpire looks at various TV replays from different angles and comes to a conclusion by pressing the appropriate signal. The field umpire can use his discretion to refer a close decision to the third umpire regarding the dismissal of a batsman, catches or boundaries via a wireless set or a signal system. Third umpire conveys his decision through radio link and television replay. A red light indicates that the batsman is out and a green one otherwise.

(e) (i) Bouncer : In a game of cricket, a bouncer is a type of delivery in which a ball pitched short by a fast bowler so that it rises up to the batsman’s chest or head (or even higher).
(ii) Lost Ball : The ball which is hit by the batsman is gone out of the field and fielder is not able to find it is called lost ball.

Question 10. [3 x 5]
(a) Mention the protective equipment used by the goalkeeper during the game. [5]
(b) What is Astroturf ? State its importance in the game of hockey. [5]
(c) When is a free hit awarded in the game of hockey ? Write any two famous tournaments associated with the game. [5]
(d) Explain the following : [5]
(i) Push pass
(ii) Team formation
(e) Write any five basic skills a hockey player should possess. [5]

  • Hand protector
  • Helmet
  • Gloves
  • Leg guards.
  • Chest guards
  • Elbow pads
  • Hockey stick

(b) Astroturf is a surface of synthetic fiber made to look like natural grass.

Importance : Astroturf is water base, due to this the water layer in the hockey pitch (field) has LSR (Low Side Resistance) and shock absorbency properties for excellent players, safety unlike some sand based hockey pitches, the surface will remain soft even at low temperatures thereby, reducing the risk of friction bum.

(c) Free Hit : Free hits are awarded when offenses are committed outside the scoring circles. The ball may be hit, pushed or lifted in any direction by the team offended against.

Tournaments :

  • Champions Trophy
  • Azlan Shah Cup
  • Agha Khan Cup
  • Indira Gold Cup

(d) (i) Push pass is used for short and accurate pass when there is no time. This pass can be executed while dribbling. While implementing the pass the left shoulder should be pointed in the direction of. the pass with the left foot forward. The right hand remains 6 to 8 inches lower than in the fundamental position.

(ii) Team formation is the position assigned to the player to play on the field to protect the goal from opponent team and score goal for the team.

There are :

  1. Three forwards
  2. Three midfielders
  3. Three defenders
  4. One sweeper
  5. One goal keeper.

(e) Five skills of a hockey player are :

  1. Dribbling
  2. Dodge
  3. Holding of Hockey stick
  4. Hitting a stationary ball
  5. Penalty stroke


Question 11. [3 x 5]
(a) Write a short note on FIB A. Define the term violation in basketball. [5]
(b) Differentiate between a personal foul and a foul. [5]
(c) Mention any five duties of a time-keeper during the game. [5]
(d) Explain the term jump shot in the game of basketball. Write any four types of passes used in the game. [5]
(e) Explain the following terms : [5]
(i) Technical foul
(ii) Pivoting
(a) FIBA : The International Basketball Federation is more commonly known as FIBA. It defines the international rules of basketball, specifies the facilities required, regulates the transfer of players across countries and controls the appointment of international referees. This world governing body of basketball was founded in 1932. It brings together 214 National Basketball Federations from all over the world.

Violation : A violation is an infraction of the rules and the most minor class of illegal action. Most variations are committed by the team with the possession of the ball, when a player mishandles the ball or makes an illegal move.

(b) Personal Foul: A personal foul is committed by the contact foul with an opponent, whether the ball is live or dead.
Foul: A foul is an infraction of the rules more serious than a violation.

(c) Duties of Timekeeper :

  • To set the clock at the beginning of each quarter.
  • To keep score on the clock for each team during the game.
  • To start and stop the clock as indicated by the referee.
  • To indicate the appropriate quarters for the game.
  • To keep team fouls and indicate if possible.

(d) Jump Shot: Jump shot is an attempt to score a basket by jumping usually straight up and in mid jump, propelling the ball in an arc. It is accomplished by the player bringing his or her elbow up until it is aligned with the hoops then sent towards the hoop in a high arc into the basket.

Four types of passes :

  • Chest pass,
  • Bounce pass,
  • Under hand pass
  • Overhead pass.


  1. Technical Foul : An infraction by a player or a coach that is deemed unsportsman like conduct is called Technical Foul. The penalty for’ this infraction is one free throw for the opposing team and possession.
  2. Pivoting : The action a player will use while in possession of the ball to make in any direction while still keeping one foot in contact with the floor is called pivoting. It is very useful for getting rid of an opponent.


Question 12. [3 x 5]
(a) Explain the system of rotation in the game of volleyball. Mention any four rotation faults a player may commit during the game. [5]
(b) Explain the following : [5]
(i) Assisted hit (ii) Penetration fault
(c) (i) Who is a Spiker in the game of volleyball ? [2]
(ii) List any three blocking faults the players may commit during the game. [3]
(d) What is the method of scoring in the game of volleyball ? State the various types of delays in the game. [5]
(e) Expand the following : [5]
(i) FIVB
(ii) VFI
(iii) AVF
(iv) UVA
(v) JVA
(a) Rotation : It is a process of changing the positions of the players within a court in a clockwise direction after getting a chance to serve.

Rotation Fault:

  • When the player is not being positioned correctly on the court at service.
  • When the middle front player is being overlapped with the right front player.
  • When middle back player is being overlapped with the middle front player.
  • When determining whether the player in position 1 and player in position 6 are overlapped.


  1. Assisted Hit: A player takes support from a team mate or any object in order to reach the ball within the playing area.
  2. Penetration Fault : It is permitted for a player to step under the net into the opponents court provided that he does not interfere with the opponent’s play and if it interferes the play of opponents it is a fault.


  1. Spiker : The title given to the player who finishes the attack by hitting the ball across the net fast and hard.
  2. Blocking Fault:
    • When the blocker blocks an opponent’s serve.
    • Blocker is not given a chance to attack the opponent.
    • The ball is deflected out of play off a block.
    • A back row player or libro completes a block.

(d) There are two scoring methods in Volleyball:

  1. Rally Scoring : In rally scoring team scores a point when the other team fails to return the ball over the net and hit the ball out of bounds commits an infraction or makes a service error.
  2. Side out Scoring : In side out scoring the service team scores a point when the opponents fail to return the ball over the net hit the ball out of bounds.

Ways of delays in game :

  • Delaying a substitution.
  • Request for an illegal substitution.
  • Repeating an improper request.
  • Delaying the game by a team member.


  1. FIVB—Federation International de Volleyball.
  2. VFI—Volleyball Federation of India.
  3. AVF—Asian Volleyball Federation.
  4. UVA —United Volleyball Association.
  5. JVA—Japan Volleyball Association.


Question 13. [3 x 5]
(a) (i) Explain the rule of advantage in the game of tennis. [5]
(ii) What is meant by the term ace ?
(b) List the duties of a chair umpire in the game of tennis. [5]
(c) (i) Give detailed specifications of a tennis ball with reference to its : [4]
(1) Material
(2) Weight
(3) Circumference
(4) Colour

(ii) Mention the width of the strap of the net used in Tennis. [1]
(d) Write a short note on Grand Slam Tournament. Also, name any two other important tournaments associated with the game. [5]
(e) Explain any five basic shots used by the players in the game. [5]

  • Advantage : A player, who scores a point after a deuce is said to have gained an advantage.
  • Ace : When a receiver fails to control the ball while receiving a service the server is said to have served an ace. .

(b) Duties of a chair umpire :

  • The chair umpire has the right to over rule a line or a net umpire.
  • The chair umpire is responsible for calling any line or net umpire where no line umpire or net umpire is assigned.
  • Play may be stopped or suspended at anytime the chair umpire decides.
  • The chair umpire calls the score of the match to the players and spectators.
  • The chair umpire is responsible for completing a score card.


  1. Material — Rubber
    Weight — 56-7—60-24 gram
    Circumference — 6-35 — 6-67 gram
    Colour — Yellow or white.
  2. Width of the strap of the net used in Tennis—5 cm (2 inch).

(d) The Grand Slam Tournaments are considered to be the most prestigious Tennis tournaments in the world. They are held annually. There are four tournaments included in the category of Grand Slam—The Australian Open, French Open. Wimbledon and US Open are the four Grand Slam Tournament. These are held at four different venues in Australia, France, The United Kingdom and United States of America.

Two other important tournaments :

  • Federation Open
  • Asian Tennis Championship.

(e) Drive : An offensive shot hit with an extra force.
Forehand : The stroke hit on the right side of a right-handed player.
Chip shot : An under-cutting stroke with a forehand or backhand action.
Top spin : The clockwise rotation of the ball at right angle.
Volley : When a player strikes the ball without allowing it to touch the ground.


Question 14. [3 x 5]
(a) Name any five important tournaments associated with the game of badminton. [5]
(b) Mention any five faults a player may commit during the game. [5]
(c) Draw a neat diagram of a shuttle with all specifications. [5]
(d) Define the following : [5]
(i) Bird
(ii) Let
(iii) Drive
(iv) Double hit
(v) Service fault

(e) (i) Explain the procedure to be followed for performing a correct service in the game of badminton. [3]
(ii) When do the players change ends in the game ? [2]
(a) Five important tournaments :

  • Thomas Cup
  • Uber Cup
  • Wills World Cup
  • Asia Cup
  • All England Badminton Championship

(b) Five faults:

  1. When a player touches the net or its supports with racket or in person.
  2. When a player invades an opponents court under the net with racket.
  3. A player deliberately distracts an opponent by action such as shouting.
  4. If the shuttle is hit by a player and the player’s partner successively.
  5. When the player hits the shuttle twice. shuttle cock. It is made of natural and synthetic materials when a ‘let’ occurs, play since the last service shall not count and the player what should last shall serve again.
    • Let : The stopping of a play owing to any outside interference is called let.
    • Drive : It is a flat stroke in which the shuttle is sent over the net, just clearing it and parallel to the floor.
    • Double Hit: When a player hits the shuttle cock twice in row.
    • Service Fault : In attempting to serve the server misses the shuttle.

ISC Physical Education Question Paper 2016 Solved for Class 12 3

  1. Bird : It is another name for the shuttle cock. It is made of natural and synthetic materials when a ‘let’ occurs, play since the last service shall not count and the player what should last shall serve again.
  2. Let : The stopping of a play owing to any outside interference is called let.
  3. Drive : It is a flat stroke in which the shuttle is sent over the net, just clearing it and parallel to the floor.
  4. Double Hit: When a player hits the shuttle cock twice in row.
  5. Service Fault : In attempting to serve the server misses the shuttle.


  1. Procedure of correct service :
    • Once the players are ready for the service, the first forward movement of the server’s racket head shall be the start of the service.
    • Once started, the service is delivered when the shuttle is hit by the server’s racket or in attempting to serve, the server misses the shuttle.
    • The server shall not serve before the receiver is ready. However, the receiver shall be considered to have been ready if a return of the service is attempted.
    • In doubles, during the delivery of service the partners may take up any positions within then respective courts, which do not in sight the opposing server or receiver.
  2. Change of ends : Playei’ will change ends at the end of first game, at the end of second game. If there is a third game or irithe leading score reaches 11 points then also the ends will be changed.


Question 15. [3 x 5]
(a) Draw a neat diagram of a standard swimming pool with its dimension[5]
(b) List the officials required for conducting a swimming competition. [5]
(c) With regard to swimming, explain the techniques of the following : * [5]
(i) Breast-stroke
(ii) Freestyle
(d) State the warming-up exercises used in swimming. [5]
(e) Explain the following : [5]
(i) Spring board
(ii) Marathon swimming
ISC Physical Education Question Paper 2016 Solved for Class 12 4
(b) List of officials required is as follows :

  • Referee 1
  • Control room supervisor 1
  • Judges of stroke 4
  • Starters 2
  • Chief inspectors of turns 2
  • Inspectors of turns -(1 at each end of each lane)
  • Chief recorder 1
  • Clerk of course 2
  • False start rope personnel 1
  • Announcer 1

(c) (i) Breast Stroke : The breast stroke starts with the swimmer lying in the water, face down, arms extended straight forward and legs extended straight to the back, arm with move in out sweep, in sweep and recovery, the movement start with the out sweep and the leg will move like frog kick in this breathing is usually done during the beginning of the in sweep phase of arm through the mouth.

(ii) Free Style : In this leg kick should be performed with extended ankles kicks in the legs up and down from the hip with toes turned in and loose knees and arm forward in front of face pull down under the water steadily until the hand leaves the water at high level, little figure upper most bend and left the elbow to clear the water and swing the arm forward. Then repeat and turn the head side ways breath only as needed.

(d) Warm up exercises :

  • Shoulder stretch
  • Tricep stretching
  • Muscles stretching
  • Lower pectorals muscle stretch
  • Forward lunge
  • Quadricep stretch
  • Hamstring stretch
  • Calf stretches
  • Neck stretches
  • Long Hip adductor


  1. Spring Board : A spring board is used for diving and is a board that is itself a spring. Spring Boards are commonly fixed by a hinge at one end and the other end usually hangs over a swimming pool with a point midway between the hinge and the end resting on adjustable fulcrum.
  2. Marathon Swimming : Marathon swimming is a class of open water swimming defined by long distance at least 10 km. Unlike marathon foot races which have a specifically defined distance, Marathon swims vary in distance.


Question 16. [3 x 5]
(a) What is meant by stagger distance ? For a 400 m track race, state the stagger distance for each lane of a standard track. [5]
(b) Draw a neat diagram of a javelin runway and its sectors with all dimensions. [5]
(c) List the track and field events in athletics. [5]
(d) State any five duties of a physiotherapist in athletics. [5]
(e) Explain the following : [5]
(f) Wind-gauge operator
(ii) Steeple-chase race
(a) Stagger Distance : When the runner runs in lanes around curves then they will run, unequal distance. In order to make the running distance same for all runners we give them staggered start (plus distance reduce from the curve) so that they cover the same distance from start to finish line.

Stagger for 400 mIs Trace:

  • Lane No. – Distance
  • 1st lane – 00:00 mts
  • 2nd lane – 07:04 mts
  • 3rd lane – 14:71 mts
  • 4th lane – 22:38 mts
  • 5th lane – 30 : 05 mts
  • 6th lane – 37:72mts
  • 7th lane – 45:39 mts
  • 8th lane – 53:06 mts

ISC Physical Education Question Paper 2016 Solved for Class 12 5

(c) Track Events:
Sprint races:
1oo mts, 200 mts,
400 mts, 110 mts
hurdles 4 x 100 mts
4 x 400 mts relays

Middle races:
800 mts, 1500 mts

Long distance:
3000 mts, 5000 mis
10000 mts, 3000

Walking events:
20 km, 50 km

Cross country:
12 km

Marathon race:
26 miles and 385
yards or 42 km and
195 mts

Field Events:
Shot put – Discus Throw
Hammer Throw – Javelin Throw
Long Jump – Triple Jump
High Jump – Pole Vault

(d) Five duties of a physiotherapist in athletics :

  • Protecting the injury to prevent further damage.
  • Provide proper exercise to the injured part.
  • Return functional movement and use by restoring flexibility and strength in and around the injured area.
  • Pain management is also a part of sports physiotherapist ’ s responsibility.
  • Deciding when you are ready to return to sports.


  1. Wind Gauge Operator : The wind gauge operator ensures that the gauge is placed as per rule. He ascertains the velocity of the wind in the running direction in appropriate event and then records and signs the result obtained and communicates it to the Competition Secretary.
  2. Steeple-chase Race : The standard distance is 3000 mts, there are 28 hurdles jumps and 7 water jump included in the 3000 mts event. In this event there shall be five jumps in each lap after the finish line has been passed for the first time with the water jump as the fourth.

ISC Class 12 Physical Education Previous Year Question Papers

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